Wisdom Keys for Releasing Your Creative Potential. Dr. Jasmine Boone's Renner

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Wisdom Keys for Releasing Your Creative Potential - Dr. Jasmine Boone's Renner

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off the limits. Be Creative! You Are Free!

      Chapter One: Why Creativity Now?

      But there is [a vital force or energy] in man, a spirit [of intelligence] and the breath of the Almighty gives men understanding. Job 32. 8

      So I begin with the million dollar question why creativity now?

      I have always had a keen and curious mind and have always been an imaginative person. When I was young, I recall that I would often imagine myself in several seemingly unreal situations doing unreal things. I was told I was an active little girl with so many childhood dreams. Looking back now, those days seem very unreal to my natural mind because back then, there was no physical outlet or means to express my childish spark and fantasy. In spite of this, I kept on dreaming. There was no one or nothing that inhibited or stopped me from dreaming. However, there came a day I dared to share one of my dreams with my siblings and for the first time I began to realize that my dreams were simply mine. They were way out there, unrealistic at least in the material world that I lived in. I began to retreat mentally as young girl. I dare not share this unrealistic world with anyone. I developed the habit of concealing my fantasies and kept it all to myself.

      But trust me as time went on, I found a way out. I cultivated a second internal world of my own; what I later called my private and real universe. This was my world of unlimited possibilities. There I could do anything I wanted. I fantasized. On many occasions in my mind, I painted lovely pictures, I drew incredible art forms, I colored using unusual color combinations, I imagined myself travelling to a various parts of the world. I mixed and matched shades of colors, I flew over mountains. I literally did the impossible in that world. All made possible by the most unique gift of God to all mankind… our Incredible Mind.

      Later on in life, I came to realize that my imaginative gift was essentially part and parcel of who I am - my true essence. My gift is not an unusual gift from what all of mankind has been freely bestowed with. It is the gift of imagination freely given to us by our creator, the designer and architect of the universe. Yet so many times we minimize ourselves in so many ways and stop ourselves from living our most creative life. I would make bold this assertion that we are in essence creative beings just because we are alive and humans living on planet earth. We learn sometimes in childhood and certainly later to diminish the bright light we bring into this world to make it smaller, to hide it or to put a shade on it. We have that incredible spark when we are children; we lose it as we grow into the world of comparisons and perfectionism. Don’t we?

      Now I have a two-year-old toddler who has again generously awaken that part of me albeit in a deeper valuable dimension. In my blog I fondly refer to him as my creative marathon. I partly give credit to my quest and revival of creative juices to my two-year-old who has given me the unique opportunity to dream again, to constantly move in and out of a child’s world of limitless possibilities and realities.

      You see a toddler’s world is a unique and simple one. I believe every child’s internal environment is perpetually conditioned to take the limits off and see the world as it should be without challenges, limitations or inhibitions.

      I love watching and observing the world of kids. I recently visited the bank to deposit a check. As a normal, regular bank customer, I had all the adult moments going on in my head. As I waited patiently in what appeared to be an endless line waiting to be served, I planned my day in my mind. I visualized and organized my items and to do list I was into my internal world of sorting out and organizing when all of a sudden my eyes scrolled over to two little siblings (a boy and a girl ) playing around and having some fun. I stopped my world of adult thinking as I normally do when I watch kids. I watched them play and carry on life as if nothing ever mattered. I longed for their world and then the scene shifted. They ran towards a sofa, literally climbed up into it together, and bumped themselves while they both comfortably found a spot to sit in. It was seamless. Almost like a movie, naturally, flawless. I continued observing them and then heard the boy asked the girl (I believe it was her sister) – Did you dream last night? What did you dream about?

      Girl’s response: Oh well. I dreamt about the trees in our garden. I saw a little doll she had purple hair and purple flowers were all around her. She went on and on chatting away. Well you know that caught my attention. She kept talking and I listened on. I listened keenly and with curiosity. She was done and the boy said. Well, let me tell you my own dream

      Boy: I dreamt that we went on fishing. We caught a big shark in the water and he kept on narrating. I listened intently to him narrating his dream. I was in their world of spark, fantasies and dreams. I longed to join them and tell them my own dream. To feel like what they felt to have a simple dream. I was in their world loving it, when suddenly I was awaken to the real world by a sudden shout “Whose next in line how can I help you?” It was my turn. I quickly faded into the NOW of our adult world and headed to the teller. My escapade was over. It did not last long but when it did it was perfect. Isn’t it amazing how kids can draw you out into their true world of dreams and awaken yours in the process?

      But you may ask how does all of this tie into being creative and why creativity now?

      My simple response is this. Why later??

      You see the human intelligence unlike any other creation on earth is profoundly and uniquely endowed with creativity because we were wired that way by the creator. Our God- given DNA is imprinted with 10 powerful letters spelt C R E A T I V I T Y. There is indeed in every human being a vital pull and push, a force of energy. It is called creativity. The pull and push force of energy in every human being is not relegated to the future. It is happening right now as I write. It is call the vital force of energy. Yes it a vital force of energy and the bible refers to it as the spirit of intelligence. The spirit of intelligence is the spirit of creativity and every human being comes into this planet packaged with it. In other words, human beings or the human spirit was not left bankrupt during creation by the creator. Human beings were filled up, endued supernaturally and extraordinarily with in-built forces and juices that are creative in nature.

      You see the creator and architect of the universe could not help but operate in creativity frequencies when he created the universe and declared let there be light, let there be land, let there be waters as is recorded in the first chapter in Genesis and guess what? what he said was accomplished.

      This same creator, source and architect could not come to creating human kind his highest order of expression without planting in him the same capacity to create like he possessed. He essentially made human beings, creative beings. In other words he created you and I using his exact imprint and imprimatur. Therefore, creativity is now because you are essentially wired creative. To take it a step further, it is recorded in Genesis that the creator put his very creative breath into you making you and most likely your whole being including your breath, creative. Now what an extraordinary feat that was. Oh that we can come to the full realization and understanding of this greatest act of love. If ever there was a time when we as humans need to be aware of our innate creative nature, it is now.

      To further build upon my argument of why we need to become aware of and release our creativity now let us start with first things first. Let us go to the beginning of beginnings and take a look again.

      But there is [a vital force or energy] in man, a spirit [of intelligence] and the breath of the Almighty gives men understanding. Job32. 8

      Let me begin by defining what a force is. A force can also be described by intuitive concepts such as a push or pull. In essence a force encompasses a push or pulls movement. It is the capacity to do work or cause physical change. A force is that which changes the state of rest or motion of a body. It is pertinent to note that a force has both magnitude and direction. In scientific terms a Force equals = Mass times acceleration (F = ma). In physics or geometrical construction a force is regarded as an influence that causes an object to

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