Wisdom Keys for Releasing Your Creative Potential. Dr. Jasmine Boone's Renner

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Wisdom Keys for Releasing Your Creative Potential - Dr. Jasmine Boone's Renner

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Jeremiah 29:11 the creator himself said these words:

      For I know the thoughts that I have towards you. Therefore thinking is an exercise of the mind Furthermore the Apostle Paul said in Philippians 2:9. Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus. Again we have reference to Jesus having a mind.

      In Romans 8:27 we even have a clear account of the mind of the spirit. It says: ….He that searches the hearts knows what the mind of the spirit is. So we see from the above that :

      1.God the Father has a mind…

      2.Jesus the Son has a mind and

      3.The Holy spirit has a mind

      Well isn’t that incredible?

      If God created mankind in his image and his likeness this means we too have a mind like they do. At creation when God said let us make man in our own image and likeness he meant to say Let us put our kind of mind in him. Because it is recorded that after God breathed into man the breathe of life he became a living soul. That means he became alive with a soul by the spirit of God. Since man is made in his image and likeness man has the same soul with God at creation. This is why after God breathed into man he handed over everything on earth to him. This was man’s original nature till he fell through sin.

      At new birth however a man’s spirit comes alive with experience of complete transformation from the natural to a spiritual state thereby having access to all God created him to be. At new birth man is resorted to his original form which is the image and likeness of God.

      If we are created in his image and likeness than it can be inferred that we do have their mind — an incredible mind. The bible defines the mental status of the believer even more accurately when it states: We have the mind of Christ 1 Corinthians 2:16

      Think about it for a second, think deeply… we have the mind of the anointed one. This means that the same mental resources with which God created the universe is potentially in every believer To understand the power of our regenerated mind consider the builders of the tower of babel in Genesis chapter six. They set out to build a tower that would reach heaven and were making speedy progress until God stopped them. (Gen 11: 1-6. God attributed their exploits to the fact that they set their minds to do. Those were natural minds at work.

      If the creator was creative enough not to give us a bland world why must we not be creative for we are made in his image and likeness? When we observe and become aware of how creativity flows directly from the essence, being and character of God we are compelled to mimic God’s creative character in our own lives. Because we originate from him we cannot but be creative or possess the seed of creative potential ourselves. We are conditioned creative, we are wired creative, Our DNA speaks to creative potential. Think about it you must mimic God’s creative character.

      Another aspect to demonstrating your incredible mind is to have an intimate depth and knowledge of how your natural minds works. You see your natural mind has three function. Your conscious mind, your preconscious mind and your subconscious mind. For purpose of this book I have added a fourth dimension to the workings of the mind is your spirited, divinely awaken or regenerated mind.

      Let me address each of these dimension individually. Here’s how your mind works.

      Your Conscious Mind

      The conscious mind is the thinking portion of your mind. It is the me portion of the mind with self-awareness. The primary mechanism of the conscious mind is the field of attention which is usually directed outward. The conscious mind is the portion of the mind that you use every day to conduct your life. It is that conscious field that is used t o observe environments, interpret environments, and it allows you to make decisions. You use your conscious mind when you drop your two-year-old at an Early learning center, balance the check book, make a groceries list, focus on a business meeting or watch television. Things that pass through your conscious mind are easy to recall. For example you probably remember the last movie you watched.

      The problem with the conscious mind is that your field of attention is limited. You can only focus upon one thing at a time and you conscious mind can only attend to one thought at a time. Because of this you are limited in how much information is available to you using your conscious mind only.

      For example if you are trying to talk on the phone and watching a dialogue on the TV screen When you are focused on the conversation on the phone, the dialogue on the show is not captured by your conscious attention.. You attention shifts back and forth between the TV and your phone call. Any attempt to focus one precludes the other.. You may remember only a small fraction of the shows dialogue not the totality of both.

      Your Preconscious Mind

      Your preconscious mind is a layer between the conscious mind and the unconscious or subconscious mind. The preconscious operates independently meaning that it thinks. This is a very concrete all or nothing part of the mind. All off the things that pass through your conscious filed of attention are temporarily stored up in the preconscious mind. The memory storage room is like storage of a given size. Items stored are easy to recall on a short-term basis.

      But it operates on a first come first out basis once full because of the capacity of the storage. For example if your preconscious has 20 storage rooms. These boxes are of given sizes and the information arrive through the conscious mind are store in each of these boxes. When box one is full of information that is passed down from your conscious mind, box two is placed in front of box one pushing it back a space. As soon as box gets full it is pushed backed by box 3 and so forth. The process continues until the 20th box is filled. When box 21 pushes box 20 out, box 1 is pushed completely out of the room. The newest information in the preconscious mind is often closest to the conscious mind. The faster the preconscious fills the harder to remember information in the earlier or first boxes.

      Your Subconscious Mind

      This portion of the mind is most important the subconscious mind is like a giant computer system with multiple input sources. It is constantly recording all the details of your life, both items that passes through your conscious filed and those that your conscious field misses. Some items are not subject to easy recall because they have not passed through the conscious field of attention. The power of the subconscious is amazing. It monitors and store up everything that goes on around and inside you. The information is permanent. It is never forgotten. The subconscious mind even functions during periods when the conscious mind is asleep or altered in some way.. this occurs because the subconscious mind has two main functions. It stores information and it runs your automatic nervous system which is responsible for breathing, heart rate temperature control and so forth.

      Since all these functions still have to occur while you are asleep, your subconscious has to be on around the clock when the conscious mind shuts down.

      For example if your room gets too hot when the conscious mind shuts down or you are asleep, your body starts to sweat even if you don’t wake up. This is your subconscious mind working to control your body. While running your automatic body function your subconscious also stores everything else. It records not only the information necessary to keeping your body alive while you sleep but also all other events going on around you. For instance you suddenly awaken from a deep sleep and find your toddler staring up by the bedside staring at you silently. The subconscious mind with its powers of continual observation alerted your conscious mind that your child needed you and you woke up. It has been demonstrated that the subconscious mind functions even when the conscious mind is rendered un available through sleep. Finally the subconscious mind stores everything and will work to make a reality

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