The ancient Gospel of the Essenes and its falsification. johanne t.g. joan
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The ancient Gospel of the Essenes and its falsification
For You will not abandon me to Sheol (the nether world, the place of the dead), Nor will You allow Your Holy One to undergo decay.
PSALM 16, 10
Evidence of the authenticity of
the Gospel of the Essenes and plagiarism of the New Testament
Johanne T. G. Joan
The Ancient Gospel of the Essenes and its falsification
Johanne T. G. Joan
© 2020 johanne t.g. joan
Verlag und Druck: tredition GmbH, Halenreie 40-44, 22359 Hamburg
Copyright © 2015 Johanne T. G. Joan
978-3-7497-4204-2 (Paperback)
978-3-347-07672-3 (Hardcover)
978-3-347-07673-0 (e-Book)
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For my mother
1st preface
The present book
is a thesis that proves the authenticity of the Gospel of the Essenes and is also the basis of the trilogy,
"THE SECRET OF THE TRUE GOSPEL OF THE ESSENES" _de_DE=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&dc hild=1&keywords=The+Secret+of+the+true+Gospel+of+the+ Essenes%3A&qid=1585397308&s=books&sr=1-2
This trilogy is a scientific work in the form of a novel, which not only proves the 2000 year old age of the Gospel of the Essenes, but also describes, with surgical precision, how falsifiers 2000 years ago succeeded in changing this original message, for economic and power reasons, in an ingenious but demonic way that it is still valid today.
The Essene Gospel is the predecessor of the New Testament and teaches us completely different Christian ethical values than the Christian doctrine. In contrast to Christianity, the Gospel of the Essenes teaches that woman is by no means subject to man, but that she is the spiritual power of man to which he should listen. It teaches that animals have a soul and are our brothers, whom we must protect like our children because they are defenseless. It teaches that the earth is our mother, its elements sacred, and that only one who respects, protects and safeguards women, the environment and animals is worthy of calling himself a Christian.
I have written this thesis so that the potential reader of the Trilogy: The Secret of the True Gospel of the Essenes, can be convinced beforehand of the authenticity of the Gospel of the Essenes, the fulcrum of the Trilogy.
The present thesis "The Gospel of the Essenes Plagiarism" proves, on the basis of writings by Qumran, Nag Hammadi and Mar Saba Monastery, the authenticity of the Gospel of the Essenes, which was called a fake by the Catholic Church. This thesis also proves that the New Testament is a copy or modified plagiarism of the Gospel of the Essenes, and that the Gospels, the letters and the Revelation of John were not written by different apostles of Jesus, but that the entire New Testament comes from one source.
On the basis of this revelation, a petition was launched to Pope Francis, asking him to refute this thesis or to publicly confess the 2000 years of error, so that humanity may regain its lost sense of duty towards all that is feminine, environmental and animal, which will lead to the adoption and tightening of new ethical laws.
Here the petition:
Because the Pope did not show any reaction, we protested in front of the Vatican at the Castel Sant'Angelo on October 5, 2019 and expressed the same request.
The author 2019
2nd preface
I wrote this book because I felt it necessary to prove the authenticity of the fundamental Gospel that I quote in my books - Trilogy: "The Secret of the True Gospel of the Essenes", which reveals the falsification of the Gospel of the Essenes to its full extent.
The Gospel of the Essenes was discovered by Edmond Szekely in 1923 and is considered a forgery by the Catholic Church.
In 1937 the first edition of the "Gospel of Peace of the Essenes" was published.
The present work proves the authenticity of the Gospel of the Essenes, among others with writings from Qumran and Nag Hammadi, which were discovered after 1945 and which contain parts of the Gospel of the Essenes literally.
The Essene Jesus was a vegetarian, called the animals our friends and brothers who need our protection and condemned the killing of the animals as fratricide.
The author 2019
I was born the third child of five children of a workingclass family in the North of France near Calais. My father was a painter, my mother a seamstress.
Fine art, sculpture, music, and biology were the themes that interested me as a child.
After my schooling in France I came to Germany and attended the School of Arts in Augsburg. In the same period I continued piano lessons to prepare for the acceptance exam for the music conservatory.
However, in 1980 I decided to study natural medicine and attended the Josef Angerer School for Natural Medicine in Munich.
In 1983, I began an assistantship with Josef Angerer: at first I provided graphic design for his books, among other documents. Later, I wrote and edited the book "Die Linsenphänomene", a volume from the book series: “Ophthalmotrophic Phenomenology.”