Stockyard Snatching. Barb Han

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Stockyard Snatching - Barb Han Mills & Boon Intrigue

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I could get to him. No tags in front,” Dallas reported, noticing for the first time that he was practically panting from adrenaline. He took a deep breath and then finished relaying the details of what had just gone down.

      “Is there a high point you can get to for a visual on the minivan?” Tommy asked.

      Dallas kept an eye on Ms. Williams as he climbed on top of the closed Dumpster to see if he could spot the vehicle. She had managed to settle the baby. Dallas was certain her hands would be shaking from her own adrenaline, and he was grateful for the few extra minutes he’d get while she fumbled with securing her son in the car seat. The panicked look on her face said she’d get as far away as possible the second she could.

      “No. I don’t see him,” Dallas said.

      “I’m on Main now. A couple of blocks from your location, but I don’t see anyone on the street.” Tommy asked Dallas to stand by while he gave his deputies a description of the vehicle. “I’m sending someone over to you just in case the guy is on his way back or sends someone else.”

      “Call me back when you know anything. I have to check on Ms. Williams and make sure she doesn’t do anything stupid,” Dallas said, knowing full well that her eyes would haunt him if he didn’t ensure she was okay. It would be a long time before he shook off the image of those frightened sky blues, and he had to admit to being a little interested to see what the rest of her face looked like. He told himself it was protective instinct mixed with curiosity and nothing more.

      Besides, she’d been as blindsided by all this as he had. He hopped down and jogged toward her sedan. “Ma’am.”

      She spun around with a gasp. “Kate. It’s Kate.”

      He brought his hand up, palm out, to help communicate the idea that he wasn’t there to hurt her.

      “I’m Dallas O’Brien.” He offered a handshake. She was most likely still in shock, and from the look of her wild eyes, she was in full get-the-heck-out-of-Dodge mode. “The sheriff is sending someone over to talk to us.”

      She stood there, frozen, for several seconds, as if her mind might be clicking through options. She didn’t seem to realize there was only one: talk to Dallas.

      “Do you know who that was?” he asked, figuring he already knew the answer. But he wanted to get her talking.

      “No. I’ve never seen him before in my life.” Her breath was visible in the cold air as she spoke, and even though she had on a thick layer of clothes, she was shivering. That, too, was most likely caused by residual adrenaline.

      “First of all, I want to make sure you and your baby are safe. Can we go inside the building?” Dallas’s own adrenaline surge was wearing off and he was starting to feel the biting wind again. He’d stay with her until law enforcement arrived and then he’d get supplies and head back to the ranch.

      “Okay. Yes. Sure. I was going in anyway before—” She stopped midsentence, as if she couldn’t bring herself to finish.

      Then another round of panic seemed to set in.

      “No. Never mind. We have to go somewhere else,” she insisted, her gaze darting from left to right.

      “He’s gone. They won’t be back, especially not while I’m here,” Dallas stated.

      “You can’t know that for certain,” she said quickly.

      “Kate, I can assure you—”

      “No. You can’t. We can talk, but we have to do it somewhere else.” She glanced about, her terror and desperation mounting.

      Dallas’s cell phone buzzed. He fished it from his coat pocket and checked the screen. “This call is from the sheriff. I need to answer.”

      She nodded.

      “Give me some good news,” Dallas said into the phone.

      “Wish I could. Seems your white Mazda minivan is just as slippery as your suspect. There’s no sign of either anywhere. We have no plans to give up searching. You’ll be the first to know when we locate him,” Tommy said with a frustrated sigh.

      Dallas thanked his friend for the update and then ended the call, cursing under his breath.

      An expectant victim stared at him, needing reassurance.

      He shook his head.

      “I have to get out of here before they come back,” she said, making a move toward the driver’s side of her sedan.

      “Hold on,” Dallas cautioned. “What makes you so sure he’ll try again?”

       Chapter Two

      “I feel too exposed here. Can we go somewhere besides my soup kitchen? I need to get away from this place,” Kate blurted out. It was then she realized that she’d been holding her breath. She exhaled, trying to calm her rapid pulse.

      “A deputy is on his way,” the handsome cowboy said, and his name finally sank in. Dallas O’Brien. She knew that name from somewhere. But where?

      Her mind raced. She was still shocked that anyone would try to rip her baby from her arms in the middle of town. She’d waited so long for him, had been through hell and back. What kind of horrible person would try to take him away?

      Tears threatened, but Kate forced herself to hold them at bay.

      “My son will need to eat soon and I’d rather not feed him in the parking lot, whether a deputy is coming or not,” she said, glancing from Dallas to Jackson.

      The cowboy looked around and then checked his watch. “Fine. We’re going to the sheriff’s office to give statements, then,” he said.

      Jackson would be safe there, so she nodded.

      “I don’t have a child safety seat in my truck, so we’ll have to take your car,” he added, his voice sturdy as steel.

      As calming as his presence was, her body still shook from fear of that man coming back and the horror of him trying to pry Jackson out of her arms.

      “You gave him your keys,” she reminded Dallas, wasting no time slipping into the driver’s seat, while he took the passenger side of her sedan.

      “Those? That’ll get him into my old post office box,” he said with a wry grin. It was the first time she really noticed Dallas’s good looks. He had a strong, square jaw and intelligent dark eyes.

      “I’d like to go home,” Kate said as she turned the ignition. “Can the deputy meet us there?”

      “Too risky,” Dallas said.

      It took a second for her to realize that he meant the men might know where she lived.

      Could they?

      Being single and living alone, she’d taken great pains to ensure her personal information remained private. Then again, with the internet these days, it seemed there was no real privacy left, and most

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