Wildflower Park Series. Bella Osborne

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Wildflower Park Series - Bella  Osborne

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      ‘What? No,’ said Sophie. ‘Do you really think I’d do that?’ Sophie lowered the pants to hang limply at her side.

      ‘I hope not. Why are you waving them at me then?’ Anna arched an eyebrow as confusion reigned.

      ‘Fine. Don’t tell me. I thought we didn’t keep secrets,’ said Sophie, throwing the offending undies at Anna’s feet and stomping off to the spare bedroom. Anna shook her head. She was totally bewildered by what had gone on. It was looking increasingly like Sophie was losing the plot. Anna took the tongs from the drawer, picked up the pants with them and dropped them unceremoniously into the non-recycling bin.

      Maurice wound himself around Anna’s legs. ‘Hiya, Maurice,’ she said, giving him a stroke. ‘I bet you wonder what’s going on too, don’t you.’ Maurice did one more rub round her legs and slunk off.

      Anna thumbed through her post. A large envelope intrigued her and she ripped it open first. Her whole body jolted. She stared wide-eyed at the contents. There was a covering letter thanking her for her interest and a glossy brochure for her old university. Her hands began to tremble and she dropped the brochure on the countertop. Why would the university send her a prospectus? She speed-read the letter again. It had all her details printed on it; it hadn’t been misdelivered. It was definitely meant for her. But she hadn’t requested it. There must be some mistake.

      Her stomach lurched at the familiar buildings on the brochure’s cover. She reached out a finger to trace the lines of the main hall and unwelcome memories rushed back. Her mind was reeling. Anna tried so hard to not think about her time at university but in an instant she felt herself being sucked back there. She pulled her hand away. It had been a place that had held so much promise and opportunity but it had all been shattered abruptly, spinning her off plan. It seemed like every time she was moving on with her life the past had a way of rearing up and catching her off-guard.

      Why had the university sent this to her? Was someone trying to freak her out? Or more specifically was Liam trying to freak her out? If it was him it was a very odd way to go about trying to win her over. Unless he hoped she’d turn to him in crisis. Her mind was a muddle of questions and an uncomfortable sensation was bubbling in her gut. She scooped up the brochure and dropped it into the recycling bin. It would be some silly computer error, she told herself. Those sorts of things happened all the time. It didn’t mean anything. The brochure images swam in her mind. She just needed to forget about it. She could do that. She had to.

      Anna was distracted by Sophie shouting but by the time she got to the bedroom Sophie had already thrown her phone down in disgust.

      ‘He’s gone and got steaming drunk,’ said Sophie, folding her arms tightly across her ample chest. ‘I leave him and he gets the beer out to celebrate.’

      ‘I’m sure it’s not exactly like that,’ said Anna. She couldn’t imagine Dave was celebrating.

      ‘He’s rung me to ask me to come home. Is that all he thinks it takes? I’m so desperate a drunk phone call will have me running ba …’ She couldn’t finish the sentence before the tears came. Anna sat on the bed, wrapped her in a hug and rocked her gently. Dave was thoughtless. Anna was sure he had no idea how much he hurt Sophie sometimes. When Sophie’s tears had dried, Anna went and made her a decaf coffee.

      ‘You drink this and settle yourself down with some reality TV and I’m going to have a word with your feckless husband.’ It was time for some home truths.

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