Sex, Gossip and Rock & Roll. Nicola Marsh

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Sex, Gossip and Rock & Roll - Nicola Marsh

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he did, he had every intention of sussing out Miss Snooty Britches.

      Charli glanced at the gold Tag Heuer Hector had given her on her twenty-first for the fifth time in as many minutes, cursed under her breath and glared at the bathroom door, ready to kick it down.

      She’d thought it might take a pampered playboy longer than the average guy to get ready but he’d been in there for ten freaking minutes! What was he doing? Plucking individual nose hairs?

      Having Luca Petrelli tag along on this tour had been bad enough. Then he’d opened the door wearing that damn towel and her misgivings had shot into the stratosphere.

      The guy was cocky, brash and annoying.

      Don’t forget hot, an annoying little voice in her head whispered, and she gritted her teeth.

      As if she needed reminding. The image of that broad, tanned chest was imprinted on her brain like the passwords to all Hector’s accounts.

      And that was what had her mad as hell. His disregard for punctuality stung but the fact her skin prickled with heat every time she closed her eyes and saw his naked torso burned into her retinas? Now that seriously peed her off.

      Clenching her fists, she marched towards the bathroom, raised a hand to thump on the door at the exact second it opened and she stumbled headlong into the chest she’d been fantasising about less than five seconds ago.

      ‘Falling for me already?’

      Luca’s deep voice murmured in her ear but that wasn’t what had her knees wobbling. Uh-uh, his hands grasping her wrists, pressing her palms against his chest, a chest radiating enough heat to warm the entire suite, took care of that.

      ‘I’m flattered, but shouldn’t we go through the motions first? A date? Dinner?’

      ‘You wish.’

      She pushed against his chest and he released her. She should’ve been glad but as she reluctantly dragged her gaze upwards to meet his, saw the spark of heat there, his regret matched hers.

      The corners of his lips quirked into a decadent smile that must’ve slain females the world over—and had, if the glossies were to be believed.

      ‘You have no idea what I wish for, Goldi.’

      ‘It’s Charli,’ she snapped, angry at herself for being this close to him, for enjoying his banter, for her damn knees still wobbling courtesy of that smile. ‘Where’d you get Goldi from?’

      His patronising pat on the cheek had her fist clenching to slug him.

      ‘It’s an abbreviation.’

      Confused, she glared at him. ‘Short for what?’


      Stupefied, her jaw dropped as he slung a Vuitton overnight bag over his shoulder and strutted out of the door.

      Charli caught up with Luca at the lift, grabbing his bag so he had no option but to stop.

      ‘What did you just call me?’

      He’d lost the smile, the spark in his eyes replaced by suspicion.

      ‘You heard me.’

      Taking a deep breath, she mentally counted to five, a technique Hector had taught her when he’d first rescued her from the streets. Back then, she’d fly into a rage at the slightest provocation and, while she’d come a long way, having hotshot Luca Petrelli stare at her as if she’d pilfered his Rolex grated.

      ‘You’ve got the wrong idea. I’m not here out of choice. I’m just doing my job.’

      Confusion creased his brow for a moment before he laughed.

      ‘You think I think you’re after my money?’

      Now it was her turn to be confused. ‘Isn’t that what you meant?’

      ‘Nice try to deflect, Goldi, shame it didn’t work.’

      ‘Stop calling me that!’

      ‘If the Louboutin fits.’

      He dropped his gaze to her shoes, and she didn’t know what unsettled her more. The fact he recognised the artistic brilliance of her favourite shoe designer or the way his gaze slowly travelled upwards the entire length of her leg, lingering along the way.

      ‘If I’m not after your money, who …?’ She trailed off, a nasty thought sliding insidiously into her brain.

      He didn’t speak, merely raised an eyebrow, as if taunting her to drop the act.

      She’d drop something all right. Right onto his big fat mistaken head.

      Beyond indignant she straightened, took two steps forwards until they were toe to toe, and eyeballed him.

      ‘Not that I owe you anything, let alone an explanation, but Hector is my boss. I’m his executive assistant. We’re friends and I’d never do anything to take advantage of that.

      So you can take your stupid misconceptions and stick them.’

      Surprise widened his eyes before he blinked, studying her as if she were a clue to the missing link.

      ‘So it’s in your job description to accompany him to balls? Charity functions? That kind of thing? ‘

      To her mortification she blushed, an annoying heat that flushed her cheeks and notched up her temper.

      ‘My job description is none of your business.’

      Charli had been called many things in her life, had shrugged off the nasty labels of spending part of her life on the streets. She’d heard the gossip about her relationship with Hector many times and had given it the attention drivel like that deserved: absolutely none.

      Over the years she’d developed a thick skin from necessity. Nothing or no one could hurt her.

      So why the hell was she fuming now, so furious she could strangle Luca, leave him slumped in the hallway and not look back?

      ‘Fair call.’

      His finger hovered over the elevator button, his smile as infuriating as the implication behind his accusation a few moments ago. ‘You coming?’

      ‘Not ‘til you apologise for being so vile.’

      His grin broadened and her hands clenched into fists. Just another step and she’d be close enough to slug him …

      ‘Now, we both know that’s a lie.’

      She frowned, not following as he crowded her personal space but she didn’t give an inch, wouldn’t give him the satisfaction.

      ‘What are you going on about?’

      ‘You don’t think I’m vile.’


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