To Make A Marriage. Кэрол Мортимер

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To Make A Marriage - Кэрол Мортимер Mills & Boon Modern

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close friendship with all of the Summer sisters, and Andie, as the youngest, had been able to twist him around her little finger. But there was a barrier between them now—and it wasn’t a situation he was particularly happy with.

      ‘No particular reason,’ he replied. ‘But it’s a fact that I have been invited down this weekend, and, if Rome is as bad-tempered as you say he is, it might be nice to have some happier company along!’

      Andie gave a loud laugh. ‘Ever the bluntly honest Adam!’

      He grimaced. ‘You wouldn’t know me if I suddenly became all charming and polite!’

      ‘True,’ she acknowledged evenly. ‘It might be interesting to see, though,’ she added softly.

      Was it his imagination, or was there a wistful note in her voice…?

      Wishful thinking, Adam, he instantly told himself.

      Although there didn’t seem to be anyone in her life at the moment; Andie had attended the wedding alone on Saturday. But Adam knew there had been men in her life in the past, and to even imagine that she might have been nurturing a secret passion for him all these years was the height of stupidity on his part.

      ‘So what’s wrong with Rome?’ he abruptly changed the subject.

      Andie frowned as she obviously readjusted her thoughts to coincide with his. ‘Audrey has handed in her notice.’

      ‘Audrey has?’ Adam gasped disbelievingly.

      Because he didn’t believe it. Audrey Archer had been Rome’s personal assistant for so long now, had become part of the Summer family life, it was almost impossible to think of any of them without including Audrey in the equation.

      Andie gave an unhappy grimace. ‘We’re all as surprised as you obviously are, Rome most of all—’

      “Surprised isn’t exactly the way I would have described my own reaction,’ Adam said.

      ‘No…?’ Andie looked puzzled by his words.

      Were all of the Summer family blind? Adam wondered impatiently. It had been obvious to him for years that the beautiful Audrey was in love with her employer. Just as it had also been obvious that, although Rome might be unaware of it, to all intents and purposes, apart from the physical side of things—which, Adam had decided long ago, was none of his business!—Audrey had been Rome’s wife in everything but name for at least the last ten years!

      Audrey went everywhere with Rome, had dedicated the last twelve years of her life to all of the Summer family, becoming a surrogate mother to the three girls after their mother had died ten years ago; what on earth could have prompted her decision to leave them all now…?

      With blinding clarity Adam suddenly knew the answer to that, too. Audrey had lost hope, had given up any romantic dreams she might have had of Rome one day coming to realise he loved her too.

      Adam, probably more than most people, knew exactly how painful it was to love someone in that hopeless way. To have to stand in the background and watch the person one loved as they lived out their life, possibly with someone else, because that love would never, could never, be returned.

      But the saddest part of this situation was that Adam was sure Rome actually did love Audrey—he just didn’t know that he did! Ten years ago Rome had been devastated by Barbara’s death, hadn’t even seen there were other women in the world in the two years that had followed. Since that time Adam knew the other man had confined his relationships to brief, meaningless affairs, never seeing the love, or the beautiful woman who had felt that love, that was right in front of his nose!

      ‘And what are any of you doing to try and stop her going?’ he bit out tersely.

      Andie looked taken aback at his accusing tone. ‘What can we do?’ she said. ‘We’re all upset, naturally—’

      ‘Oh, naturally!’ Adam came back scornfully.

      Her eyes blazed deeply green as she glared at him. ‘But Audrey seems to have made up her mind,’ she continued determinedly, ‘and so—’

      ‘Hell!’ Adam butted in furiously. ‘Are all of the Summer family so wrapped up in their own lives, their own feelings, that none of you can see what this must be doing to Audrey?’

      Andie’s cheeks were pale now. ‘Aren’t you being a little unfair, Adam—?’

      ‘No, I’m not, damn it, not even a little bit!’ His hands were clenched at his sides. ‘But I can tell you now that you’ve helped make my mind up about going to the estate this weekend. I shall most certainly be there—if only to lend Audrey a shoulder to cry on!’ he blazed angrily.

      Andie’s gaze was cold now as she looked across at him unblinkingly, although a nerve pulsed in her throat. ‘I’m sure she’ll be very grateful—’

      ‘You know something, Andie, I came here today full of good intentions, hoped we could share an enjoyable lunch together,’ he told her harshly. ‘But after listening to this I don’t have any appetite for food, either. For goodness’ sake, Audrey is a part of your family!’ he groaned protestingly.

      As I am, he could have added. But didn’t. Because if Audrey, who had been closer to Rome than anyone else these last ten years, and a second mother to Harrie, Danie, and Andie, could be allowed to just leave their lives without protest, then what chance did he have of meaning anything more to any of them?

      It was certainly a leveller. One that made him feel slightly sick…

      Andie gave a deep sigh. ‘I’m well aware of that, Adam,’ she said. ‘And I have tried talking to her—’

      ‘Obviously with little result if she still intends leaving,’ he rasped.

      She eyed him suspiciously. ‘Maybe you will have more success this weekend,’ she said softly.

      Adam’s mouth set angrily. It wasn’t just because of Audrey, he inwardly acknowledged, shaken beyond words at the way she was being allowed to fade out of the lives of the Summer family. Could he, ultimately, expect the same fate?

      He had met Rome almost twenty years ago, a young man of nearly twenty himself, with big ideas, and no money to back them up. Rome had been very much a business gambler in those days, and for several years he had become Adam’s financial backer, Adam eventually in a position to pay him back, while at the same time being self-supporting. The last fifteen years had undoubtedly been highly successful ones for Adam, so much so that his film production company was worth millions.

      His unhappy beginnings had been put behind him. In fact, they were something he preferred never to think about. But as a result, having no family of his own to speak of, over the years he had come to feel as much part of the Summer family as Audrey must do, had always regarded Rome as the older brother he had never been privileged to have, and he had always looked on the three girls as indulged nieces. They were his family!

      He had been a fool to think nothing would ever happen to change that…

      ‘Maybe I will,’ he agreed grimly. ‘It’s a sure fact someone has to try!’

      Andie looked at him wordlessly for several long, tension-filled minutes, until finally she turned

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