Happiness Is Just a Breath Away. Kawena

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Happiness Is Just a Breath Away - Kawena

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style="font-size:15px;">      Sandy R – If it hadn’t been for your faith and encouragement in my abilities in the early days, I may never had made it this far. Thank you for your love.

      Margie N – Remember your Creative Writing Course I joined twelve years ago? Well I have proved, “it’s never too late”. Much love.





      Chapter 1. Happiness begins at Home – Self Respect

      Chapter 2. Breathing Happiness & Energy Into Your Life

      Chapter 3. The Power of Your Incredible Mind

      Chapter 4. Have Fun and Dream

      Chapter 5. The Importance of Affirmations

      Chapter 6. Meditation and Motivation

      Chapter 7. Loving and Gifting

      Chapter 8. My Grateful List

      Chapter 9: Kawena’s Summing Up

      My Favourite Books

      About the Author


      I met Kawena almost five years ago.

      She struck me as an amazingly happy and energetic wise lady, who certainly walked her talk.

      I could feel the belief in herself and her simple happiness radiated through her twinkly eyes.

      I wanted to be like her! In a few minutes of a chance meeting I was on a personal happiness journey.

      Kawena has fulfilled her own dream by writing this book and you will fulfil yours by becoming a much happier person if you embrace her words.

      Let’s fly with Kawena.

      Lydia Caplygin

       Group Advertising



      This workbook

       is wriTTen in a

       very basic and

       simple way

       To help oThers

       undersTand how To

       Tap inTo The incredible


       of The universe

      by raising Their

       own levels of


      and is a


       of my own


       during a long lifeTime

       80 years

       of Trial and error

       and walking

       my own Talk.

      Out of the many classes I have attended and the reading and information others have shared, I have chosen certain steps to follow and you can be sure that anything I recommend I have practised.

      You see my main asset is the amount of years I have had for trial and error.

      Oh yes! There have been quite a few mistakes along the way and they have been my greatest learning of all.

      I was a late starter on my Spiritual Journey because there was very little information compared to these days and we had to search harder than we do now.

      I was around sixty years of age when a greater awareness and deeper understanding became the way of truly living my life. I stepped out of the square and became a free spirit and decided on a path of self discovery and achievement.

      This was when the fun really began and my life took on a whole new meaning.

      My first personal awareness began the day my then husband, Les, went to the dump to get rid of some rubbish and brought home a box of brand new books. Amongst them was a book called The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale. It became my second bible and I still use one for my research today, the original finally fell apart. All this was way back in 1953 and these sorts of books were only just being written. That was what I like to call, the beginning of the information era. We were the first of the baby boomers after the Second World War and most of us were dead set on improving ourselves and our way of life.

      On looking back now, I give that book credit for setting me on a path of positive thinking, wellness and happiness. After that, self worth books became a passion. I did not realize that from then on I wasn’t only learning how to improve myself but that I’d be guiding others how to be the best person they possibly can be and enjoy every moment of it.

      After years of positive books I sort of graduated into Spiritual awareness and Robert Schuller books guided me there.

      I’m not one for organised religion but I do respect other people’s choices and like many others I have my simple basic beliefs and they get me through beautifully. In my opinion freedom of choice is a wonderful thing.

      The next milestone was a bit of a surprise. Elizabeth came home one day and said, “Mum I think you had better go and check the bookshop at Runaway Bay, they’ve got a great book and angel cards combined that might suit you.”

      So I went down and brought two lots didn’t I? We need to remember that this was the beginning of angel awareness and now there are hundreds of wonderful angel books out there.

      Of course sprinkled all through these years my passion was in attending all the classes I could find on natural healing and meditation. Life was certainly becoming very interesting.

      One special thing stands out. At forty five the urge to learn to sing came to me and that taught me the value of quality breathing and became my next passion because my health improved so incredibly. I still study and research all I can on the effects and benefits of deep breathing on our bodies.

       If you are happy beIng mIserable

      This book is not for you.

      if you are at least a little bit

       curious and think you might

       find at least one atom of

       help within these pages,

       then stay with me.


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