Sex, Gossip and Rock & Roll. Nicola Marsh

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Sex, Gossip and Rock & Roll - Nicola Marsh

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teeth against the impulse to get closer.

      ‘Not by the way you were looking at me earlier in that towel.’

      He popped the intimate bubble enveloping them just like that and she shoved him away.

      Mistake number two: placing her palms on that hard chest again.

      Mistake number one had happened the instant she’d agreed to have him tag along on this tour.

      Taking a deep breath to steady her rampaging pulse, she pinned him with a glare he couldn’t mistake for anything other than ‘take one step closer to me again and you die’.

      ‘I’ve changed my mind. You can shove your apology and your sexy smiles. Let’s go.’

      She stabbed at the elevator button and broke a nail in the process.

      Thankfully, he kept his mouth shut. Until they stepped into the elevator and the doors slid soundlessly shut.

      ‘So you think my smile’s sexy, huh?’

      Charli silently called herself some very unladylike names and clamped her lips shut in response.

      Luca couldn’t help himself. There was something delightfully alluring about a woman who didn’t fall at his feet. Sure, he liked a challenge as much as the next guy, but lately even dating the newest Oscar winner or squiring a princess around Europe had lost its thrill.

      He knew why he did it, of course, was well aware of how every paparazzi picture or each gossip-column mention vindicated the choices he’d made. Childish and puerile, maybe, but every time he saw himself in the press, he hoped the people who’d shunned him had their snooty noses rubbed in it.

      As the valet steered a low-slung bright red Ferrari to stop in front of them he wolfwhistled.

      ‘Some car.’

      She shot him another death glare that did nothing but turn him on as she stepped around the bonnet and held out her hand to the valet.

      The Ferrari was hers? Jeez, and he’d started to believe her story about not taking advantage of Pop. No way no how could an executive assistant afford a car like this.

      She flashed the valet a glorious smile that only served to rile him further—he wouldn’t mind being on the end of one of those—and slid into the car, her skirt riding mid-thigh, his libido shooting sky-high. Those long, gorgeous legs could be put to much better use than pushing pedals.

      Easing his overnight bag into the back seat, he slid into the passenger side, admiring her driving skill as she guided the car out of Crown and into the heavy city traffic.

      When she kept up the silent treatment for six blocks, he said, ‘Nice wheels.’

      ‘I like fast cars.’

      Her frigid tone could’ve produced glaciers in the Pacific.


      ‘What do you think?’

      She took her eyes off the road for a second, her withering glare speaking volumes.

      O-kay, maybe they’d got off on the wrong foot, what with him virtually accusing her of working for Pop for easy access to his fortune. And while the car only served to reinforce his suspicions, he’d get more out of her by treating her nicely rather than antagonising further.

      Not that it would be simple. He liked teasing her, getting her all riled up so those big green eyes glowed and her mouth pursed, plumping up some seriously kissable lips.

      ‘Seeing as we’re stuck with each other for the next fortnight, why don’t we call a truce? I won’t accuse you of anything if you stop looking at me like something you stepped in at a dog show.’

      The corners of her delectable mouth twitched and as the car eased to a stop at a traffic light she shot him a tight smile.

      ‘Can’t make any promises but I’ll try. Deal?’

      He couldn’t shake her hand, with one on the steering wheel and the other on the gear stick, so he did the next best thing. Unable to stop the resident demon that prompted him to do impulsive things on a daily basis, he leaned across and kissed her.

      ‘Deal,’ he murmured against her lips, taking advantage of her shock by kissing her again, lingering this time, sliding his lips over hers, exerting just enough pressure to show that given half a chance he’d deepen it to the point of no return.

      Two sharp honks on a horn behind them had her cursing and shoving him away before she returned her hand to the gear stick and slid into first.

      ‘Care to explain what that was about?’

      Her tone had resumed its frostiness while he couldn’t wipe the grin off his face.

      ‘Not that I usually need to explain why I kiss a beautiful woman, but we couldn’t shake on the deal so I did the next best thing. Why, did I offend you?’

      His silky tone garnered a snort in response. ‘Newsflash. That out-of-line kiss rendered the deal null and void. New deal. We don’t talk for the next fortnight. Capish?’

      Oh, yeah, that kiss had got to her.

      ‘Where’s the fun in that?’

      ‘You’re here to manage the finances, not have fun.’

      ‘Surely the two aren’t mutually exclusive?’

      She screeched into a side street, giving him momentary whiplash, before cutting the engine and turning to face him.

      ‘Another newsflash. I’m not one of your bimbos. I work for your grandfather. I take my job seriously. And I don’t need some goof-off blow-in making trouble for me. Got it?’

      She stopped just short of jabbing him in the chest. Pity, he would’ve liked to feel her hands on him again.

      ‘Loud and clear.’

      Her shoulders sagged in relief, before he added, ‘Doesn’t mean I’ll play nice.’

      ‘You’re a pain in the—’

      ‘With all this talk of work, doesn’t sound like you have much time for fun?’

      ‘I have plenty of fun.’

      His snort deepened her indignant frown. ‘When’s the last time you had a date?’

      She clamped her lips shut.

      ‘Had sex?’

      Her legs followed suit and he laughed.

      ‘Look, we can do this the hard way or the fun way. My mouth? Has a life of its own. Runs away all the time. I’ll compliment you constantly. I’ll tease you incessantly. I may even kiss you on occasion but it’s harmless. All good, clean fun.’

      It was her turn to snort but not before he’d caught the gleam of excitement making the gold flecks

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