Transformation Journal. Carolyn Slaughter
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• In asking for full obedience as described in Deuteronomy 30, is God asking you to do something impossible? Why or why not?
Why Do Some Christians Refer To The Bible As Their "Sword"?
Paul, perhaps inspired by the Roman soldiers surrounding him during his imprisonment in Rome, used a sword to symbolize the word of God. Paul was very aware of the spiritual attack by forces of evil that comes against those who follow Jesus. The "sword of the Spirit" is the sharp instrument that helps you come against the enemy of evil, and it penetrates and judges your spirit as well.
Ephesians 6:10-18 and
Hebrews 4:12-13
• Why do you think Paul chose to use the image of a sword when describing God's word, the Bible, to us?
• Read today's verses from Hebrews again. Think of a truth you have read in the Bible that has penetrated your heart and brought you new insight. What was it? How did it change your thinking and your actions?
What Did Jesus Have To Say About The Bible?
Jesus validated the Scriptures as God-inspired and as God's means of communication with humanity. He presented the word of God as alive, transformational, and consisting of one central message—that Jesus was God's plan to reconnect and be in relationship with the people God loves. Jesus confronted the misuse of Scripture that reduced it to an intellectual exercise or a belief system made up of rules that judge and divide, rather than the living word of God that frees and transforms.
John 5:36-47 and 2 Timothy 2:15
• In John 5, Jesus was speaking to Jewish leaders. How were they misunderstanding and thereby misusing the Old Testament Scriptures?
• The "word of truth" in 2 Timothy is a reference to the Bible, God's word. If this verse describes God's expectation of you, what steps can you take to help yourself become better and better at being a "workman" as described?
What Advice Did Jesus Give About How To Pray?
Prayer was an integral part of Jesus' life, and the twelve men who surrounded him during his three years of ministry were privileged to have Jesus as a model in this area. This intimate connection with the Father, which gave Jesus power to accomplish God's mission, remained a mystery to them until they finally said to Jesus, "Teach us to pray."
Luke 11:1-11 and Matthew 6:5-15
• Matthew and Luke each gave their own unique perspective on Jesus' instructions on prayer, with certain things standing out in importance to each one. What did each one report?
• Which of their instructions are most helpful to improving your daily prayer life?
How Long Do I Need To Keep Praying For Needs And Requests?
God's word teaches that perseverance in prayer yields amazing results. Rather than a grocery list of requests submitted for God's approval, prayer becomes an ongoing conversation with God about God's will for you, the well-being of others, and the fulfillment of God's purpose on Earth. Even back in Old Testament times, Abraham's persevering prayers yielded miraculous results.
Luke 18:1-8 and Genesis 18:16-33
• What in today's Scriptures would encourage a follower of Christ to persevere long term in prayer?
• For what or whom have you let go of praying and need to resume?
When I Pray, What Is My Ultimate Goal?
True prayer ultimately brings a close connection with God, through which you submit your mind, heart, and will to God for alignment with God's heart and will. This truly is the most important purpose of prayer (not just asking for protection and blessings!). The night before his crucifixion, Jesus prayed for his followers' alignment with God's will and heart, and then began the journey to the cross with his own time of painfully surrendering himself to God's will and greater purpose.
John 17:1-26 and Matthew 26:36-46
• From John 17, list at least three "alignment" requests Jesus makes to God on behalf of his followers. What request does he make for himself in Matthew 26?
• Some call Jesus' prayer for God's will to be done, not his own (Matthew 26:42), "the prayer that never fails." Why do you think this is—and do you agree?
What Is The Value Of Praying With Other Believers?
Following the resurrection and ascension of Jesus, his followers gathered together and formed communities that shared all things in common, especially prayer. They continued to grow in their understanding of God's plan and their trust in God to handle all things. Their experiences give followers of Jesus today the assurance that miracles can happen when believers pray together.
Matthew 18:18-20 and Acts 12:1-19
• In Matthew 18, Jesus taught that group accountability in prayer brings miraculous results. What did he say is the supernatural component when believers gather together to pray?
• The people in Acts 12 prayed together for Peter's situation—and God responded with a miracle that surprised them. Have you ever been surprised by a miraculous answer to prayer? How did you and others react?
What Difference Does Praying Before Making A Decision Really Make?
Within just a few chapters of Scripture (Luke 5–9), four different occasions are described in which Jesus sought God in prayer, either alone or in the company of his disciples. It is clear that going to God in prayer was a regular pattern in Jesus' life and always happened before major decisions, significant ministry, and the working of miracles.
Luke 5:12-16, 6:12-19, and 9:18-36
• In each of today's readings, what God-empowered event happened in conjunction with Jesus' spending time in prayer?