Trajectories. Bryan C. Babcock

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Trajectories - Bryan C. Babcock

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of Yahweh or not, would agree with the psalmist that “a fool says in his ‘there is no God’” (Ps 14:1). Likewise, the creation accounts contain no speculation about God’s/gods’ origin because such speculation would be foolishness.8

      This crucial similarity between the creation accounts is important for Christian theology in the West today because we are so interested in the origins debate. We of course hold firmly that Yahweh created the entire universe just like Genesis testifies that he did. But, in an increasingly post-Christian West, rather than arguing over the how of creation—this author holds to a literal seven-day creation—perhaps we should emphasize the who of creation, just as the biblical account does. Yahweh himself, the same God who sent his son Jesus to die for our sins, created the entire universe.

      Yahweh’s Word and Work

      Finally, on the sixth day God creates by work. Rather than speaking humanity into existence, he “makes” man in his image (Gen 1:26). The overview of creation in Gen 1:1–2:4 gives only the scantest details about this creative work, but the more focused account of humanity’s creation in Gen 2:5–25 completes the picture. Here we learn that Yahweh “formed” man from the dust (Gen 2:7) and later fashioned the woman out of his rib. Yahweh took a personal interest in creating humans, stooping to form us from the earth. Yahweh created humans in his own image. Yahweh breathed life into humans. And Yahweh gave humans dominion over the earth. Each these aspects of the creation of humanity has enormous implications for the Christian life specifically and the human life more generally.

      Creation in the Old Testament

      Creation in Job

      Creation in Psalms

      The wonder of this psalm—and its importance for a theology of creation—is that it connects Yahweh’s work in creation with Yahweh’s concern for his people. The psalmist honestly reflects on the current crisis—there is no Davidic ruler in Israel, God is silent, the covenant seems demolished—and bases his certainty that Yahweh will hear on the very fact that Yahweh created all things. The psalmist proclaims that we can know that Yahweh hears, remembers, and acts on behalf of his people because he created this whole world. This clear connection between Yahweh’s hesed in creation and his hesed toward his people is a sure foundation on which the people of Israel—and we today—stand. Indeed, “Blessed be Yahweh forever. Amen and amen.”

      Creation in Proverbs

      Thus, whereas Psalms assures us that creation displays Yahweh’s faithfulness to his people, Proverbs tells us that it also displays his wisdom.

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