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1 a boat with a flat bottom used for carrying heavy loads, especially on canals

      VERB 2 INFORMAL If you barge into a place, you push into it in a rough or rude way.

      bark barks, barking, barked

      VERB 1 When a dog barks, it makes a short, loud noise, once or several times.

      NOUN 2 the tough material that covers the outside of a tree


      NOUN a cereal that is grown for food and is also used for making beer and whisky

      bar mitzvah

      NOUN A Jewish boy’s bar mitzvah is a ceremony that takes place on his 13th birthday, after which he is regarded as an adult.

      barn barns

      NOUN a large farm building used for storing crops or animal food

      [from Old English beren meaning barley room]

      barnacle barnacles

      NOUN a small shellfish that fixes itself to rocks and to the bottom of boats

      barometer barometers

      NOUN an instrument that measures air pressure and shows when the weather is changing

      barrel barrels

      NOUN 1 a wooden container with rounded sides and flat ends

      2 The barrel of a gun is the long tube through which the bullet is fired.

      barricade barricades, barricading, barricaded

      NOUN 1 a temporary barrier put up to stop people getting past

      VERB 2 If you barricade yourself inside a room or building, you put something heavy against the door to stop people getting in.

      [from Old French barriquer meaning to block with barrels]

      barrier barriers

      NOUN a fence or wall that prevents people or animals getting from one area to another

      barrister barristers

      NOUN a lawyer who is qualified to represent people in the higher courts

      barrow barrows

      NOUN 1 another word for wheelbarrow

      2 a large cart from which fruit or other goods are sold in the street

      base bases, basing, based

      NOUN 1 the lowest part of something • The waves crashed at the base of the cliffs.

      2 The base of a triangle or a square-shaped pyramid is the bottom.

      3 a place where part of an army, navy or air force works from

      VERB 4 If you base one thing on another, you develop from it. • She based the film on a true story.

      5 If you are based somewhere, you live there or work from there. • My dad is based in Cardiff, but spends a lot of time abroad.


      NOUN a team game played with a bat and a ball. It is popular in the USA.

      basement basements

      NOUN a room or set of rooms below the level of the street • My aunt lives in the basement of our house.


      ADJECTIVE 1 The basic aspects of something are the most necessary ones. • The basic ingredients of bread are flour, yeast and water.

      2 having only the essentials, and no extras or luxuries

      basically ADVERB

      basin basins

      NOUN 1 a round, wide container which is open at the top

      2 A river basin is a bowl of land from which water runs into the river.

      basis bases

      NOUN If something is the basis of something else, it is the main principle on which it is based, and from which other points and ideas can be developed.

      bask basks, basking, basked

      VERB If you bask in hot weather, you lie in the sun and enjoy the warmth.

      basket baskets

      NOUN a container made of thin strips of wood or metal woven together • a shopping basket


      NOUN a game in which two teams try to score goals by throwing a large ball through one of two circular nets that are suspended high up at each end of the basketball court

      bass basses

      NOUN 1 a man with a very deep singing voice

      ADJECTIVE 2 In music, a bass instrument produces a very deep sound. • a bass guitar

      bassoon bassoons

      NOUN a large woodwind instrument


      bat bats, batting, batted

      NOUN 1 a specially shaped piece of wood with a handle, used for hitting a ball in games such as table tennis or cricket

      2 a small animal like a mouse with leathery wings. Bats fly at night and sleep hanging upside down.

      VERB 3 If you are batting in cricket, baseball or rounders, it is your turn to hit the ball.

      batch batches

      NOUN A batch of things is a group of things that are all the same or are being dealt with at the same time. • They delivered the first batch of books at the start of term.

      bath baths

      NOUN a long container that you fill with water and sit in to wash yourself

      bathe bathes, bathing, bathed

      VERB When you bathe in a sea, river or lake, you swim or play there.

      bathroom bathrooms

      NOUN a room with a bath or shower, a washbasin and often a toilet in it

      baton batons

      NOUN 1 a light, thin stick that a conductor uses to direct an orchestra or choir

      2 a short stick passed from one runner to another at the changeover in a relay race

      battalion battalions


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