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bigote NOUN


      el bikini NOUN


      bilingüe (FEM bilingüe) ADJECTIVE


      el billar NOUN

      billiards el billar americano pool

      el billete NOUN

      1 ticket un billete de metro an underground ticket un billete de ida y vuelta a return ticket

      2 note un billete de veinte euros a twenty-euro note

      el billón (PL los billones) NOUN

      un billón a million million

       Language tip

      Be careful! billón does not mean billion.

      biodegradable (FEM biodegradable) ADJECTIVE


      la biografía NOUN


      la biología NOUN


      biológico (FEM biológica) ADJECTIVE

      1 organic

      2 biological

      el biquini NOUN


      la bisabuela NOUN


      el bisabuelo NOUN

      great-grandfather mis bisabuelos my great-grandparents

      el bistec (PL los bistecs) NOUN


      bizco (FEM bizca) ADJECTIVE


      el bizcocho NOUN

       sponge cake


      blanco can be an adjective or a noun.

      A (FEM blanca) ADJECTIVE

      white un vestido blanco a white dress


      white Me gusta el blanco. I like white. Me quedé en blanco. My mind went blank.

      blando (FEM blanda) ADJECTIVE

      soft Este colchón es muy blando. This mattress is very soft.

      el bloc (PL los blocs) NOUN

      writing pad un bloc de dibujo a drawing pad

      el blog NOUN


      el bloque NOUN

      block un bloque de pisos a block of flats

      bloquear VERB

      to block La nieve bloqueó las carreteras. The snow blocked the roads.

      la blusa NOUN


      la bobada NOUN

      Este programa es una bobada. This programme is stupid.

      decir bobadas to talk nonsense

      bobo (FEM boba) ADJECTIVE


      la boca NOUN

      mouth No debes hablar con la boca llena. You shouldn’t talk with your mouth full. No abrió la boca en toda la tarde. He didn’t open his mouth all afternoon. Me quedé con la boca abierta. I was speechless.

      boca abajo face down boca arriba face up

      el bocadillo NOUN

      sandwich un bocadillo de queso a cheese sandwich

       Did you know…?

      In Spain, a bocadillo is usually made with a baguette.

      el bocado NOUN

      bite Dame un bocado de tu bocadillo. Let me have a bite of your sandwich. No he probado bocado desde ayer. I haven’t had a bite to eat since yesterday.

      el bocata NOUN

      sandwich Ya me he comido el bocata. I’ve already had my sandwich. un bocata de queso a cheese sandwich

       Did you know…?

      In Spain, a bocata is usually made with a baguette.

      la boda NOUN


      la bofetada NOUN

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