Agape and Bhakti with Bataille and Mark at Loyola and St. Francis. David L. Goicoechea

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Agape and Bhakti with Bataille and Mark at Loyola and St. Francis - David L. Goicoechea Postmodern Ethics

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      IV 1.2 The Non-Knowledge of Kierkegaard and Bataille

      IV 1.3 Is Related to the Irony of their Absurdity

      IV 1.4 And to Dramatizing the Agapeic Event

      IV 1.5 As it repeats the Gita’s Advaita Vedanta Drama

      IV 1.6 And the Gita’s Personal God Drama

      IV 1.7 Leads us to the Question of Bataillean Communication

      IV 1.8 Even in the Mysticism of Mark’s Gospel

      IV 1.9 So that we might Wonder about Mystical Reconciliation

      IV.2 Eternal Love and Bataillean Death

      (From Nietzsche to Bataille)

      Eschatology and the Secrets of its Anxiety

      Mark’s Temporal Son of David, Apocalyptic Son of Man

      Resurrected Son of God and the Women Frightened

      out of their Wits.

      The Gita’s Vision and Arjuna’s Hair standing on end.

      IV.2.1 Bataille’s Nietzschean Physiology Reconciling Opposites

      IV.2.2 Nietzsche’s Mystical Eternal Return

      IV.2.3 The Son of David’s Highest Formula of Affirmation

      IV.2.4 The Son of Man’s Move from Death to Life

      IV.2.5 The Son of God’s Death and Resurrection

      IV.2.6 So it is with Arjuna as he Beholds the Dying.

      IV.2.7 But for Nietzsche and Bataille it is the Death of God

      IV.2.8 Through God’s Death we can Live Forever.

      IV.2.9 The Child-like “Yes and Amen” of Nietzsche and Bataille

      IV.3 Universal Love and Bataillean Religion

      (From St. John of the Cross to Bataille)

      The Desire to be Everything and its Mystical Secrets

      Mark’s Twofold Agape between God and Man

      and for Neighbor and even the Enemy

      The Gita’s Bhakti between God and Man

      and the Secrets of its Self-Realization Ethics

      IV.3.1 Bataille’s Mystical Psychology of reconciliation

      IV.3.2 John of the Cross’ Bataillean Psychology of Ego and Ipse

      IV.3.3 As they reveal the Holy as the Secret of the Sacred

      IV.3.4 For the Holy is a Mysterium Tremendum

      IV.3.5 Before which there is a Dramatic Loss of the Self.

      IV.3.6 In an other-realization ethics with Jesus

      IV.3.7 And not the Self-Realization Ethics even of the Gita

      IV.3.8 The Christ of John of the Cross leads Bataille to Torment

      IV.3.9 And Teaches him to Renounce his Ego and Himself

      Part Two: The Wisdom of Love

      I. In Franciscan Spirituality

      I.4 And He Leaves Her and the Seminary for Loyola

      I.4.1 Fraternity

      I.4.2 Mirth

      I.4.3 Trust

      1.4.4 Hope

      I.4.5 Intimacy

      I.4.6 Individuality

      I.4.7 Communality

      I.5 Growing in the Love of Wisdom at Loyola

      I.5.1 By Studying Sartre’s Being and Nothingness

      I.5.2 By Studying Kierkegaard’s Sickness Unto Death

      I.5.3 By Studying Nietzsche’s Anti-Christ

      I.5.4 By Studying Heidegger’s Being and Time

      I.5.5 By Studying Husserl’s Cartesian Meditations

      I.5.6 By Studying Scheler’s On the Eternal in Man

      I.5.7 By Writing my Master’s Thesis on John Wild’s Existentialism

      I.5.8 By Studying Gilson and Maritain

      I.5.9 By Studying the Philosophy of Josiah Royce

      I.6 Learning the Wisdom of Love with the Franciscan Sisters

      I.6.1 Graced with a New Feeling for the Beautiful Holy

      I.6.2 Sr. Helen Marie Taught me the Franciscan Wisdom of Love.

      I.6.3 I Came to have Special Friendships with Some Students

      I.6.4 For Barbara Henning and I Worked Very Much Together.

      I.6.5 And Kathleen Thompson Taught Me How to Drive

      I.6.6 And Sarah Jungels Took me Home with Her

      I.6.7 We had an Adult Education Course on Love

      I.6.8 And with Fr. Ernest I Taught the Old Testament

      I.6.9 And I Loved Five Beautiful Young Sisters

      II. And Mark’s Agapetos

      II.4 The Agapetos Reveals the Abba Father’s Childlike Agape

      II.4.1 And the Twelve Must Trust Him like Children

      II.4.2 Even Though They Might be Killed like John the Baptist

      II.4.3 Jesus Feeds the Crowds Who are Like Hungry Children

      II.4.4 And Jesus Shows How the Father Loves the Sick

      II.4.5 And Jesus Teaches a True Childlike Reverence

      II.4.6 But His Disciples Do Not Understand Him

      II.4.7 For They Do Not Yet Understand an Agapeic Heart

      II.4.8 And How Jesus Will Love Them as He Has

      II.4.9 Jesus Ironically Lets the Blind Man See

      II.5 The Agapetos Reveals his Eternal Agape

      II.5.1 At his Transfiguration he is again called the Agapetos


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