Wellspring. Karen Moore

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Wellspring - Karen  Moore

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I thank you for the gift of faith. Sometimes I have a lot and I feel on fire for you. Other times, I have a little and I look to things in this world to give me answers and direction. Help me see all that you want for me with eyes of faith. Amen.

      January 12

      When You're Smiling

       A joyful heart brightens one's face, but a troubled heart breaks the spirit.

      —Proverbs 15:13

      Remember the old song that suggested "when you're smiling, the whole world smiles at you"? Proverbs 15 agrees.

      Today, notice the difference in your attitude when you encounter someone with a smile. A smile invites you in and suggests that friendship is possible. A smile says all is well and the world is a beautiful place today. A smile puts you on holy ground.

      A frown, on the other hand, breaks you down and leaves you feeling uncertain, unavailable, unloved even. Your troubles weigh in and prevent you from seeing all that is good. Of course, you'll have days when a smile is simply not going to carry you along, but do what you can to make those days as few as possible. Imagine the smile God has on his face when he thinks of you. It just may help you to have a lighter and brighter countenance. After all, your smile is what others embrace.

      A smile is like a welcome glass of cool water on a warm day. It refreshes you and strengthens you. It warms you as you follow in the footsteps of the One who loves you more than anything. Yes, you really can smile because God loves you.

      In the Flow

       Lord, I may not always feel like smiling, but I realize that with you in my heart, I always have a reason to smile. No matter what I'm going through, help me to hold on to the hope and joy I have in you. Amen.

      January 13

      What Are You Thinking?

      From now on, brothers and sisters, if anything is excellent and if anything is admirable, focus your thoughts on these things: all that is true, all that is holy, all that is just, all that is pure, all that is lovely, and all that is worthy of praise.

      —Philippians 4:8

      Have you ever gotten caught in a gripe session? You know, the kind where everyone is grumbling and complaining about life and it appears that there is absolutely nothing to be glad about? How do you feel after that session is over? Do you feel energized and ready to get back in the game of life or do you feel like just letting everything go because there's really no point anyway?

      What you think about and what you take into your consciousness from others is vital to your well-being. When you're around toxic conversations and toxic people, you suffer the consequences. You feel depleted of hope and energy.

      Snap out of it! The writer of Philippians has some good advice. Don't think about every bad possible outcome you can imagine and try to cope with living. Be intentional about what you allow into your heart and mind. After all, you own that space and you need to protect it. Think about good, true, and beautiful things. It will make a big difference in your day.

      In the Flow

       Lord, help me steer clear of the people who see only the dark side of life. I have you, the Light of the World, in my heart. Amen.

      January 14

      Pass on the Blessings

       Finally, all of you be of one mind, sympathetic, lovers of your fellow believers, compassionate. . . . You were called to do this so that you might inherit a blessing.

      —1 Peter 3:8-9

      Someone needs what you have to give today. It may be a small gift of encouragement through your words or your greetings. It may be a gentle heart that listens with compassion. It may be your clever sense of humor and your ability to chase away the clouds of gloom that threaten their day. You are God's hands and feet, his eyes and ears.

      Emily Dickinson reflected on this need in her own way when she wrote . . .

      They might not need me; but they might.

      I'll let my head be just in sight;

      A smile as small as mine might be

      Precisely their necessity.

      Your smile, your thoughts, your helping hands are just what somebody else needs today. Bless others and God will immediately bless you. Show his face and shine his light everywhere you go today. You are blessed to be a blessing.

      In the Flow

       Lord, you know the needs of each person I will encounter today. Help me see them as you see them. Help me offer them the gift of your blessing. Amen.

      January 15

      Stand Firm . . . Take a Bow!

      You must stand firm, unshakable, excelling in the work of the Lord as always, because you know that your labor isn't going to be for nothing in the Lord.

      —1 Corinthians 15:58

      You've probably done a few thankless jobs in your life. You know, those are the jobs where you trudge in to work every day, do what you must with as much energy as you can manage, and trudge home again wondering why you keep doing it.

      Paul, in his letter to the Corinthians, tells us that when you see what you do as doing work for the Lord, you have every reason to celebrate. His Spirit will supply all the energy you need and your heart will be light because of the joy you experience.

      God has every desire and intention for you to be happy in your work. If you find yourself in the slow lane, trudging your way, begrudging your day, then it might be time for a change. Ask God to help you know whether he wants you in the job you're in. If you're working for him, there will always be a reward. In fact, your future is guaranteed and the benefits are awesome.

      In the Flow

       Lord, I know that I don't always feel sure I'm doing the right work. I know I don't give all that I can when my heart isn't in the flow of things. Help me see your hand in the work I do and shine your light so others can see your good works and rejoice. Amen.

      January 16

      What's in Your Wallet?

       No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be loyal to the one and have contempt for the other. You cannot serve God and wealth.

      —Matthew 6:24


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