A Comparative Vocabulary Study Guide: Spanish to English. Robert D. O'Brian
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APELATIVO, term of address, nickname
APELLIDO, surname, last name
APÉNDICE, appendix, appendage
APENDICITIS, appendicitis
APERITIVO, aperitif, appetizer; in the beginning
APERTURA, opening, start; beginning
APESTOSO (A), stinky, stinking, reeking, putrid, awful
APETITO, appetite
APETITOSO (A) (adj), appetizing, tasty; tempting
APLAUSO, applause, clapping
APLICACIÓN, application (INFORM) (MED), use
APLICADO (A), diligent, conscientious, hardworking
APLICADOR, applicator
APLOMO, composure, assurance; tranquility, confidence
APOCALIPSIS, calamity, disaster, tragedy, adversity
APÓCRIFO (A), apocryphal, doubtful, unreliable, uncertain
APOGEO, apogee, height, peak
APOSICIÓN, apposition
APÓSTATA, apostate
APÓSTOL, apostle
APÓSTROFO, apostrophe
APRECIABLE, appreciable, substantial, considerable
APRECIACIÓN, appreciation, evaluation, appraisal
APRECIADO, worthy, esteemed
APRECIATIVO (A), appreciative
APRENSIÓN, fear, squeamishness, misgiving; apprehension, perception; intuition, observance
APRENSIVO (A), apprehensive, overanxious, worried
APROBACIÓN, approval, approbation, endorsement
APROBADO, passing grade
APROBATORIO (adj), approving
APROPIACIÓN, appropriation
APROPIADO (A), suitable, appropriate, fitting, right
APROXIMACIÓN, approximation; approach
APROXIMADAMENTE, approximately
APROXIMADO (A), approximate distance, duration
APROXIMATIVO, approximate, rough calculation
APTITUD, ability, aptitude, fitness, suitability
APTO, suitable, fit, apt
ARBITRARIEDAD, arbitrariness
ARBITRARIO (A), arbitrary
ARBITRIO, free will, discretion, volition, inclination
ARCADA, arcade; arch, span
ARCAICO (A), archaic
ARCANO (A), arcane, recondite, abstruse, obscure
ARCHIVO, archive, file; archives, files
ARDOROSO (A), ardent, fervent, eager, zealous, avid
ARDUAMENTE, arduously, enthusiastically, avidly
ARDUO (A), arduous, hard, difficult, tough, onerous
ARGUMENTACIÓN, line of argument, reasoning
ARGUMENTO, argument, storyline, assertion, contention
ÁRIDO (A), dry, arid, parched, barren
ARISCO (A), surly, unfriendly, unsociable
ARISTOCRACIA, aristocracy
ARISTÓCRATA, aristocrat
ARISTOCRÁTICO (A), aristocratic
ARITMÉTICA, arithmetic
ARMA, arm, weapon (MIL)
ARMADA, navy
ARMADO, armed
ARMAMENTO, armament, arms, armaments
ARMISTICIO, armistice
ARMONÍA, harmony
ARMÓNICA, harmonica, mouth organ
ARMÓNICO, harmonic
ARMONIOSO (A), harmonious
AROMÁTICO (A), aromatic, fragrant
AROMATIZADOR, air freshener
ARPA, harp
ARPÍA, harpy, old hag, witch; harridan
ARPÓN, harpoon
ARQUEOLOGÍA, archeology
ARQUEÓLOGO (A), archeologist
ARQUETIPO, archetype
ARQUITECTO (A), architect
ARQUITECTÓNICO (A), architectural
ARQUITECTURA, architecture
ARRESTO, arrest; detention (MIL); confinement
ARROGANCIA, arrogance, presumptuous, assertive
ARROGANTE, arrogant, haughty, assuming, pompous
ARROYO, stream, brook
ARSÉNICO, arsenic
ARTE, art
ARTEFACTO, device, machine, appliance; artifact
ARTERIA, artery (MED); arterial street
ÁRTICO (A), Arctic
ARTICULACIÓN, articulation, joint; fluent, coherent
ARTICULADO (A), articulated, hinged, joined
ARTÍCULO, article, item, thing; news article
ARTIFICIALMENTE (adv), artificially
ARTIFICIO, device; artifice, trick; cunning, sly