In Too Close. Katherine Garbera

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In Too Close - Katherine Garbera Mills & Boon Blaze

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      “I’m determined to have you, Elizabeth Anders, and I’m not going to let your job, or any other excuse you can find, stand between us. Don’t deny you’re having second thoughts. I could tell by the way you ended the call last night.”

      “You’re not as clever as you think. I’m not backing away. Just anxious to get to the plus part of this friendship.”

      He laughed, the sound booming through the phone and making her shiver with sensual awareness. “I love it when you surprise me, Lizzie girl.”

      She wasn’t sure what to say to that. But she knew she’d done something to throw him off his guard. He only called her Lizzie when he was trying to feel her out and figure out what move to make next.

      “If I did it all the time it wouldn’t be special,” she said.

      “Right again,” he replied under his breath.

      She caught hers and waited to see if he’d say anything else, but instead there was only silence. Thompson was shaking the hand of the front-desk manager but Elizabeth still wanted to speak with him and make sure he was taken care of. Doing her job gave her an excuse to escape from Bradley...and all those tumultuous feelings he roused in her. “Look, I’m needed in the lobby, so I’ll talk to you later.”

      * * *

      THE LARS USTEN LODGE was steeped in American Western tradition and money—two things that hadn’t been in play during Bradley’s childhood. His dad had been a bull rider who had spent one night with Bradley’s mother before moving on. Bradley had never known his old man. He’d given up on that dream when he’d turned ten.

      There were still times when the longing to know his father still niggled in the back of his mind, but most days he was content with where he was in the world. He’d carved a successful life for himself and felt a sense of confidence that he wasn’t out of his league here. He could afford to stay and play at the exclusive resort if he chose to.

      He handed the keys to his classic ’69 Chevy Camaro to the valet. He put his shoulders back and walked into the resort with the confidence of a man who’d made his own way in the world. It wasn’t lost on him that ten years ago he’d have had to pretend to fit in here, but today he really did.

      The staff was friendly and efficient. The lobby spotless and welcoming. He didn’t know how much influence Elizabeth had over the look and feel of the resort, but in his mind he saw her little touches everywhere—the art-deco-inspired paintings on the walls, the attention to detail that she brought to everything she did. She’d been working as the assistant general manager before her promotion. And he knew Lars had given her a lot of extra responsibilities.

      He shook his head, knowing what he really needed was a kick in the ass. If he had any chance of convincing Elizabeth to be more than his lover, he had to play it cool.

      He knew that. But he’d wanted her for so long. Admired her for her hard work, but at the same time also resented the way she was able to compartmentalize everyone and everything in her life. And he was done abiding by her rules. He was changing the play now and determined to win, no matter what the cost.

      “Welcome to the Lars Usten Lodge. May I help you?” the concierge—Theo, according to his nametag—asked when Bradley stepped up to the hospitality desk.

      “I’m here to see Ms. Anders.”

      “Do you have an appointment, sir?”

      “I do. Bradley Hunt.”

      “Please have a seat and I’ll let her know you’re here,” Theo said, gesturing to the overstuffed guest chairs.

      Bradley walked over to the lobby area but didn’t sit down. He was too restless and that worried him. When he felt like this he acted impulsively, and he needed to be calculated and cool.

      At times likes this he wished he’d known his father. Was this reckless feeling coursing through him right now something that he’d gotten from those genes? His mom certainly hadn’t done many impulsive things after that one-night stand that had netted her a child.


      He turned as Elizabeth walked over to him. She smiled as she saw him, but it was her public smile—the one he knew she used on guests and acquaintances—and that irked him because he wanted her to be happy to see him. Not fake happy.

      But then he forgot his irritation as he watched her move. She wore ridiculously high heels, which canted her hips forward and made them sway with each step she took. For a woman so determined to be businesslike, there was something very feminine about the way she dressed and the way she carried herself.

      He’d never been able to ignore it and over the years—wait, he didn’t have to ignore it now. He closed the gap between the two of them and leaned in for a kiss.

      Her eyes widened as she realized what he was doing and she gave him a hard stare before tipping her head back and kissing him full on the mouth. It wasn’t meant to be a true embrace but more one-upmanship on her part...yet, for some reason, he didn’t care.

      Her lips were soft and warm under his. The scent of mint washed over him as he pressed his mouth against hers and encircled her waist with his hands, drawing her close for just a moment before stepping back.

      “It’s good to see you,” he murmured.

      “I’m guessing you’ve picked up some European habits while travelling.”

      “Uh, I don’t know how to break this to you, Lizzie, but no one greets each other like that unless they are very good friends.”

      She watched him with that rock-steady gaze of hers, and for just a second he saw some wild emotion flash in her eyes. He wondered what she hid. She was always so buttoned up, so careful and cautious in everything she did. And he’d normally put it down to the fact that she was focused on work, but now he sensed it might be something else.

      “We’ve always been friends, Bradley.”

      “And I see no reason why anything that happens between us now will change that. Our lives are too entwined.”

      “That they are. If you’re ready to discuss business, then let’s head up to my office.”

      “I’m definitely ready to be alone with you,” he said, letting his voice drop to a gravelly tone.

      Lizzie didn’t respond. Instead, she led the way past Theo, who pretended not to notice them, to the private elevator behind the counter.

      “I’m not sure what that was about,” she said the moment the doors closed.

      “It was about me making sure that you know I’m not just some guy you have a meeting with. We’re beyond that, and from our conversation two nights ago, I thought you’d agreed with me.”

      She nibbled on her lower lip and shook her head. “Of course I do. But I need you to understand I can’t be gossiped about here. I’m their boss and the employees need to always remember that.”

      “In that case, I apologize,” he said, reaching around her to hit the stop button. “Is there a security camera watching us?”


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