The Dare Collection July 2019. Nicola Marsh

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The Dare Collection July 2019 - Nicola Marsh Mills & Boon Series Collections

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hard. Cameron leaned back enough to check her expression. “You good?”

      As if she hadn’t been right there with him this whole time. Trish rolled her hips, taking him deeper yet. “Don’t stop.”

      His grin made something in her chest twinge in a way that would have terrified her if not for the pleasure building with every beat of her heart. A tempo that reduced itself to one word. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.

      Cameron lowered her to the bed and shoved her shirt up to bare her breasts. “I like you like this, Trish. It’s fucking indecent and I’m never going to be able to look at you in a pencil skirt without thinking about that skirt around your hips and my cock buried deep inside you.”

      “Good,” she gasped. Something to remember her by, even after it was over.

      The wildness trying to escape her seemed to translate to him, because there was no teasing, no driving her to distraction before taking what he wanted. No, there was just Cameron moving over her, driving into her again and again in the most delicious way possible. Every stroke hit the end of her, the pleasure-pain building to a desperation unlike anything she’d ever known.

      She ran her hands down his strong back and grabbed his ass, pulling him closer yet. Deeper. Harder. “I never want this to end.”

      His words were slightly muffled against her temple, but she could have sworn he said, “It doesn’t have to.”

      Trish came between the space of one breath and the next. She could feel Cameron trying to pull back, to get enough distance to keep his own orgasm at bay, but she was having none of it. “Come with me, Cam. Come for me.”

      He cursed and she knew she’d won. His strokes became rougher yet, driving them both up the bed until his entire body went tense and he clutched her to him as he came. He had the presence of mind to roll to the side, but he didn’t release her, so she ended up with one leg sprawled over his hip and his cock still buried inside her. Trish kissed the center of his chest and allowed herself to enjoy the feel of him holding her close.

       So good...

       So better than good...

      She instinctively went tense, sure that he’d say something or she’d let her fear get away from her. But nothing happened. He just stroked a hand over her hair again and again until she finally relaxed. “What kind of movies do you like, Cam?”

      “I’m more of a reader.”

      She smiled sleepily against his chest. “Let me guess—John Grisham?”

      “Occasionally, but I’m more of a fantasy fan.”

      That got her attention. “Really? Like the farm boy is really the chosen one who has to save the universe and he’s probably really a king but he doesn’t know it... That sort of thing?”

      His laugh rumbled through her. “Sometimes. Though there are a lot more stories within the genre than just that type.”

      “Oh yeah?” She snuggled closer. “Tell me about them.” And she listened as he spun out teasers for tales that she’d never heard of. Cameron had a natural storytelling gift, yet she never would have guessed it before now. His low voice soothed the last of her fear away.

      It would be okay.

      They could have this week, and she could keep her issues at bay long enough to enjoy her time with him to its fullest. The only person standing in the way of that was Trish herself, and she didn’t want to do it anymore.

      It helped that, for the first time in a very long time, she was well and truly happy and willing to take things one day at a time instead of looking years ahead and seeing only failure.


      THE NEXT DAY couldn’t go fast enough. Cameron had never resented his work before, but it had never kept him from something he wanted before. Someone. Trish had set up shop back in their suite, while he was left to make the trek to Concord Inc. on his own. It had seemed reasonable at the time, but he swore he could actually feel the distance between them growing.

      Not to mention the seconds ticking away from their time left together.

      He didn’t know how to fix that. She’d been ready to call the whole thing off before he’d distracted her with an offer for a reprieve. He wasn’t delusional to think that more time spent in his presence would endear him to her. His cock? Fuck yeah. But it had been too long since he’d tried to tiptoe around someone else’s emotions. Just from the law of averages alone, he would say something to piss her off and screw things up before the week ran out.

       Unless we just keep having sex until we’re too tired to talk.

      As appealing as that option was, he wanted more. The haunted tour last night had been goofy, but Trish’s excitement had rubbed off on him, and seeing the tour through her eyes meant he enjoyed the hell out of it. He wanted to watch her favorite horror movies to have her prove him wrong about the genre. He wanted to share his favorite books with her. He wanted to know everything about her, where she’d been, where she was headed.

      Cameron could count on one hand how many people he’d actually wanted to spend more time with...and still have fingers left over if he wasn’t including family. Trish was so refreshing and amazing, and she never seemed to take it personally when he said the wrong thing. Set him straight? Without a doubt. But she didn’t huff and walk away from him and leave him wondering where the hell he’d gone wrong.

      Over the years, he’d picked up bits and pieces from Aaron about his two sisters, but Cameron had never paid much attention because he never expected to actually meet them.

      He didn’t give a damn what Aaron had to say about Trish. He wanted to hear her history for himself.

       Moving too fast.

      Was he, though? He’d dated enough to know that something like this didn’t come around often. It didn’t come around at all for him. He’d be a fool to let her go, no matter how unfathomable he found this new territory.

      Besides, it was hard to move too fast when she was already planning her exit strategy.

      He forced thoughts of Trish from his head as he got to work on the security system Concord Inc. had commissioned. It was relatively straightforward as such things went, for all the nondisclosure agreements and secrecy, but setting it up required time. He could put together the appropriate firewalls and systems in his sleep, but Cameron hadn’t gotten to where he was by half-assing anything.

      No matter how much he wanted to do just that today.

      He made himself keep working until five, and then packed up and headed back to the hotel. With each step that brought him closer, excitement thrummed in his chest. He’d drag Trish into the shower with him to ease their thirst for each other, and then they’d head out for food and a little more sightseeing.

      He barely made it through the door.

      Trish appeared as if by magic—as if she’d been waiting—and gave him a quick kiss even as she started

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