Soulful Parenting. Susan Gale

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Soulful Parenting - Susan Gale

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so shall it lie.” Then, that builded in that as the desire becoming that action in the incarnation. For, as we find in this entity here, from which the reasoning forces have been given, the two may build into same through that as has been given, that entity which the spirit force has given, see?

      Thus we are given the understanding that the soul’s desire and previous experiences on the earth plane are part of what determines the gender of the temple. More information on the physical aspect of this is explained as the reading continues:

       (Q) Names in both cases of boy or girl given. When and how do the sex forces operate—i.e. how does ‘Spirit Action’ determine sex and at what stage?

       (A) The sex is determined at the period of the first movement of the embryo, and occurs in the first three weeks of conception, and the spirit action in same is as same takes life in the form of the union of the portions that grow to the physical being, see?


      While this reading seems straightforward on this topic, at other times, the information given is confusing. As can be seen in the following readings, electrons, the parents’ desire, the spiritual nature of the desire, the activities in the life of the soul, and more seem to affect the gender of the body.

       (Q) May sex of child be now given?

       (A) Best be prepared for both! [GD’s note: Or either? Her Life Rdg., 578-2, had predicted a son and this was to be a daughter, born 7/16/39, seven months baby? 7/18/39 Life Rdg. 1958-1, Par. 56-A said it was not the same soul as predicted in 578-2.]


       (Q) We understand this body is pregnant. Will you please tell us what sex the child will be?

       (A) As given, see, this may be either as yet, with the desire of the parents, see? See, the formation as is given to the stage wherein the change, the sex forces as are manifested, reach that stage or development wherein the mind forces build that in the system—boy we will see here—[Baby boy was born 12/4/25. Homosexual tendencies were evident in early manhood. See [318] series.]


       (Q) Is the suggestion which may be made towards the sex of the child mental or physical?

       (A) It is rather of a spiritual nature, but remember the mental or the mind is ever the builder.

       (Q) Would the greater positivity of the woman attract a child of the male sex?

       (A) To be sure. These vary according to the number of the electrons about any given center.


       (Q) When is the sex of a child determined?

       (A) In the activities of the life projected.

       (Q) Has the sex already been determined of this being?

       (A) Soon will be.


       (Q) Can the sex of the child be changed after it is once determined?

       (A) Why consider those conditions that have been set? These are determined in many various ways and manners.


       If there is kept that same attitude of expectancy, of desire for the fulfilling of those purposes of self as related to the coming son, this should be a most satisfactory experience; and bring to the body of self and of the companion a joy that comes to those filling their place in the associations of, in the dealings with, the fellow man.

       (Q) Do I understand that the sex of the child is a boy?

       (A) As has been given; desire, look for, a son.


       (Q) Is it indicated what the sex will be?

       (A) This has not been determined as yet. Hold to what the body would desire.


      Thus the readings give information that the sex of a temple is determined by three weeks into gestation but also possibly nineteen years after birth! The parents’ desire (which is to be spiritual, but then we are reminded that mind is the builder) and also their activities can form the sex; the past-life experiences can determine gender. Again, is the gender issue one of a mental perspective or the actual physical manifestation? From the readings, it appears that there is a mental perspective, which may or may not be in accord with the physical appearance. Perhaps it is best to attempt to manifest whatever may be best for the soul’s development and leave the actual choices to Spirit and the soul.

       Physical Development

      In the following reading, a detailed account is given on each of the developing aspects of the physical temple. Yet again, the importance of the parents’ attitude, particularly the mother, in the development and nature of the development is stressed at the very end of the reading:

       It is centered first, then about that known as the cranial center; next the 9th dorsal, or that which is the motivative force to other portions through the umbilical cord, that begins then in the third week to give material manifestations in physical development.

       Then the centers of the heart, liver and kidney areas begin their expression.

       Thus we have first the pineal, the aerial [See 281-53, Par. 8-A & 281-55, Par. 5-A, 6-A], the adrenals, the thymus—or the pump gland of the heart itself.

      Each organ as it materializes in its development forms its own nucleus for the production of that which enables it in itself, from its own glandular system, to reproduce itself.

       With the production of itself, the blood system begins its flow—then—in the second month of conception.

       Then there begins the growth of the glands that forms eyes, ears, nasal passages; and those areas begin their formations.

       The seeking here is for that area, that center, in which the system makes its relative relationships or associations with spiritual, mental and physical being.

       These areas indicated, that have come through growth into being in relation to the mental, spiritual and physical attitude of the mother, are constantly dependent upon that one from which the body draws its physical sustenance; but purpose, desire and hope are through the mental. Thus these centers are opposite the umbilical cord, or those areas through which all messages of desire, or of the mental nature, pass; not only to the brain in its reflexes

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