To Make A Marriage. Кэрол Мортимер

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To Make A Marriage - Кэрол Мортимер Mills & Boon Modern

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sobered. ‘True,’ he agreed distractedly.

      Andie knew the reason for that distraction. Had known it for some time. Adam had been in love with her mother…

      He had been around a lot when Andie and her sisters had been children, appearing at the estate most weekends. Despite a dislike of the countryside and all things connected to it… It had only been as Andie had grown older that she’d realised the reason Adam had put aside his aversion and visited them anyway. Ten years ago her mother had died, and if the three sisters and their father had been heartbroken at the loss, then Adam had been inconsolable.

      Because he had been in love with Barbara…!

      Andie had been stunned by the realisation at the time, although it hadn’t been a realisation she’d shared with her sisters, somehow finding the subject too difficult to discuss with her already distressed siblings. But she had wondered how her father would react, knowing Rome couldn’t help but see the younger man’s emotional state. Strangely enough Rome had seemed to draw comfort from the fact that Adam had loved Barbara too, an unbreakable bond developing between the two men, and now, ten years later, their friendship was stronger than ever.

      Andie shot Adam a questioning look. ‘Does this mean you’ve withdrawn your invitation to lunch?’

      Adam looked crossly at her. ‘No, it doesn’t,’ he snapped. ‘And I’m no longer asking—I’m telling! Whatever that stuff is—’ he waved an uninterested hand over the fashion layout she had been working on ‘—you’ll deal with it much more efficiently once you’ve had something to eat.’

      The fact that he was right didn’t make the invitation any more palatable; she did not take kindly to being ordered about. By anyone!

      She shook her head. ‘The answer is still no, I’m afraid, Adam—’

      ‘You aren’t afraid at all,’ he cut in harshly. ‘Damn it, Andie, you and I used to be friends—’

      ‘We still are,’ she assured him coolly, completely unruffled by his loss of temper. Her father had a quiet way of doing the same thing when he couldn’t get his own way, too… ‘But as I’ve already stated—several times—I’m busy.’

      ‘Fine,’ Adam bit back, his jaw clenched. ‘Perhaps I’ll see if April wants to join me instead.’

      Andie gave a grin. ‘I have no doubt she would love to. But I’m also sure her fiancé would have a few things to say about it!’

      Adam frowned darkly. ‘You never used to be this difficult, Andie,’ he said slowly.

      She straightened in her high-backed chair, the sunshine coming in the window behind her giving her long hair the colour of ripe corn as it lay in a loose plait down her back, fine tendrils curling beside her ears and over her smooth brow.

      ‘I never used to be a lot of things, Adam,’ she told him tautly, the words tinged with an unhappiness she hoped he couldn’t detect; the last thing she needed in her life at the moment was an over-curious Adam Munroe. It had been difficult enough, initially, to deal with an over-anxious Rome, without having Adam on her case now, too!

      Adam looked appreciatively about the luxury of her executive office. ‘You obviously enjoy being numero uno of Gloss,’ he observed.

      She gave an acknowledging inclination of her head. ‘In the same way you enjoy running your own film production company,’ she replied noncommittally, having the distinct feeling Adam was just making conversation now, delaying his departure for as long as he possibly could. Although why he should want to do that she couldn’t imagine…

      Adam gave her a considering look. ‘Does that mean you’ve become a career woman, Andie?’

      Not exactly! Especially as this was the last week she would be working on the magazine for some months to come. Which was another reason she was so determined to make sure everything was done perfectly for this, her final issue, for some time…

      But despite the fact Adam was a close family friend, she had no intention of telling him any of that. Her nine months’ leave of absence wasn’t public knowledge, and she preferred that it remain that way!

      ‘Not at all,’ she dismissed lightly. ‘Will you be coming down to the estate this weekend?’ she asked, her expression still deceptively noncommittal.

      Grey eyes narrowed warily. ‘Why?’

      ‘No particular reason,’ Andie said casually. ‘I just thought I should warn you, if you were, that Rome is not in the best of moods at the moment.’

      Which was definitely an understatement! Her sister Danie had promised a few weeks ago to do everything she could to distract their father’s attention from Andie and her present dilemma, but as it turned out Danie hadn’t needed to do that; Audrey, their father’s assistant for the last twelve years, had managed to do that quite successfully for them!

      ‘I didn’t think he looked too happy on Saturday,’ Adam said. ‘But I put that down to the losing-a-daughter syndrome.’

      Andie chuckled softly. ‘Daddy has been trying to give us away for years!’

      Adam grinned. ‘I wouldn’t put it quite like that. He wouldn’t give any of you away to just anyone.’

      ‘That’s comforting to know,’ Andie replied dryly—although she knew that was actually the case. Luckily for Harrie and Danie their father approved of their choice of husband—otherwise one or both of them would have had a battle on their hands!

      ‘Rome just wants a grandson to whom he can pass his business empire,’ Adam assured her knowingly.

      Andie looked down unseeingly at the photographs on her desk-top. ‘And if we should all produce daughters?’ she prompted gruffly.

      Adam laughed, seeming unaware of her distraction. ‘Then you’ll all just have to keep trying until that male heir materialises!’

      ‘I’m sure Harrie and Danie will be thrilled to know that!’ Andie gave a hollow laugh.

      ‘Look on the bright side, Andie,’ Adam drawled. ‘Until you find a husband it isn’t a problem that need bother you!’

      How little he knew…!

      She didn’t look well, Adam decided concernedly. Oh, there was no doubting Andie was as beautiful as ever. That would never change. Apart from her blonde hair, which she had inherited from her father, she looked exactly like her mother. And Barbara had been the most beautiful woman he had ever known…

      But he knew Rome was worried about Andie, and, after seeing her at the wedding on Saturday, Adam had to admit he felt the same way. Andie still looked good enough to eat, but there was an air of fragility about her now that he had never noticed before, and a haunted look to those deep green eyes.

      ‘So I really can’t tempt you, then? To come out to lunch with me,’ he pressed as she looked at him beneath mockingly raised brows.

      She sighed her impatience. ‘I’ve already explained—’

      ‘Several times,’ he agreed tersely. ‘Will you be at the estate this weekend?’


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