The ancient Gospel of the Essenes and its falsification. johanne t.g. joan
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The Romans had to find a way to slander and denigrate the Jews as liars, at which they ultimately succeeded. They presented the Jews as avaricious, deceitful and vile, a slander that reached its culmination in crucifying the supposed Son of God.
I gradually discovered that the so-called Holy Scripture is the greatest and most effective anti-semitic manifesto that ever existed, for the simple reason that this intention is not immediately recognizable and because this message of hate is transmitted through the subconscious and achieves the effect of brainwashing.
Martin Luther also fell into the trap of the conspirator, only giving the lie a different name.
The falsifiers invested a very great effort in their work, making discovery of their conspiracy very difficult.
That is why the matter is complicated and cannot be explained in a few sentences. For this reason I am going to restore and explain the original terminology of the Holy Message to which a different meaning had been given by the falsifiers. That is why the NT has a different, a wrong content.
Let’s start with the concept of Christ. After seven years of research, it became clear that Christ was not a man but a state of mind.
Flowers, herbs, vegetables or fruits, which have grown naturally and not with the help of artificial fertilizer etc., grow under the influence of the elements: sun, water, air and earth. They consist of billions of cells, in which these elements are held in harmony and the life pulses from inside. We can best recognize this by the sight of a flower that radiates life and spreads joy.
Or in the spring, when buds emerge from the bare branches and cover the whole tree with blossoms. If an element is missing, the plant withers, the flower or even the tree dies. In fact, Christ is light, He is the truth and life. The life that dominates all creation and keeps it alive. Christ is not a man, but the sum of the elements that exist in every living being in harmony with Mother Earth and the Cosmos. Christ is the fullness.
The goal of every human, according to the Essene Baptist, is to build these living elements into himself by ingesting these elements in their original form. Everyone is to transform his body into a holy temple. That’s how a person regains his original purity, his spiritual virginity that the fathers and forefathers had lost.
This purity would make him a new creation, and he would not die and not decay. He is to receive Christ, light, truth, and life, so that he may not die, even if he has died. Life cannot be destroyed. It escapes and the celestial can only be attained through the earth.
If a human being consumes meat and cooked food, a deficiency arises, for, in order to remain healthy, he must add to his body these living elements over his food. And since the flesh of animals begins to deteriorate from the moment of its slaughter, the elements, water, air, earth, and sun, immediately disintegrate the contained life. It is no longer possible to speak of living elements, even if the meat were raw. Consumption of the dead flesh of animals also has another negative effect that is more harmful by far than disease, because due to the missing elements the prerequisite for the resurrection of the flesh is absent.
3 Public domaine
4 The Essene Gospel of Peace: Book 1, Page 24
5 Public domaine Chap. 68, 8-11
6 The Essene Gospel of Peace: Book 4 “The Sevenfold Peace “, Page 16
7 The Essene Gospel of Peace: Book 1, Page 22
8 The Essene Gospel of Peace: Book 2, The unknown Books of the Essenes. The Angel of Life.
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