Breaking the Chains. William T Blake
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Attracting the kind of lady he was hoping to meet just didn't happen at these stuffy functions. That would come later when he wandered down to the lower decks. There he would meet a girl of common class, perhaps one that was almost a lady, although in truth that was the least of his desires. He contemplated spending a few days with her and then moving on to seek out his next conquest. He had little regard for any of these women as he considered they benefited most from their liaison with him. It was highly unlikely that any one of them would ever experience the luxury they would enjoy in his company, albeit for just a few days. He would buy them a few expensive gifts, provide the best champagne and dine with them, either in the ship's first class restaurant or perhaps even in his suite waited on by a personal butler. The cost was little more than loose change to him. The conquest was something he could later brag about to friends and colleagues, maybe even provide for a good laugh or two. He never ceased to be amused at how different women could be, from the aggressive and uninhibited to the shy and reserved. He favored the aggressive women; it was so much easier ending the relationship. The shy women almost always took the liaison far more personally, as if there were more substance to the affair than that of a casual fling.
To his utter frustration Ken was unable to rest. Instead, remaining unsettled from the long flight and unpleasant taxi ride from the airport to the cruise terminal. The traffic had been extremely heavy and they had encountered a serious accident involving several cars, a heavily laden truck and a motor bike, all of which added further to his frustration and stress. To top it off there was the officialdom of having to go through customs and the seemingly long hours of waiting to board ship. These were inconveniences that were foreign to him. Ken decided that since he was unable to rest he would get dressed for the evening and spend some time strolling around the ships open decks. He felt sure he would enjoy the smell of the fresh sea air while watching what promised to be a magnificent sunset. He hoped the time on deck would enable him to unwind before attending the cocktail party.
After showering and carefully selecting his attire, dressing, taking a cursory glance in the mirror to check he looked the part, he left his cabin. Still having time up his sleeve he sauntered around the ship exploring the various facilities and amenities on offer. He particularly noted the direct eye contact he attracted from many of the young and the not so young women. He smiled knowingly to himself, thinking "The choices and the picking are perfect."
Slowly strolling along the decks, he heard the resonance of children's laughter. Something he considered to be a most delightful sound and so out of curiosity he walked into the children's play area and nursery. As he did, he came face to face with the young woman who would change his world forever.
There was nothing especially remarkable about Sarah. Nothing he could pin-point. She was of medium height and build, her hair was as dark as the night and hung down to her shoulders, brushed in a manner that could only be described as natural. Her clothing was so apparently cheap and off-the-shelf. She wore only a little make up on her near perfect dark skin, it was obvious she took little time in applying it. Ken was not used to seeing these characteristics in a woman, let alone being attracted to her and would not normally have given a second glance. Nevertheless, he was dumbstruck. She was the most fascinatingly attractive creature he had ever laid eyes on and for just a moment he was stunned.
“Hello, I’m Ken,” he stammered, surprised at his own apparent lack of self-confidence.
“Hello back sir and you’re not supposed to be here, this is a restricted area,” she replied in a pleasant, firm but uneducated voice. “Please leave as they do not allow people other than staff and the children's parents to be here. It's a matter of the children's safety.”
“I’m sorry, I got a little lost, and I truly love to listen to the laughter of children at play. It is a most pleasant sound that takes away all the cares of the world. Once I heard them I just couldn't resist,” he replied. Then he asked “Of course, I’ll leave immediately but can I know your name?”
Sarah smiled at him and Ken relaxed thinking that his usual charm had once again won out in the situation. To his surprise she emphatically stated, “No you cannot! They are very strict with the children's safety so please leave or I’ll have to call security and that won’t be a very pleasant way for you to start your cruise.”
Ken was in unfamiliar territory, bemused he laughed nervously at what appeared to be an out of character reaction. She just didn’t seem to be the strict matronly type. He again apologized to her and once more taking in her remarkable aura, he turned to leave, closing the glass doors behind him. He determined that he would find out who she was, immediately crossing the foyer to the reception area. Arriving at the counter he asked whether they had any customer service nomination forms, as he wished to recommend a staff member for her outstanding service. “Of course sir, I’ll give you one. Do you need a pen?” asked the grinning receptionist who, from her place behind the counter had witnessed Ken talking to Sarah.
“Yes, please,” replied Ken as he took the form, “but I’ll need to know the name of the young lady concerned. She looks after the children, medium height and long black hair.”
“Oh, that would be Sarah. Best be aware there sir, sweet as sugar but she bites like a crocodile.”
“That see-through am I?” asked Ken with a grin.
“You and about a dozen others every trip sir, you’d have more chance with the matron and she doesn't like anyone,” she laughed.
Ken spent the entire evening and all of the next day thinking of nothing else but Sarah. “This is ridiculous,” he thought to himself, “I’m behaving like a love struck teenager.” He resolved to go to the crèche area and wait outside until Sarah had a break or finished work. He sat for hours, waiting patiently, until finally she opened the door and walked out into the foyer. He watched as she exited onto the deck and was once again mesmerized, he just couldn’t take his eyes away from her. He was highly baffled and could not understand his own feelings or behavior. She was not a physical beauty but somehow, he simply could not resist her. He followed her out onto the deck. Sarah turned to the sounds of his footsteps and as they faced each other Ken simply said, “Hello Sarah.”
“You again, I thought I told you not to come here.” This time there was not a hint of hostility in her voice. Ken looked into her eyes and saw a flash of something he had never experienced before. Instantly in his heart he knew something had transpired between them and that this was more than just a casual encounter. He felt welcoming warmth radiating from her.
“Can we meet later?” he asked.
“No, I can’t, please don’t ask, please,” she pleaded. Suddenly, the warmth dissipated. "So we can be sure of ourselves. I'm not one of those girls you can have your pleasures with and leave at the next port and I certainly am not impressed with nor have any interest in your wealth or position. You'd be better off chasing one of the other girls as you will not get what you're after from me. Do you understand me?"
Sarah's admonishment left Ken feeling like he had been slapped on the hand for being a naughty boy. Feeling exposed he smiled sincerely at her and replied, "You know what Sarah, you frighten me. You frighten me because I just don't think I could ever leave you anywhere let alone the next port."
Sarah made no reply, her own emotions confused as she returned inside to the children's play area.