The New Testament In Scots. William L. Lorimer
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This happent at the wurd o the Prophet micht come true:
Say til the Dachter o Zíon:
‘Behaud, here comes thy Kíng til thee,
sae cannie an douce, ridin on an ass,
on a cowt, the foal o an ass-baist.’
Sae the disciples gaed their waas an did as Jesus hed bidden them. They brocht the ass an the cowt, an they laid their coats on them; an he backit them.
Syne the fowk i their thousands strawed their coats on the road, an ithers sneddit brainches aff the trees an strawed the road wi them. An iver an on the thrang at gaed afore him an the thrang at cam ahent him cried out:
“Hosanna til the Son o Dauvit!
Blissins on him at comes i the name o the Lord!
Hosanna i the heicht o heiven!”
Whan Jesus cam intil Jerusalem, the haill toun wis pitten in a stír: “Wha’s this avà?” fowk speired; an the croud answert, “This is Jesus the Prophet, frae Nazareth in Galilee!”
EFTERHIN JESUS GAED intil the Temple an drave out aa them at bocht an sauld in it, an whummelt the tables o the money-cheingers an the saits o them at sauld dous: “It says i the Bible,” qo he tae them, “ ‘My houss sal be caa’d a houss o prayer’: but ye ar makkin it a rubbers’ howff.”
Syne some blinnd fowk an lameters cam up til him i the Temple, an he hailed them. But whan the Heid-Príests an Doctors o the Law saw the uncos at he wrocht, an heared the callans cryin i the Temple, “Hosanna til the Son o Dauvit”, they war ill-sortit, an said til him, “Hear ye what thir louns is sayin?”
“Ay, div I,” qo he. “But hae ye ne’er read i your Bibles: ‘Thou hes lairnt the mouths o littlans an pap-bairns tae ruise thee’?” Wi that he quat them, an gaed out the toun tae Bethanie, whaur he bade the nicht.
AIR I THE mornin he gaed back tae the toun; an, as he gaed, he begoud tae be yaup. Sae, seein a feg-tree at the gateside, he gaed up til it, but nocht faund he on it but leafs. “Niver nae mair will ye beir frute again,” said he til it; an the feg-tree withert awà afore their een. The disciples wis dumfounert tae see it, an said, “Hou is it the feg-tree’s withert awà in a gliff like that?”
Jesus answert, “Atweill, I tell ye, gin ye hae faith, an misdout nane, ye will dae mair nor strick feg-trees deid wi a wurd—ay, gin ye say tae this hill, ‘Up wi ye an cast yoursel intil the loch’, the thing will be dune. Mairfortaiken, oniething ye pray for wi faith, ye s’ een get the same.”
SYNE HE GAED intil the Temple again, an hed begoud teachin, whan the Heid-Príests an the Elders o the Fowk cam up an speired at him, “What authoritie hae ye for this at ye ar daein? Wha gíed ye it?”
Jesus answert, “An I hae my queystin tae speir at ye; an gin ye answer it, syne I will tell ye what authoritie I hae for this at I am daein. John’s baptism—wis it frae heiven, or cam it o men?”
They cuist his queystin owre i their minds, an said til themsels, “Gin we say, ‘Frae heiven’, he will say til us, ‘What for did ye no belíeve him syne?’ But gin we say, ‘It cam o men’—there’s the fowk tae be feared for; aabodie hauds John for a Prophet!” Sae they said tae Jesus, “We canna say.”
“An I winna tell ye aitherins,” qo he, “what authoritie I hae for this at I am daein. But tell us your thocht on this,” he gaed on. “There wis a man hed twa sons. He gaed tae the tane o them an said, ‘Awà, lad, an wurk i the vine-yaird the day.’
“ ‘Ay, faither,’ said he, ‘I’ll dae that.’ But he gaedna.
“Syne the man gaed tae the tither son an said the same til him.
“ ‘No me!’ said he. But efterhin he forthocht, an gaed.
“Whilk o the twa did his faither’s will?”
“The lest ane,” said they.
“Atweill, I tell ye,” said Jesus tae them, “the tax-uplifters an the hures is winnin intil the Kíngdom o God afore ye! John cam tae ye an shawed ye in wurd an deed the wey o richteousness, an ye belíeved-him-na: but the tax-uplifters an hures belíeved him. An tho ye saw them, een than ye tuikna the rue, een than ye belíeved-him-na!
“Listen anither parable. The’ war aince a laird at plantit a vine-yaird. He dykit it, delved a wine-fatt intil it, biggit a watch-touer, an syne set it tae some gairdners an fuir awà furth o the kintra.
“Whan the hairst-tid wis naurhaund, he sent his servans tae uplift his pairt o the crap frae them. But the gairdners grippit them an laubourt ane, felled anither, an staned a third. Syne he sent ither servans, mair o them this time nor afore: but the gairdners saired them the same gate.
“A while efter, he sent his ain son tae them: ‘They’ll niver mint tae middle him,’ thocht he til himsel. But whan the gairdners saw the son, they said amang themsels, ‘Here’s the yung laird—c’wà, lads, lat’s fell him an get wir haunds on his heirskip!’ Sae they tuik hauds o him an drave him outen the vine-yaird an felled him.
“Weill, than, hou will the awner o the vine-yaird sair thae gairdners, whan he comes hame?”
“An ill deith the ill-daers’ll díe at his haunds!” said they. “An for the vine-yaird’s pairt, he will set it til ither gairdners, at will ey gíe him up his skare o the crap at the trystit time.”
Syne Jesus said tae them, “Hae ye ne’er read thir wurds i the Bible:
The stane at the biggars cuist aside,
hit is een become the cunyie:
this wis wrocht bi the Lord,
an a ferlie it is in our een?
An sae I tell ye, the Kíngdom o God will be taen awà frae ye an gíen til a fowk at brings furth the frutes o the same. [[Him at faas on this stane will be dung in blauds; an him at this stane faas on, it will send him flíein like stour.]]”
Whan the Heid-Príests an Pharisees heared his parables, weill saw they at he wis ettlin at themsels, an they wad fain arreistit him: but they war fleyed for the fowk, sin they huid him for a Prophet.
22 JESUS NOU TAULD them a wheen mair parables. This wis ane o them: “The Kíngdom o Heiven is like this,” qo he. “A kíng gíed a waddin-feast for his son. He sent his servans til aa them at hed gotten invítes, tae bid them come: but they wadna come.
“Syne he sent them wurd again bi ither servans, at wis tauld tae say this tae them: ‘Here is aa my fore-redd for the waddin-brakfast made, an my bills an feds killed; aathing is reddie, come tae the mairrage.’ But nae heed peyed they. Some o them gaed awà tae their fíelds, an ithers tae their treddin an trokin: but the lave grippit his servans an ill-gydit an felled them, whilk sae raised the Kíng at he sent his sodgers an slew thae murtherers