Transformation Journal. Carolyn Slaughter
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Matthew 6:19-34 and 11:25-30
• Simplicity is an active pursuit, not a passive lifestyle. What one thing are you to pursue that will clarify your focus and simplify your life (Matthew 6:33)?
• One of the fruits of a simple lifestyle is greater freedom from worry and anxiety. What causes you the most worry? How could simplifying your life reduce the worry?
What Is The Difference Between Godly Love And Worldly Lust?
Because godly love acted out through your life is such a powerful force for good, the power of evil has fabricated a very strong and destructive counterfeit: lust. Just as godly love represents giving, sacrificing, and looking out for others, lust acts out in self-seeking, self-benefiting behaviors that ultimately harm others and destroy relationships. Because lust is such a strong force, you must continually stay alert to its temptation and stay faithful to living out God's love in your behavior instead.
1 Thessalonians 4:3-9, 1 Peter 4:1-8, and Ephesians 5:1-7
• From today's passages, how is passionate lust different from godly love? How can acting on lust take advantage of and wrong other people?
• Think through your relationships as well as your work, priorities, and goals. Are your choices in each of them based on godly love, or on self-benefiting lust?
What Is The True Definition Of Love?
At times it's difficult to get an accurate picture of love. Popular culture continually bombards everyone with the emotional aspect of love but rarely describes the active sacrifice that real love requires. True godly love is not just based on feelings but expresses itself as an active commitment to others—always wanting the best for them, instead of thinking first of yourself.
1 Corinthians 13:1-13
• In 1 Corinthians 13, what active characteristics of love are named? What does real love not do?
• Think about each characteristic of love and write down the names of persons who have loved you in this way. Give thanks for each person.
Where Can I Get Motivation To Love Others?
Because authentic love is so sacrificial, you may have a hard time honestly loving other persons in your own power. In fact, without God's help you could never truly love or even understand love. God is the essence of love. With God present in your heart, you can truly love others by an outpouring of God's love through you.
1 John 4:7-21 and John 13:34-35
• According to today's readings, what is the most visible sign of God's love? How does loving others prove that you know God?
• To whom can you specifically show God's love today?
What Is Loving Others Supposed To Look Like?
You have read about the true characteristics of love and the source of that love, but how does that love actually affect your relationship with others? Godly love puts others first, just as Christ himself loved you enough to die for you. The Bible is clear: love is an action word.
1 John 3:11-24 and John 15:12-13
• What particular actions of love are named in the 1 John passage?
• "Laying down your life" for others means choosing unselfish actions on behalf of others. Give an example of someone whose actions fit that definition. What did the person do?
How Can I Know God Genuinely Loves Me?
Mere human words could never fully describe the incredibly deep love that God has for you. As you read today's passages, be encouraged that God's love for you is higher, deeper, and wider than you could ever imagine or comprehend. Because God has first loved you, you are empowered to love others in a healthy way.
Romans 8:31-39, 5:6-8, and John 3:16-17
• How much does God love you? To what extent has God been willing to go in order to show you that love?
• How does God's unmatched love for you motivate you to love others? What things in your life do you need God's love to conquer?
What Is An Example Of Love That I Can Learn From?
It is easier to talk about demonstrating God's extravagant love than to really get down to active caring for others. The Bible story today shows a great example of extraordinary love—a love willing to do whatever it takes, a willingness to pour out one's life to care for another's needs. You show your love for Jesus by serving selflessly through loving actions.
Luke 7:36-50
• Why did Jesus appreciate the woman more than his dinner host, the Pharisee named Simon?
• When have you loved someone with actions rather than words? Write down an action of love you can take today.
What Does Love Look Like Among Christians?
Many Scripture passages urge believers to love one another. The strongest witness that Christians bring to the rest of the world is the example of modeling godly community bonded together through love. Encouraging, serving, honoring, and lifting one another up are all part of what God desires.
Romans 13:8-10, 12:9-13, and Galatians 5:13-14
• From the Scripture readings, list the "nonnegotiables" given about how Christians are to demonstrate love