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      Hotels are rated from 1 to 5 stars, although unstarred hotels also exist. In tourist areas it’s easy to find a pansiyon or guesthouse. Breakfast will probably not be included in the room price. However, in tourist hotels and holiday resorts, breakfast is usually included – half board, full board and all-inclusive options are available.


       Tek/çift kişilik bir oda istiyoruz

      Tek/cheeft kee-shee-leek beer o-da ees-tee-yo-ruz

      We would like to book a single/double room

       Kaç gecelik?

      Kach ge-dje-leek?

      For how many nights?

       Bir gece/iki gece/bir hafta için

      Beer ge-dje/ee-kee ge-dje/beer haf-ta ee-cheen

      For one night/two nights/one week

Do you have a room?Boş odanız var mı? bosh o-da-nuhz var muh?
I’d like……istiyorum …ees-tee-yo-room
a single roomtek kişilik oda tek kee-shee-leek o-da
a double roomçift kişilik oda cheeft kee-shee-leek o-da
a cotbebek yatağI be-bek ya-ta-uh
with showerduşlu doosh-loo
with bathbanyolu ban-yo-loo
How much is it per night?Gecelik ücreti ne kadar? ge-dje-leek ewdj-re-tee ne ka-dar?
1 nightbir gece beer ge-dje
2 nightsiki gece ee-kee ge-dje
I want a room on the ground floorZemin katta bir oda istiyorum ze-meen kat-ta beer o-da ees-tee-yo-room

İsminiz, lütfen/Adınız lütfen ees-mee-neez, lewt-fen/a-duh-nuhz lewt-fenYour name, please
Pasaportunuz, lütfen pa-sa-por-too-nooz, lewt-fenYour passport, please
Doluyuz do-loo-yoozWe are full
telefonla rezervasyon te-le-fon-la re-zer-vas-yonby phone

I have a reservationRezervasyonum var re-zer-vas-yo-noom var
My name is…İsmim… ees-meem…
Have you a different room?Başka odanız var mı? bash-ka o-da-nuhz var muh?
Where can I park the car?Arabamı nereye park edebilirim? a-ra-ba-muh ne-re-ye park e-de-bee-lee-reem?
What time is breakfast?Kahvaltı saat kaçta? kah-val-tuh sa-at kach-ta?
What time is dinner?Akşam yemeği saat kaçta? ak-sham ye-me-ee sa-at kach-ta?
The key, pleaseAnahtar, lütfen a-na-tar, lewt-fen
Room number…Oda numarası… o-da noo-ma-ra-suh…
I’m leaving tomorrowYarın ayrılıyorum ya-ruhn ay-ruh-luh-yo-room
I reserved the room(s) onlineOdayı (odaları) internette ayırttım o-da-yuh (o-da-lar-uh) een-ter-net-te a-yurt-tuhm
Does the price include breakfast?Fiyata kahvaltı dahil mi? fee-ya-ta kah-val-tuh da-heel mee?
Is there a hotel restaurant/barOtel’de bir restoran/bar var mı? o-tel-de beer res-to-ran/bar var-muh?
Is there a toilet for disabled people?Engelliler icin tuvalet var mı? en-gel-lee-ler ee-cheen too-va-let var muh?
Where is the lift?Asansor nerede? a-san-sur ne-re-de?

      A list of registered campsites can be obtained from tourist offices in Turkey. European campsite specialist ASCI also has a list of campsites in Turkey, which are inspected annually.

kamp yeri/kamping kamp ye-ree/kam-pingcamp site
içme suyu eech-me soo-yoodrinking water
duşlar doosh-larshowers
müdüriyet mew-dew-ree-yetoffice
resepsiyon re-sep-see-yonreception
çadır cha-duhrtent

Where is the campsite?Kamp yeri nerede? kamp ye-ree ne-re-de?
How much is it per night?Geceliği ne kadar? ge-dje-lee-ee ne ka-dar?
1 nightbir gece beer ge-dje
2 nightsiki gece ee-kee ge-dje
toiletstuvalet too-va-let
showerduş doosh
drinking wateriçme suyu eech-me soo-yoo
Where’s the…?…nerede? …ne-re-de?

Doluyuz do-loo-yoozWe are full

Can you give us an extra set of keys, please?Yedek anahtar verir misiniz, lütfen? ye-dek a-nah-tar ve-reer mee-see-neez, lewt-fen?
Who do we contact if there are problems?Bir problem çıkarsa kiminle görüşelim? beer prob-lem chuh-kar-sa kee-meen-le gur-rew-she-leem?
How does the heating work?Kombi/Şofben nasıl çalışıyor? kom-bee/shof-ben na-suhl cha-luh-shuh-yor?
Is there always hot water?Her saat sıcak su var mı? her sa-at suh-djak soo var muh?
Where is the nearest supermarket?En yakın market nerede? en ya-kuhn mar-ket ne-re-de?
Where do we leave the rubbish?Çöpü nereye bırakalım? chur-pew ne-re-ye buh-ra-ka-luhm?
recyclinggeri dönüşüm ge-ree duh-nuh-shum

      Shops are generally open from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday to Saturday and closed on Sunday. Some shops close for lunch between 12 and 2 p.m. In tourist towns, the shops are open for longer, with no lunch break.

      Good-natured haggling is the norm: offer half to two-thirds of the asking price, then settle on a price somewhere in between. Don’t offer unless you are serious; to settle on a price and then not buy is considered bad manners. Once a week most

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