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bike bikes
NOUN an abbreviation for bicycle
bikini bikinis
NOUN a small, two-piece swimming costume worn by women
ADJECTIVE involving or using two languages • bilingual street signs
[from Latin bis meaning two and lingua meaning tongue]
bill bills
NOUN 1 a written statement of how much is owed for goods or services • a phone bill
2 a formal statement of a proposed new law that is discussed and then voted on in Parliament
3 A bill can be a piece of paper money. • a dollar bill
4 A bird’s bill is its beak.
NOUN a game in which a long stick called a cue is used to move balls on a table
billion billions
NOUN a thousand million • You can write one billion like this: 1,000,000,000.
billow billows, billowing, billowed
VERB 1 When things made of cloth billow, they swell out and flap slowly in the wind.
2 When smoke or cloud billows, it spreads upwards and outwards.
NOUN 3 a large wave
billy goat billy goats
NOUN a male goat
bin bins
NOUN a container, especially one that you put rubbish in
ADJECTIVE The binary system is a number system used when working with computers. It uses only two digits, 0 and 1.
bind binds, binding, bound
VERB 1 If you bind something, you tie rope or string round it so that it is held firmly.
2 If you bind a wound, you wrap bandages round it.
3 When a book is bound, the pages are joined together and a cover is put on.
NOUN a game in which players aim to match the numbers that someone calls out with the numbers on the card they have been given
PLURAL NOUN an instrument with lenses for both eyes, which you look through in order to see objects far away • They used binoculars for bird watching.
ADJECTIVE Biodegradable materials can be broken down naturally, and so they are not dangerous to the environment.
biography biographies
NOUN the history of someone’s life, written by someone else
NOUN the study of living things
[from Greek bios + logos meaning life study]
birch birches
NOUN a tall, deciduous tree with thin branches and thin bark
bird birds
NOUN an egg-laying animal with feathers, two wings, two legs and a beak
birth births
NOUN Your birth was when you were born.
birthday birthdays
NOUN Your birthday is the anniversary of the date on which you were born.
birthmark birthmarks
NOUN a mark on your skin that has been there since you were born
biscuit biscuits
NOUN a small, flat cake that is crisp and usually sweet
bisect bisects, bisecting, bisected
VERB to divide a line or an area in half
bishop bishops
NOUN a high-ranking clergyman in some Christian Churches
NOUN a large, hairy animal, related to cattle, with a large head and shoulders. Bison used to be very common on the prairies in North America, but they are now almost extinct.
bit bits
VERB 1 the past tense of bite • She bit into the toast.
NOUN 2 A bit of something is a small amount of it.
PHRASE 3 INFORMAL A bit means slightly or to a small extent. • That’s a bit difficult.
bitch bitches
NOUN a female dog
bite bites, biting, bit, bitten
VERB If you bite something, you cut into it with your teeth.
bitter bitterest
ADJECTIVE 1 A bitter taste is sharp and unpleasant.
2 A bitter wind is extremely cold.
3 If you are bitter about something, you feel angry and resentful.
ADJECTIVE very strange and weird
SYNONYMS: odd, peculiar
black blacker, blackest
NOUN OR ADJECTIVE the darkest possible colour, like the sky at night when there is no light
blackberry blackberries
NOUN a small, soft black fruit that grows on brambles
blackbird blackbirds
NOUN a common European bird, the male of which has black feathers and a yellow beak
blackboard blackboards
NOUN a dark-coloured board in a classroom, which teachers write on using chalk
blackcurrant blackcurrants
NOUN Blackcurrants are very small, dark, purple fruits that grow in