The Rescued Dog Problem Solver. Tracy J. Libby

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The Rescued Dog Problem Solver - Tracy J. Libby

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for some dogs, especially herding and terrier breeds, chasing moving objects is in their DNA, and you will need to work hard to curtail this potentially dangerous behavior.

      Some dogs are prone to developing obsessive-compulsive behaviors, including Doberman Pinschers, German Shepherds, Dalmatians, Rottweilers, and Border Collies, to name a few. So, during the socialization process—and throughout the dog’s life—try your best to prevent these behaviors from developing or, at the very least, from continuing. For instance, never allow your puppy to fixate on cats or other animals, chase his tail, chase shadows, or run fence lines. And never, ever use laser lights to play with your dog. Although it may seem like a fun way to exercise your puppy, laser-light games can create stress, anxiety, and potentially life-threatening obsessive behaviors in many dogs.

      If your puppy has a bad experience at a young age, it is imperative that you address the situation right away while the socialization window is still open. Do not be fooled into thinking your puppy will grow out of his phobias. Once behaviors like fear or aggression become ingrained, they are more difficult, if not impossible, to eliminate and fix. The socialization period is the best time to address any perceived problems. If your puppy is showing signs of anything other than normal puppy behaviors, this is the time to seek advice from a smart trainer or behaviorist who can help to repair the damage.

      Rescue Tip:

      Little-Dog Syndrome Is Not Funny

      Differences exist between a well-behaved puppy who you indulge and a spoiled ruffian who bites and snaps at people.Labeled “little-dog syndrome,” this spoiled behavior tends to be seen more often in small or toy dogs.People tend to be amused by snarky behaviors in little dogs, such as a pampered Pomeranian sitting on his owner’s lap and growling at passersby or a four-pound Chihuahua sprinting to attack someone’s shin bone.You have probably caught yourself laughing at these situations, too.Some owners think the behavior is amusing, so they reward it, whether intentionally or not.Sadly, these behaviors are dangerous because they become ingrained, and these puppies grow into adult dogs who think they are invincible.It is nearly impossible to turn these half-pint hooligans into nice, happy dogs.Instead, these puppies grow into dogs who can’t be trusted and really aren’t fun to be around.Look ahead to your puppy’s future and recognize those behaviors you want to encourage and discourage so that you can instill and reward those behaviors that foster a happy, healthy puppy.

      3: Body Language

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