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Le dio una bofetada. She slapped him.

      la bola NOUN

      1 ball una bola de nieve a snowball

      2 scoop

      el boli NOUN


      el bolígrafo NOUN


      el bollo NOUN

      bun Me he comido un bollo para desayunar. I had a bun for breakfast.

      los bolos NOUN

       tenpin bowling

      la bolsa NOUN

      bag una bolsa de plástico a plastic bag

      el bolsillo NOUN


      Sacó las llaves del bolsillo. He took the keys out of his pocket. un libro de bolsillo a paperback

      el bolso NOUN


      la bomba NOUN


      el bombero NOUN


      la bombilla NOUN


      el bombón (PL los bombones) NOUN


      la bombona NOUN

       gas cylinder

      bonito (FEM bonita) ADJECTIVE

      pretty una casa muy bonita a very pretty house

      el borde NOUN

      edge al borde de la mesa at the edge of the table

      borracho (FEM borracha) ADJECTIVE

      drunk Estás borracho. You’re drunk.

      el borrador NOUN

      1 duster Usó un trapo como borrador. He used a rag as a duster.

      2 rough draft Escribe primero un borrador. First write a rough draft.

      borrar VERB

      1 to rub out Borra toda la palabra. Rub out the whole word.

      2 to clean Borra la pizarra. Clean the blackboard. borrarse de to take one’s name off/to leave

       Language tip

      borrarse de has two meanings. Look at the examples.

      Voy a borrarme de la lista. I’m going to take my name off the list. Se borró del club. He left the club.

      el bosque NOUN

      1 wood

      2 forest

      bostezar VERB

       to yawn

      la bota NOUN


      botar VERB

      to bounce Esta pelota no bota. This ball doesn’t bounce.

      el bote NOUN

      1 boat un bote salvavidas a lifeboat

      2 jar

      pegar un bote to jump

      la botella NOUN


      el botón (PL los botones) NOUN

      button He perdido un botón de la camisa. I’ve lost a button off my shirt. pulsar un botón to press a button

      boxear VERB

       to box

      el boxeo NOUN


      las bragas NOUN

      knickers unas bragas a pair of knickers

      la bragueta NOUN


      bravo EXCLAMATION

       well done!

      la braza NOUN

      breaststroke nadar a braza to do the breaststroke

      el brazo NOUN

      arm Me duele el brazo. My arm hurts. Estaba sentada con los brazos cruzados. She was sitting with her arms folded.

      breve (FEM breve) ADJECTIVE

      short un relato

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