Indigeneity on the Move. Группа авторов

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Indigeneity on the Move - Группа авторов

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latter to swidden cultivation. As I have shown, this emphasis fits in with national expectations of “tribe” and global ideas about indigenous people, but does not necessarily do justice to Garo villagers’ much more complex and engaged understandings of the environment in which they live.

      Erik de Maaker (PhD, Leiden) is a researcher and lecturer at the Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology of Leiden University in the Netherlands. He studied anthropology in Amsterdam and Leiden and wrote a PhD dissertation that takes mortuary rituals as a starting point for an analysis of social and economic transformation in upland Northeast India. His current research focuses on the redefinition of land as a resource, as well as its changing importance in processes of “place” making in the extended eastern Himalayas. Erik has published several articles in academic journals and edited volumes, and is preparing a monograph on economic and religious transformations of society in upland Northeast India. For more details regarding his research and publications, see


      1. The film was produced by Survival International, and can be viewed on their website at (accessed 11 December 2014).


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