Tempted by a Carrington. Linda Hudson-Smith
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After pulling Lanier’s legs across his lap, Dallas handed her a large brown envelope. “I checked out those town houses we talked about earlier. The information is inside.”
Lanier smiled. Before she would have balked at Dallas taking matters into his own hands, but the new Lanier was downright grateful. She was over being suspicious of the intent of others.
Up until Lanier had met Ashleigh, she had trusted no one. Her best friend and confidante had shown her time and time again how trustworthy she was. Their loyal friendship and respect for each other had allowed them to become and remain successful business partners.
Putting her arms around Dallas, Lanier clasped her hands together at his nape. “Have I told you lately how amazing you are?”
“You can tell me again. It’s music to my ears.” Giving in to his desire to kiss her breath away, he pressed his lips against hers, sweetly devouring them.
Lanier took a minute to glance over the information in the packet. “I’d still like you to look at the town houses with me. Is that okay?”
“Sure. I can take you on Sunday. I don’t have to report to the field house until late afternoon.”
“Hope I get an idea of what I want when I go take a look.”
“If I get here Sunday morning, at 9:45 or so, is that good for you?”
“It’s fine.” Looking into his eyes, she ran the back of her hand down the side of his face. “I want desperately to give back what you give me. This time around I’m going to make us work. I promise. I love you, Dallas.”
Wrapping her up in his arms, he seared her lips with another hot, moist kiss. “I can’t get enough of you. I love you, too. And I always root for us.”
Lanier smiled broadly. “As long as we’re honest and up front with each other, we can make it work.”
Dallas knew he could live up to whatever expectations Lanier had of him. The only question in his mind was if he she was ready to be open to the relationship. Her skittish behaviors of the past still concerned him. At one time, fear was all she’d known. He’d love it if she could accept him at face value and love him for the genuine, honest man he was.
Dallas got up from the sofa then reached a hand back to Lanier. As she arose and stood with him, he kissed her tenderly on the mouth. He’d been dying to ask how many kids she wanted to have one day, but the fear of scaring her had kept him mute on the subject. Lanier had never mentioned wanting kids, but he knew she’d make a good mother just by the way she interacted with the girls. Besides that, he didn’t know if she’d ever agree to marry him, or anyone else.
Dallas only planned to propose once more. If Lanier turned him down again, he had silently promised himself to end the romance. After nearly two years of exclusive dating, he had popped the question during a family vacation cruise to celebrate Angelica’s birthday. Lanier had been deeply moved by the sentiment, but she was clearly not ready to make a lifetime commitment to him. Her tearful reply had confirmed the bad news. Yet he was sure she loved him—and he loved her enough to wait.
Dallas turned his full attention on Lanier, who had bent over to insert a CD. Her perfectly rounded rear excited him. Everything about her was electrifying. Most of all, he loved her tenacity. Just when it looked as if she might give up on something, she’d dig her heels in hard. Her life hadn’t been the least bit easy, but she’d done far more than just survive.
If their love affair could endure Lanier’s insecurities, which were largely based on her issues of abandonment and her parents’ alcohol and drug use, their problems would be solved. The worry of being abandoned again kept her on edge. One minute she was fearful of being left behind and scared of becoming an alcoholic. Because of her anxieties, she was unwilling to commit. Scared stiff of being rejected and tossed aside, especially by the man she loved so deeply, she kept a protective shield around her fragile heart. Dallas knew they could live happily ever after, but Lanier had to believe it, too. He was still willing to bet high stakes on them.
Lanier came over to Dallas and extended her hand to him. “Want to get in a little bumping and grinding on the dance floor?” Her eyelashes batted flirtatiously.
Not about to turn down such an enthralling offer, Dallas grinned. “How far and how low can we go?”
“Tsk, tsk,” Lanier scolded. “You know the answer. We’ve never done anything over the top here. The girls may be gone, but their presence isn’t.”
Dallas swept her into his arms. Pulling her as close to his body as he could, he hungrily engaged his mouth with hers. Bumping and grinding their hips together was sensuous. He wondered who’d be the first one to put on the brakes. His willpower was definitely in doubt.
Laying her head on Dallas’s chest, Lanier closed her eyes, inhaling his manly scent. With her arms wound loosely around Dallas’s neck, the couple’s body rhythms matched perfectly the sexy, provocative music. If she were anywhere other than Haven House, she’d be tempted to strip and dance provocatively for his pleasure. It wasn’t something she’d done before, but he made her feel uninhibited. The thought of stripping for him had her hot. Lanier could barely wait to make it happen.
As a much faster paced song came on, Lanier and Dallas let the music take them over. As she ground her hips into his, he pulled her back against him. His manhood rose as he matched her wild, sexy moves. For the next several minutes, they stay locked together, bumping and grinding to the music.
They headed back to the sofa and sat down to catch their breath. She picked up the remote control. “Where are the movies?”
Dallas snapped his fingers. “Out in the car. I’ll get them.”
“Let’s look at the cable guide first. We can surf the movie channels and maybe there’ll be something on. I don’t want you out of my sight.” She blew him a kiss.
Dallas didn’t care if the screen was blank. Lanier was always doing or saying something that turned him on, without even realizing it. When she’d bent over the CD player earlier, it had taken all his strength to keep from taking her down to the carpet and making wild, passionate love to her. Dallas would never disrespect the sacredness of Haven House, but he had no control over the X-rated thoughts that ran through his mind.
Stopping on a cable channel, Lanier watched what was happening on the screen for several seconds before she realized it was an erotic flick. She stole a glance at Dallas, but he appeared unaffected by what was on television. Instead of turning the channel, she set down the remote. Without uttering a word, she got comfortable, laying her head on Dallas’s lap.
Inwardly, she laughed, knowing he was wondering what had gotten into her. If he had turned on an erotic movie, he’d expect her to throw a fit. The old Lanier might’ve been offended, but she was trying to lighten up.
His eyes darting between Lanier and the television screen, Dallas couldn’t help wondering if she was really comfortable with the heavy eroticism. He didn’t normally watch these types of shows, but her enjoying it made him feel sexy.
It didn’t take Dallas long to get worked up. He reached for Lanier and kissed her passionately. His hand snaked up under her top and fondled each of her breasts, and his breathing was labored. Just as he was about to unsnap her bra straps, she jumped up, making him feel bad for attempting