Trajectories. Bryan C. Babcock
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Gunkel, Hermann. “The Influence of Babylonian Mythology upon the Biblical Creation Story.” In Creation in the Old Testament, edited by Bernhard W. Anderson, 25–52. Issues in Religion and Theology 6. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1984.
Harner, Phillip B. “Creation Faith in Deutero-Isaiah.” VT 17 (1967) 298–306.
Hasel, Gerhard F. “The Polemical Nature of the Genesis Cosmology.” EQ 46 (1974) 81–102.
———. “The Significance of the Cosmology of Genesis 1 in Relation to Ancient Near Eastern Parallels.” AUSS 10 (1972) 1–14.
Johnston, Gordon H. “Genesis 1 and Ancient Egyptian Creation Myths.” BibSac 165 (2008) 178–94.
Lessing, Reed. “Yahweh versus Marduk: Creation Theology in Isaiah 40–55.” Concordia Journal 36 (2010) 234–44.
Levenson, Jon. Creation and the Persistence of Evil. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1988.
Liederbach, Mark, and Seth Bible. True North: Christ, the Gospel, and Creation Care. Nashville: B&H Academic, 2012.
Mangum, Douglas T. “Creation Traditions in Isaiah 40–55: Their Origin and Purpose.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Upper Midwest Region of the SBL. St. Paul, MN. 27 March 2009.
Merrill, Eugene H. Everlasting Dominion: A Theology of the Old Testament. Nashville: B&H Academic, 2006.
Millard, Alan R. “A New Babylonian ‘Genesis Story.’” TynBul 18 (1967) 3–18.
Moo, Jonathan A., and Robert S. White. Let Creation Rejoice: Biblical Hope and Ecological Crisis. Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2014.
Ollenburger, Ben C. “Isaiah’s Creation Theology.” ExAud 3 (1987) 54–71.
Perdue, Leo G. Proverbs. Interpretation. Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 2012.
Polhill, John B. John. NAC 26. Nashville: Holman Reference, 1992.
Ridderbos, Herman N. The Gospel of John: A Theological Commentary. Translated by John Vriend. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1997.
Schnittjer, Gary E. The Torah Story: An Apprenticeship on the Pentateuch. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2006.
Snyder, Howard A., and Joel Scandrett. Salvation Means Creation Healed: The Ecology of Sin and Grace. Overcoming the Divorce between Heaven and Earth. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2011.
Tyra, Steven W. “All Creatures are Martyrs: Martin Luther’s Cruciform Exegesis of Romans 8:19–22.” WTJ 76 (2014) 27–53.
———. “When Considering Creation, Simply Follow the Rule (of Faith): Patristic Exegesis of Romans 8:9–22 and the Theological Interpretation of Scripture.” JTI 8 (2014) 251–73.
Waltke, Bruce K. Proverbs 1–15. NICOT. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2004.
Walton, John H. Ancient Near Eastern Thought and the Old Testament: Introducing the Conceptual World of the Hebrew Bible. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2006.
———. The Lost World of Adam and Eve: Genesis 2–3 and the Origins Debate. Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2015.
———. The Lost World of Genesis 1: Ancient Cosmology and the Origins Debate. Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2009.
Wilson, Gerald H. Psalms. NIVAC. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2002.
1. See Goldingay, Israel’s Gospel, 69.
2. Ibid., 71. See also Brueggemann, 150–54.
3. Unless otherwise noted, Scripture quotations in this chapter are the author’s translation.
4. On the polemical nature of Gen 1, see Hasel, “Polemical Nature,” 81–102.
5. For comparisons between ancient Near Eastern creation accounts and Genesis, see, e.g., Gunkel, “Influence of Babylonian Mythology,” 25–52; Millard, “New Babylonian ‘Genesis Story,’” 3–18; Hasel, “Significance of the Cosmology of Genesis 1,” 1–14; Fisher, “Creation at Ugarit,” 313–24; Clifford, “Cosmogonies in the Ugaritic Texts,” 203–19. The most recent treatments of this issue come from John Walton. See Walton, Ancient Near Eastern Thought, 165–202; Walton, The Lost World of Genesis 1; Walton, The Lost World of Adam and Eve.
6. Johnston, “Genesis 1,” 179. Levenson (Creation and the Persistence of Evil, 66) acknowledges the lack of battle in Gen 1 but proposes its absence indicates it has already been won. See also Brueggemann, Old Testament Theology, 147.
7. Dyrness, Themes, 65.
8. See ibid., 63.
9. Ibid., 65.
10. Ibid., 66.
11. Merrill, Everlasting Dominion, 101.
12. Goldingay, Israel’s Gospel, 110.
13. Rich Mullins, “We Are Not as Strong as We Think We Are,” Songs (Reunion, 1996).
14. Golding, Israel’s Gospel, 57.
15. Wilson, Psalms, 558.
16. See Clifford, “Psalm 89,” 44–47.
17. Some early Christian scholars were quick to equate the personification of wisdom in Prov 8 with Jesus Christ. However, this connection is highly problematic theologically and not easily defended exegetically. For discussion, see Waltke, Proverbs 1–15, 127–30. For a brief history of interpretation of Prov 8:22 in early Christianity and Judaism, see Clifford, Proverbs, 98–99.
18. See Garrett, Proverbs, 108.
19. Clifford, Proverbs, 100. Contra Perdue, Proverbs, 142.
20. Garrett, Proverbs, 109.