In For Keeps / Under His Touch. Taryn Belle

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In For Keeps / Under His Touch - Taryn Belle Mills & Boon Dare

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makes it look easy out there, but no one appreciates how hard he works. Harder than anyone I know. I’d hate to imagine how empty his life would be without that stage.” Kiki felt his eyes on the side of her face before he turned on his heel and exited through the side door. She rolled his words around in her head, searching for their true meaning. Even if she wasn’t exactly sure what it was, it was clear Bix wanted her to keep her distance from Dev. But she’d tried that. And even if she felt pathetically weak to have given in to him again, right now she hardly cared. It’s not like they were talking marriage, they were both just enjoying the fuck out of each other’s bodies.

      Except that it was more than that, and Kiki knew it.

      She pushed that knowledge from her head.

      The crowd was losing its shit. The last song had ended, and Stuart was now starting in on a drum solo. She saw Dev toss his guitar aside and stride off the stage under the cover of darkness. He came straight for her, grabbing her hips to bump her back against the wall. “You’re fucking killing me. I’m rock hard up there from thinking of you,” he growled into her ear.

      He wasn’t lying—she could feel it pressing into her belly. She went wet all over again. “I wish you could fuck me again right now.”

      He made a tortured sound in his throat. “This drum solo is four minutes long. Just enough time to make you come.”

      Her belly flopped over. Was he serious? She’d barely got the thought out when his hand was under her skirt. “I could get used to this easy access.”

      Kiki took a quick look around before her intense arousal could sweep all good sense away. The space was dark and sparsely occupied. To anyone around them it probably just looked like he was leaning in close to her to be heard.

      At least that’s what she told herself because she was helpless to stop anything that felt this good. As Dev sunk a finger into her wetness, she felt like she might collapse with desire. Her body went rigid as he massaged her clit with expert strokes, driving her toward her orgasm with breakneck speed. She couldn’t help another glance around. Was she really doing this? It was loud onstage, but what if someone heard her?

      As if reading her mind, Dev moved so his shoulder was against her mouth. She inhaled the heady scent of his sweat and aftershave. His cock pressed firmly into her thigh. “Think about how good I felt inside you,” he said hoarsely. “Think about how hard I’m going to fuck you later. And then let me feel you come.”

      She was almost there. Dev’s fingers moved in and out of her with a rhythmic thrust while his thumb maintained just enough pressure on her ultrasensitive clit. The heat built until it burst at her center, bucking her against the wall. Goose bumps crawled up her spine. Jesus. She muffled her whimper with an open mouth against his shirt.

      “Exactly what I needed,” Dev said, gently slipping his hand out of her. “Meet me in my bus after the show.”

      He didn’t even wipe his hand off before reaching for his six-string Fender.


      CLIMBING UP THE two steps to Dev’s tour bus, Kiki took a quick glance around to make sure no one was watching before she opened the door. She knew exactly how it looked, and the last thing she wanted was for the news to hit the crew that she was Dev Stone’s new little piece of ass. Today had been amazing, but the reality of her situation had set in a bit. She’d slept with Dev on tour, just like countless other girls before her had. Was her status really that different from any other hanger-on groupie? Kiki wasn’t here to make a new best friend, but she didn’t want to become the laughingstock of the crew, either. Just keep it under wraps. Whatever this is.

      Her legs felt shaky as she stepped inside the bus. She knew it was from the sex—she was out of practice—but she was also exhausted from her sleeplessness the night before. She could hear the shower running. Even the image in her head of Dev naked had her going again, but it wasn’t just his body she ached for. The way he touched her, like she really meant something to was addictive, and she had to keep her head together. She’d already broken two of her soft rules by mixing business with pleasure and taking things beyond one night, and she was dangerously close to breaking her hard rule of keeping her emotions out of it. In fact it was ridiculous to try to fool herself that she already hadn’t. Dev lit up something in her that no one else had come close to, not even Jack.

      While Kiki waited for the water to stop running in the bathroom, she glanced around the bus. The space was generic looking with no personal touches, but it was nearly as big as her cottage on Moretta and a lot more luxurious. She was standing in a lounge complete with two leather sofas and a large-screen TV. The dining area opened to a kitchen with glass countertops, a dishwasher, fridge, range and built-in espresso machine. The bathroom door stood open, displaying a marble vanity. Beside that was a small gym with weights and a treadmill. And at the end of the hallway she could see the bedroom, complete with a closet and queen bed. Her gut clenched. This wasn’t a rental, it was Dev’s personal bus that he kept in storage and brought out for his European tours. It pained her to think of how many women he’d taken to that bed over the years.

      Dev stepped out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his hips. Her eyes went to the muscular indentations at his hips that pointed down toward his perfect package. A jolt fired through her limbs. God, but he was fucking ruinous.

      Wordlessly, he pulled her toward him and claimed her mouth with his. She yielded against his chest as he ran a hand up her back and into her hair. His tongue slid against hers with the promise of more to come, causing her belly to go molten. What the hell was happening to her? She’d become insatiable. “I thought you’d keep me waiting all night,” he said against her mouth, running his tongue over her lip.

      “You got off stage twenty minutes ago.”

      “Longest twenty minutes of my life.”

      Her knees went weak as their kiss deepened. She pounded a hand on his back and broke away from him breathlessly. “You are too much for me, rock star,” she gasped. “I don’t even know what to do with myself.”

      “Then don’t do anything. Leave it all to me.” He was back on her, relentless. His need of her, his demand that she be his—it was so intoxicating. She curled a leg around his knee to bring him in closer.

      “Let me show you the bed.” As he spoke with his mouth pressed to hers, he pushed her back bit by bit until the mattress hit the backs of her knees. She collapsed onto it, and he braced himself with his arms to lean over her. “Is it comfortable? Good enough for me to fuck you on?”

      Kiki couldn’t resist. “I think you’d know better than me.”

      He reached for her sweater and yanked the gaping neckline open, exposing her bra. “Not really,” he said, running a hand over the thin fabric. Her nipple went erect. “It’s brand-new.”

      Kiki dropped onto the mattress, laughing. “It’s okay, Dev, you don’t have to bullshit me. I know you’ve had this bus for a decade and I still like you.”

      His hand freed one of her breasts. He took it in his mouth, flicking his tongue across her nipple. She tried to bite back her whimper, but it was impossible. The sight of his cock tenting his towel had her coming apart. Dev lifted his lips long enough to speak. “If I’d known you wouldn’t mind it, I would have spared Chester the

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