Wellspring. Karen Moore

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Wellspring - Karen  Moore

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put your grocery list aside for a bit and scratch out the stuff that keeps you busy and look for the stuff that keeps you in the business of life, the life God called you to. He can only help you, guide you, and bless you if you invite him into your story. Call him, he's always available to you.

      In the Flow

       Lord, I know that I get so busy with life I forget to even mention your name in passing. I forget that you are the reason I get to do anything at all. Be with me today and lead the way to all that you would have me do. Amen.

      January 8

      It All Begins With You

       I was hungry and you gave me food to eat. I was thirsty and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger and you welcomed me.

      —Matthew 25:35

      It's easy in our culture to gloss over the needs of our neighbors and those who are still strangers to us in the world. We can pass by the homeless and imagine that they just weren't very good at managing their money or they really should join AA or some other "will somebody else please fix them" program. We may even give to United Way or some other such agency through the place we work. That makes giving so easy we don't even have to think about it. To us, it's just a loss of income anyway.

      So how can we recognize the opportunity we have to act like Jesus? How will we differentiate the mindless-though-helpful giving from the kind that causes us to stop and notice what we're actually doing? When you give with a full intention, from the heart, is that more of the idea that Jesus had in mind?

      Giving is always a choice. Whether you put your heart and mind into it is also a choice. Feeding others is not simply a matter of buying a meal. It's a function of inviting them to the feast of a gracious God who gave everything for our good. Giving begins with you. It keeps you in the flow of blessing in ways that nothing can measure. Is anyone thirsty in your midst today? Be their blessing.

      In the Flow

       Lord, show me how I can open up my heart and be more generous to others. I know that you have been more than generous to me. Amen.

      January 9

      Wow! That Was Stupid!

      Patience leads to abundant understanding, but impatience leads to stupid mistakes.

      —Proverbs 14:29

      It's a New Year, and you have set new goals for yourself. So, what happens if things take a little longer than you expected? What happens to your faith when you have to wait things out?

      We live in a world of instant gratification. When the Internet goes down for five minutes, we're irritated. We're used to getting information now and we don't like it very much when we have to wait . . . for anything!

      Look at what happens if you get caught in a traffic jam for fifteen minutes, or you're in line at the grocery store with the sweet little lady who has twenty-seven coupons. At first, you're a little annoyed, maybe a little antsy, and then just out and out angry because someone else is taking up your precious time. After all, you're pretty important and you have things to do.

      Impatience leads to all kinds of problems. You try to go around the traffic jam, only to get caught in even greater congestion elsewhere. Today, watch the flow and energy around you. Observe your willingness to slow down enough to recognize that prayerful patience will reap greater rewards. The reward will surely help limit those stupid mistakes.

      In the Flow

       Lord, I know that I am not always patient. Help me realize that you can use me a lot more when I slow down and think of you. Amen.

      January 1 0

      For God So Loved You

       God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him won't perish but will have eternal life.

      —John 3:16

      Can you really take that in? Are you able to comprehend what it actually means that the God of the universe, the One who created everything and who has the only real power and authority over heaven and earth, actually loves you? Wow! Who are you?

      Who you are may not be nearly as important as what you are. You are his child, his object of affection. You are the one he sent his only Son to redeem because he couldn't stand the thought that anything would ever happen to you. You mean the world to God and he is doing everything he can to prove himself to you.

      Today, take a moment and imagine what it really means to be loved by God. Embrace the idea. Pray and ask God to help you understand it more fully. Then, remind yourself that such love deserves to be shared. You're in a relationship and it's the biggest one that you'll ever be part of. It's bigger than your spouse, it's bigger than your partnership at the firm or your membership in the church. It's you and God, one to one.

      God so loved you that he acted on your behalf a long time ago. You have every opportunity to act on God's behalf today.

      In the Flow

       Dear Lord, I can hardly take in the idea of your great love. I know that it is a gift of your spirit and I treasure it. Help me to be worthy of your love in all that I do. Amen.

      January 11

      What's Your Reality?

       Faith is the reality of what we hope for, the proof of what we don't see.

      —Hebrews 11:1

      Reality TV is a funny concept. It invites us into a personal encounter with someone we've never met and before long, we're in a virtual relationship. We think we're part of their lives and they are part of ours. The problem is that neither of you knows the other, and chances are good you never will. It's simply not reality.

      Sometimes we want faith to be a bit like a reality TV spot. We want to plug in and connect with it, and ultimately make the right choice and come out with the happy ending. We want it to be easy.

      The writer of Hebrews reminds us that faith is about a reality we hope for, an outcome we believe in and move on even when we don't have proof. It's a lot like love or appreciation of the arts. No one else can really understand your choices or how you feel, but it's your reality.

      Look at the things you have faith in. Furthermore, look at the things you don't have faith in and check in with your Creator. He is the only reality. He is the proof of what you don't see. Have faith in him and faith in yourself and the things you hope for will begin to come to you according to his will and purpose. Open your heart so that greater faith can flow through you to others.

      In the Flow


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