The New Testament In Scots. William L. Lorimer
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“Moses,” qo he, “kent the dour hairts o ye, an that wis hou he gae ye freedom tae pit your wives awà. But that wisna the gate o it at the beginnin; an sae I tell ye at onie man at pits awà his wife, binna for 48hurin, an mairries anither, commits adulterie.”
“A-weill,” said the disciples, “gin that is the wey o it wi a man an his wife, ye ar better no tae mairrie avà!”
“No aabodie,” qo he, “can understaund that wurd, but them alane at hes haen the pouer gíen them. There is some hes been born intil the warld libberts, an some hes been made libberts bi men, an some hes made themsels libberts for the sake o the Kíngdom o Heiven. Lat him understaund at can.”
Syne some fowk brocht their littlans til him, at he micht lay his haunds on them an gíe them his blissin. The disciples quarrelt them, but Jesus said, “Lat the littlans abee, hender-them-na tae come tae me; the Kíngdom o Heiven is for sic as thir.” Syne he laid his haunds on them, an gaed his waas.
AN NOU UP cam a man an said til him, “Maister, what guid thing maun I dae tae faa iverlestin life?”
“ ‘Guid’?” qo he. “What gars ye speir me anent that? There is ane alane at is guid! But, gin ye wad win intil life, keep the Commaunds.”
“Whilk Commaunds?” said the ither.
“Thir,” qo Jesus: “Thou sanna commit murther; Thou sanna commit adulterie; Thou sanna stael; Thou sanna beir fauss witness; Honour thy faither an thy mither; Thou sal luve thy neipour as thysel.”
“Aa thir I hae keepit,” said the yung man. “What mair maun I dae?”
Jesus answert, “Gin ye wad be perfyte, gang your waas, sell aa ye ar aucht, an gíe the siller tae the puir—sae will ye hae a feck o walth in heiven; syne come ye back an fallow me.” Whan he heared that, the yung man gaed awà dowie an dowff, for he hed rowth o warld’s gear. Syne Jesus said til his disciples, “Atweill, I tell ye, a rich man will hae it gey an ill winnin intil the Kíngdom o Heiven: troth ay, a caumel will shuner birze throu the ee o a needle nor a rich man win intil the Kíngdom o God!”
The disciples wis fair bumbazed tae hear that, an said, “Wha can be saufed syne?”
Jesus glowert at them an said, “For men the thing is no-possible: but aathing is possible for God.”
At that Peter spak up an said, “Luik, we hae forhoued aathing an fallowt ye: what guid will we hae o’d?”
Jesus said tae them, “Atweill, I tell ye, at the gryte renooin o the warld, whan the Son o Man is saitit on his throne o glorie, ye, for your pairt, at hes fallowt me, will sit on twal thrones juidgin the Twal Clans o Israel; an ilkane at hes forhoued housses or brithers or sisters or faither or mither or bairns or launds 49for my sake will hae his loss made up til him monie times owre, an will heir iverlestin life. But monie at is foremaist the nou will than be henmaist, an monie at is henmaist will be foremaist.
20 “The Kíngdom o Heiven is like the guidman o a haudin at gaed out at skreich o day tae fee laubourers for wark in his vine-yaird. He gree’d wi them at he faund for a merk for the day’s darg, an sent them intil his vine-yaird.
“Syne he gaed out again i the mids o the forenuin; an, seein ithers staunding about idle i the mercat-place, he said til them, ‘Gang ye, tae, intil my vine-yaird, an I s’ pey ye a fair wauge’; an awà they gaed.
“Aince mair he gaed out at twal hours, an again i the mids o the efternuin, an did the same as afore. Syne an hour afore lowsin-time he saw ithersome staundin about, an said til them, ‘Hou is it ye ar staundin here haund-idle aa day?’
“ ‘Naebodie’s fee’d us,’ said they.
“ ‘Awà ye, tae, intil my vine-yaird,’ qo he til them.
“Whan the eenin cam, the guidman said til his gríeve, ‘Cry the men in an gíe them their pey: begin wi the henmaist, an sae on till ye come tae the first.’ Sae them at wis fee’d an hour afore lowsin-time cam forrit, an wis gíen a merk the píece.
“Whan the first-tae-come cam forrit, they war thinkin they wad get mair, but they war gíen nae mair nor a merk the píece. Syne they begoud girnin at the guidman: ‘Thir lest-comers hes wrocht but ae hour,’ said they, ‘an ye hae peyed them the same as hiz, at hes trauchelt an tyauved the haill day i the bleezin sun!’
“But he gae them their answer: ‘Fríend,’ qo he til ane o them, ‘I’m no wrangin ye onie: gree’d-ye-na wi me for a merk? Tak what’s awin ye, an awà ye gae! I’m tae pey this lest-comer the same as ye. Can I no dae as I like wi my nain siller? Or maun ye tak it ill out, gin I am furthie?’
“That is the gate the henmaist will be foremaist, an the foremaist henmaist.”
WHAN JESUS WIS gaein doun tae Jerusalem, he tuik the Twal awà frae the lave an said til them, as they gaed alang, “Listen, we ar on our road doun tae Jerusalem; an there the Son o Man will be gíen up tae the Heid-Príests an Doctors o the Law, an they will duim him tae deith an haund him owre tae the haithen tae be jamphed an leashed an crucifíed: but on the third day he will rise again.”
Efter that the mither o Zebedee’s sons cam up wi her sons an gaed doun on her knees afore him tae seek a fauvour o him.
“What is your will?” qo he til her.
“I want ye,” said she til him, “tae say at thir twa sons o mine is tae sit, the tane on your richt haund, an the tither on your cair haund, in your Kíngdom.”
“Ye kenna what it is ye ar seekin,” qo Jesus tae the brithers. “Can ye drink the tass at I am tae drink?”
“That can we,” said they.
“Atweill will ye drink my tass,” qo he til them: “but saits on my richt haund an my cair haund isna mine tae gíe; they will hae them at my Faither hes ordeined is tae hae them.”
The ither ten disciples hed heared aa this, an they war sair mis-set owre the twa brithers. But Jesus caa’d them til him an said, “Amang the haithen, as ye ken, the rulers lairds it owre the lave, an the gryte fowk lats them ken they ar their maisters. But that isna tae be the gate o it wi ye: upò the contrair, him at wad be gryte amang ye maun be your servan, an him at wad be the first amang ye maun be your slave—een as the Son o Man camna tae be saired, but tae sair, an tae gíe his life as a ransom for monie.”
THEY WAR GAEIN out o Jericho wi an unco thrang o fowk fallowin them, whan what suid happen but twa blinnd men at wis sittin at the gateside, hearin at Jesus wis gaein by, cried out, “Maister, Son o Dauvit, hae pítie on’s!”
The fowk 50tauld them, gey rochlike, tae haud their wheesht. But they onlie scraiched out the louder, “Maister, Son o Dauvit, hae pítie on’s!”
Syne Jesus stappit an cried them til him: “What is it ye wad hae me dae for ye?” qo he.
“We want our een onsteikit, Maister,” said they; an at that Jesus, muived wi hairt-pítie for them, titched their een; an immedentlie their sicht cam back, an they fallowt him.
21 WHAN THEY HED come the lenth o Bethphagie an the