Sister Lilian’s Pregnancy & Birth Companion. Lilian Paramor

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Sister Lilian’s Pregnancy & Birth Companion - Lilian Paramor

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for pregnancy

      •Massage the spot between your eyebrows, your temples and over your heart with warm sesame oil every evening before you go to sleep.

      •Lightly massage your whole abdomen with this calming oil once a week and bath afterwards. This enhances better relaxation which you need.

      •Instil a sense of routine into your day by eating three to five small meals while seated at a table.

      •Slow the pace of your intense activity before and during pregnancy, becoming almost what you would dismiss as a little inefficient. You will notice that there are other dimensions to life, that relaxation can be beneficial and that you are doing a very important job – growing your child!

      •Treat yourself to a weekly aromatherapy or reflexology session by an experienced therapist. This will enhance your ability to relax and ‘do nothing’, allowing someone else to do something for you. You will also notice that being in control is not all that counts.

      •Participate in a moderately strenuous, regular exercise programme. Good exercise includes swimming, walking, stretch exercises and yoga. Avoid competitive sport which places extra demands on your energy and your body’s innate regulatory system.

      •Enjoy the calming effect of nature as often as possible.

      •A water feature can also be very calming for intense women like you.

      •Go to bed no later than 22h00 and rise by 06h00, responding unhurriedly to body functions.

      •Make less hectic appointments and concentrate on what is at hand. This will help you to pace yourself when it comes to pregnancy, birth and parenting.

      •Do light exercise every day. Choose what you instinctively enjoy (as long as it is safe), walking, dancing, yoga or tennis. Your health will profit and a sense of wellbeing will improve your self-confidence for pregnancy and labour.

      •If you tend to have upper respiratory allergies like sinus infections and hay fever, use a humidifier at night with a few drops of eucalyptus oil, but be sure to clean and dry it properly every morning.

      •Learn the balanced breathing and tongue trick techniques described in Relaxation routines.


      Willpower and an eye on the goal are what drive you. This sometimes makes you and others think that nothing will get you down and that any challenge will be faced successfully. Like your build and body structure, your stamina is medium. The great thing about you is that you know how to prepare for challenges and are very courageous. You will not enter pregnancy, labour, birth and parenting without due thought and a few plans in hand. Your need to be in control can work both for and against you. To a certain extent pregnancy, labour and mothering require that you simply go with the flow, adapting from moment to moment so that you can profit from the opportunities that arise. You might need to learn to do this. Creating a birthing environment over which you have more control can greatly improve your experience and consequently your perception of how painful labour was.


      Other character traits: determined, efficient, ambitious, precise, orderly, critical, angry, stubborn, enterprising, intense, analytical, sarcastic, good leadership ability, intolerance of foolishness.

      Physical characteristics: medium bone structure, tend to early greying or balding, perspire freely, determined stride, medium strength and endurance, intense eyes, pointed red tongue.

      Eating pattern and lifestyle: meals must be on time, prone to great hunger, large appetite, prefer cool foods and drinks, intolerant of spicy foods (even though you might crave them), love competitive sport, always punctual.

      Disease pattern: tension from prolonged hard work, acidity, indigestion, acne, skin rashes, halitosis, ulcers, piles, hot flushes, inflamed red joints.

      Tips to prepare for pregnancy

      •Slow the pace of your intense activity before and during pregnancy, becoming almost what you would dismiss as a little inefficient. You will notice that there are other dimensions to life, that relaxation can be beneficial and that you are doing a very important job – growing your child!

      •Treat yourself to a weekly aromatherapy or reflexology session by an experienced therapist. This will enhance your ability to relax and ‘do nothing’, allowing someone else to do something for you. You will also notice that being in control is not all that counts.

      •Participate in a moderately strenuous, regular exercise programme. Good exercise includes swimming, walking, stretch exercises and yoga. Avoid competitive sport which places extra demands on your energy and your body’s innate regulatory system.

      •Enjoy the calming effect of nature as often as possible.

      •A water feature can also be very calming for intense women like you.


      If there is one group of women to be envied for their seemingly natural talent for life, pregnancy, labour and mothering, it is this one. They’re often the Earth Mother type but may not always seem to be at first glance. What is apparent is that they are completely relaxed. They make great friends because they seldom criticise and are very tolerant of others. If you belong to this group, your build is that of a true athlete, big-boned and strong. One of your downfalls is that you love sweet treats and might carry a bit more weight than ideal. You are fortunate to have a high pain threshold and take things in your stride.


      Other character traits: ability to relax, complacency, loyalty, jealousy, a usually placid nature, friendliness, an excellent memory, serenity, affectionate, forgiving, slow and methodical, graceful, slow to anger, tranquillity.

      Physical characteristics: strong build; easy weight gain; rhythmic walk; smooth, lustrous skin; thick hair; large, moist eyes; good endurance and stamina; dislike damp and cold; bulky tongue.

      Eating pattern: skip meals easily; slow digestion; slow eater; emotional eating; slow, groggy start to day; sleep deeply; enjoy endurance sports; often late for appointments.

      Disease pattern: diabetes; allergies; obesity; depression; mucus congestion; sinus, bronchitis; moist cough; high cholesterol; loose, aching joints.

      Tips to prepare for pregnancy

      •Exercise regularly to make the most of your natural endurance. Walking, jogging, water aerobics in the first two trimesters and dancing are all good for you. You can build up to quite strenuous levels. You will not be too relaxed and will be in really good physical nick for the birth.

      •Practise a few time-management skills to help you deal with the busy days that lie ahead but don’t lose the ability to see things in perspective.

      •Take special heed now already of the general nutritional and other specific tips (see Nutrition for a healthy pregnancy and baby).

      •If you are overweight, ensure that you lose most excess kilos before conceiving to help make pregnancy a more comfortable experience.

      •If allergies are a problem for you or close family members, avoid the six most common dietary allergens – wheat,

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