Happiness Is Just a Breath Away. Kawena

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Happiness Is Just a Breath Away - Kawena

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      Then The ouTside

       will look afTer iTself

       iT’s Time To sTarT.


       the art of beIng happy.

      It’s time to start learning to be happy while you are waiting for your dreams to fall into place, then they will come much faster that you expected.

      Don’t wait till you receive the million dollars – the Rolls Royce – the flash house. Practice being happy each day as it comes.

      Make the effort to think yourself happy and you’ll be happy with or without the goodies, and when they do come it’s a great bonus.

       the goodIes then, are just the IcIng on the cake!

      Go to www.expandingenergies.com.au for Happiness Affirmations by Kawena

       the art of beIng happy

      is easy when you know



      is like learning The


      The more you


      The better you geT.

      if we wanT happIness we musT InvIte It inTo our lIves.

      we have To puT the welcome mat ouT.

      iT won’T come

       of iTs’ own accord.

      we need To do The work

       To earn iT, because we

       alone are responsible

       for our own happiness.



       brIngs happIness.

      iT’s not possIble


      Think happy



      aT The



       gettIng the happIness habIt.

      pracTice being happy

       wiTh The small Things

       and The big Things

       will follow.

      The more we insisT

       on being happy

       The more we wIll be.

      The more we insisT

       on being unhappy

       The more we wIll be.

      iT is always

       our choice.


      if we are

       tall – short – bIg – small – black – whIte – or yellow

      on The ouTside,

       iT maTTers noT.

      Each human being is an absolutely amazing original creation, and we need to know what’s going on in the inside. Keep yourself clean and tidy, do the best on the outside presentation then forget it and focus on what is going on internally.

      When we start really getting to know ourselves amazing things start to happen on the outside. You’ll find that your new enthusiasm, joy and happiness bring a special glow with them and when we learn to value that unique person we truly are, our happiness shows in our face. Also in learning to build up our own confidence and self esteem we are automatically learning how to guide others in the future when they need help. It is even more interesting when you realise you have become your own spirit lifter, and that’s another WOW Factor, a real plus on your new journey forward.

      we all have limiTless poTenTial

      It is so sad so many of us never reach it.

      Also, so many of us never ever realise what our true talents are, and when we do understand what our talents are, we are too fearful to put them out there

      whaT a wasTe To The world.

      Come to www.expandingenergies.com.au to receive your copy of: Confidence Affirmations by Kawena

      The need to encourage each other in this direction has never been more important or more available.

      It’s time to share, teach and

       guide others to what we have

       learned in a big way.

      We are fast becoming more aware of our own greatness and potential, so open up, be brave, the age of information is truly here, there is so much to hand and so many opportunities to learn and put that learning into action.

      By spreading our knowledge and talents across the planet much more satisfaction and happiness comes to us.


      But we are now becoming more aware of our own possibilities and potential.

      So open up, be bold and begin to go forward.


      The main thing to remember here is it’s ok to make mistakes.

      We were born to do just that so we can learn lessons and become strong.

      iT is Time To slow d-o-w-n To meeT

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