Birds of New Zealand, Hawaii, Central and West Pacific. Ber Perlo van
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40.2 Shore Plover NZ 1,2,4
Thinornis novaeseelandiae
40.3 Wrybill NZ 1,2,4
Anarhynchus frontalis
42.5 Red-Breasted Dotterel NZ 1–3
Charadrius obscurus
46.2 Subantarctic Snipe NZ 6–8
Coenocorypha aucklandica
46.3 Chatham Islands Snipe NZ 4
Coenocorypha pusilla
51.3 Red-Billed Gull NZ 1–7
Chroicocephalus scopulinus
51.5 Black-Billed Gull NZ 1–3
Chroicocephalus bulleri
55.4 Black-Fronted Tern NZ 1–3,5
Chlidonias albostriatus
58.1 New Zealand Pigeon NZ 1–3
Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae
63.6 Kea NZ 1,2
Nestor notabilis
63.7 New Zealand Kaka NZ 1–3
Nestor meridionalis
63.8 Kakapo NZ ?1,?2,?3
Strigops habroptila
64.1 Antipodes Parakeet NZ 8
Cyanoramphus unicolor
64.2 Yellow-Fronted Parakeet NZ 1–3,?5
Cyanoramphus auriceps
64.3 Red-Fronted Parakeet NZ 1–6,10
Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae
64.4 Chatham Islands Parakeet NZ 4
Cyanoramphus forbesi
64.5 Malherbe’s Parakeet NZ 2
Cyanoramphus malherbi
71.1 Rifleman NZ 1–3
Acanthisitta chloris
71.2 South Island Wren NZ 2
Xenicus gilviventris
74.9 Fernbird NZ 1–3
Megalurus punctatus
77.1 Grey Gerygone NZ 1–3,5
Gerygone igata
77.2 Chatham Island Gerygone NZ 4
Gerygone albofrontata
77.3 Yellowhead NZ 2
Mohoua ochrocephala
77.4 Whitehead NZ 1
Mohoua albicilla
77.5 Pipipi NZ 2,3
Mohoua novaeseelandiae
80.7 New Zealand Fantail NZ 1–5
Rhipidura fuliginosa
85.1 Tomtit NZ 1–6
Petroica macrocephala
85.3 Chatham Robin NZ 4
Petroica traversi
85.4 New Zealand Robin NZ 2,3
Petroica australis
85.5 North Island Robin NZ 1
Petroica longipes
85.7 Stitchbird NZ 1,11,12
Notiomystis cincta
85.8 New Zealand Bellbird NZ 1–3,6,7
Anthornis melanura
86.1 Tui NZ 1–6,10
Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae
95.4 Kokako NZ 1,?2,?3
Callaeas cinereus
95.5 Saddleback NZ small Is off mainland
Philesturnus carunculatus
The largest number of endemic species is found in New Zealand (65), followed by Hawaii (33), Fiji (28) and French Polynesia (24). New Zealand and Hawaii also have completely endemic families, in New Zealand the kiwis (Apterygidae, five species), the New