BOSH! How to Live Vegan. Henry Firth
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A warming planet also means we can expect more global conflicts.[14] We were surprised by this at first, but it is inevitable: as the natural resources people depend on – water, food, fuel, etc. – become increasingly limited and unpredictable weather events cause climactic damage to landscapes and communities, governments will find it harder to protect and manage their societies. Severe droughts,[15] drowned coastal cities[16] and millions of climate migrants from scorched, desertified countries[17] will leave people feeling uncertain about their futures, resulting in widespread instability and political unrest.
These threats will materialise for the world’s poorest first,[18]particularly those around the equator, and there are already communities whose homes are being threatened or destroyed by climate activity across Africa, Asia, South America and even Alaska,[19] where temperatures are rising more dramatically than elsewhere. Meanwhile, our overconsumption is also affecting the poorest. Isn’t it terrifying to learn that although we produce enough food to feed every human on the planet, over 800 million people go to bed hungry each day?[20]
When we learnt these facts, we have to admit that we found ourselves losing faith in humanity for a while. As soon as you hear statistics like these, it’s easy to feel resigned and deflated – as though you don’t have any control. But we pulled ourselves back out of that hole and realised that there is something we can do – we can all act in a way that does some good for the world. Let’s use these depressing and humbling facts as a motivator to make a change!
We know we are lucky to live in the western world. A world where we import avocados from the other side of the globe to take photos of them in our meals and show people on the internet. It’s not useful for anyone to go around feeling endlessly guilty every day about all that we have, but we do need to acknowledge how privileged we are.
We may not have intentionally caused these problems, but indirectly, by just existing and enjoying the modern world we live in – with all its luxuries and technologies – we have. We must take some responsibility.
We are young professionals who travel on a regular basis around the UK and also around the world. We buy and eat food when we’re out and about. We enjoy our laptops, our phones – in fact, our whole living stems from being online 24/7. We buy clothes that are in fashion and we don’t refuse napkins or take our lunch in a metal box every day.
We have to own up and accept some responsibility for our choices.
Human civilisation has been around for about 12,000 years. The addition of excess carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the planet’s atmosphere has all happened in our lifetime, in the last 30 years.[21], [22] And science shows us we have about the same amount of time left to fix it.[23]
It’s like some kind of sci-fi film plot that the entire history of humanity as we know it lies in the hands of just two generations. And at this point in the story, it doesn’t look much like a happy ending.
How terrifying is that?! But also, how amazing that it is potentially still possible to fix it.
There is, in fact, a lot to be positive about. As we all become more aware of what needs to be done, it’s incredibly encouraging to see people all around the world taking action and making great strides in the name of climate change and the environment.
Climate change isn’t the only reason people come to veganism. There are three main motivations that lead people towards wanting to adopt a more plant-based way of eating and living:
1 The environment
2 The treatment of animals
3 Health
Whatever the reason you started out on your vegan journey, it’s inevitable that the more you read around the subject, the more you will start to care about the other two reasons as well.
Ian started eating vegan as part of a health kick one January, but then it quickly became more about animal welfare and the environment too. Henry came at it with climate change as his main motivation, but then found a renewed love of animals, and enjoyed better health to boot.
If you are fully engaged in your vegan journey – which we encourage you to be at all times – it’s impossible not to start caring about the cruelty inflicted on animals as part of current farming practices around the world. From animals packed into small living spaces or separating mothers from their children in the dairy industry, to the catastrophic destruction of wild fish populations from commercial fishing.
We’re often asked what’s so wrong about organic, free-range, high-welfare meat sourced from herds that roam freely across acres of beautiful fields and whose farmer talks to them every day and knows them all by name. Surely that’s OK, right?
Well, aside from the debate over whether it’s ever OK to kill another creature, the main issue we have here is that it’s simply not sustainable for everyone on the planet to eat in this way. Most people don’t eat, don’t have access to or simply can’t afford to eat meat that has been raised in this way. And we simply don’t have the space on the planet to do it either. Many animal products on supermarket shelves come from animals that have been raised in poor conditions in factory farms, farmed cheaply to meet with demand. [25], [26]
We want to move towards food and lifestyle choices that work for everyone, not a select few.
The majority of people choosing to eat more plants are actually doing so for health reasons.[27] Although animal welfare is a very close second.
We know, first hand, how amazing eating a vegan diet can make you feel. Almost instantly we both felt lighter – we lost weight, sure, but we also felt lighter in ourselves too. We slept better, our digestion was better, our hair was thicker – and a surprising benefit was that our hangovers were easier too! Result! (Although it did take us a while to find the perfect vegan alternative to a hangover bacon sandwich … To be honest, that was one of the main motivations behind our Big Breakfast Bagel in our second book, BISH BASH BOSH!) We also found our energy levels were easier to sustain, rather than having an afternoon dip, or evening slump in front of the TV.
That’s not to say all vegan food is healthy – you can easily be unhealthy on a vegan diet, as you can on any diet. But generally, if you’re eating more veg, then you’re going to quickly see improvements in how you look and feel.
As a happy knock-on effect too, we found we became more