A Comparative Vocabulary Study Guide: Spanish to English. Robert D. O'Brian

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A Comparative Vocabulary Study Guide: Spanish to English - Robert D. O'Brian

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      ANTENATAL, prenatal






      APACHE, Apache Indian


      ARDOR; heartburn (MED)






      ARSENAL; a shipyard

      ART DECO

      ARTERIAL; a principal road







      AU PAIR




      AUDITOR (A)

      AURA (f), HALO (m)






      Note: All interchangeable words appear in their Spanish spellings.

      Easily Recognizable Nouns, Adjectives and Adverbs

      (Nombres o Sustantivos, Adjetivos y Adverbios Fácilmente Reconocibles)

      ÁBACO, abacus

      ABANDONADO (A), abandoned, deserted; derelict

      ABANDONO, abandonment, neglect, desertion

      ABATIDO (A), depressed

      ABATIMIENTO, depression

      ABDICACIÓN, abdication

      ABERRACIÓN, aberration; departure, lapse

      ABERRANTE, aberrant

      ABISMAL, vast, enormous; irreconcilable

      ABISMO, abyss, chasm

      ABLATIVO, ablative

      ABLUCIÓN, ablution

      ABNEGACIÓN, abnegation, self-denial

      ABNEGADO (A), self-denying, self-sacrificing

      ABOLICIÓN, abolition, elimination, termination

      ABOMINACIÓN, abomination

      ABORTO, abortion; miscarriage

      ABRASIVO (A), abrasive; grinding; harsh, hurtful

      ABRIL, April

      ABSCESO, abscess

      ABSENTISMO, absenteeism

      ABSOLUTAMENTE, absolutely

      ABSOLUTO (A), absolute, perfect, unqualified

      ABSORBENCIA, absorbency

      ABSORBENTE, absorbent; interesting, absorbing

      ABSORCIÓN, absorption; takeover

      ABSORTO (A), absorbed, engrossed, involved, immersed

      ABSTEMIO (A), teetotaler

      ABSTENCIÓN, abstention

      ABSTINENCIA, abstinence, self-denial, temperance

      ABSTRACCIÓN, abstraction

      ABSTRACTO (A), abstract

      ABSTRUSO (A), abstruse, obscure, profound

      ABSURDO (A), absurd, ridiculous, nonsense

      ABUNDANCIA, abundance, plenty; affluent

      ABUNDANTE, abundant, plentiful, rich

      ABUSIVO (A), exorbitant, outrageous, improper; very bad, appalling, unfair

      ABUSO, abuse, overuse, misuse

      ABYECTO (A), vile, wretched, abject

      ACADEMIA, academy, school

      ACCESIBLE, accessible; approachable; affordable

      ACCESO, access; entrance, entry; admittance

      ACCESORIO (A), accessory, incidental, extra

      ACCIDENTADO (A), rough, uneven; troubled

      ACCIDENTALMENTE, accidentally, unintentionally

      ACCIDENTE, accident, chance; collision, accident

      ACCIÓN, action, act; movement

      ACELERACIÓN, acceleration

      ACELERADO (A), rapid, quick, accelerated

      ACELERADOR, accelerator, gas pedal

      ACENTO, accent, stress, emphasis

      ACENTUACIÓN, accentuation; emphasis, force

      ACEPTABLE, acceptable, passable

      ACEPTACIÓN, acceptance, approval; popularity

      ACERBO, bitter, sour; harsh

      ACETATO, acetate

      ACETONA, acetone

      ACIDEZ, acidity; sourness

      ÁCIDO (A), acid, sharp, sour;

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