Stockyard Snatching. Barb Han

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Stockyard Snatching - Barb Han Mills & Boon Intrigue

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are there, except what’s inside the diaper bag in the backseat,” she said as she pulled onto Main from the alley.

      Dallas surveyed the area and she realized that with her driving, he would be able to keep watch for the minivan in case it returned. She racked her brain, trying to figure out how she knew him.

      “We can pick up new diapers if need be. I don’t want to go to your place until we know it’s safe. For now, take a right at the next stoplight,” Dallas said. He sent a text and she assumed he was telling the sheriff about their change in plans.

      Normally, being told what to do was like fingernails on a chalkboard to Kate. In this case, she decided it was better to do as Dallas said. At least he was strong and capable. She already knew he could handle himself in a fight, and he had just saved her and Jackson, so she knew she could trust him.

      “Three blocks ahead, take another right, then a left at the stop sign,” he instructed.

      She did. The horror of what had just happened was finally sinking in and it dawned on her how lucky she’d been that someone was there to help.

      “I owe you an apology for being rude to you. Thank you for stepping in to save my son,” she said. “You didn’t have to get involved.”

      “You’re welcome,” Dallas replied. “I’m just glad I was there to help. I don’t normally go to the supply store on Wednesdays.”

      “Your change of plans probably just saved Jackson’s life.” She shivered at the thought of what might’ve happened if this cowboy hadn’t been there to intervene. “I know it saved mine.”

      Reality was setting in, which also made her realize there was no one to open the kitchen this morning. She needed to call her assistant director or dozens of people would go hungry.

      “I have to make sure the kitchen opens on time. Is it okay if I make a quick call before we go inside?” She parked in the lot of the sheriff’s office and gripped the steering wheel. “A lot of people are counting on me for a meal.”

      Dallas nodded, while staring at the screen of his cell. “Make an excuse as to why you can’t do it yourself, and put the call on speaker. I don’t want you to give away what happened yet. Got it?”

      She shot him a sideways glance. “Why?”

      “That was a planned attack. Those men knew exactly when and where you’d be alone. The sheriff will want to know if someone close to you gave them that information, and we have to assume it could’ve been anyone, even people you trust.”

      An icy chill ran down her spine. “You think one of my employees might’ve supplied that?” she asked, not bothering to mask her shock. Who would want to hurt Jackson or her? He was just a baby. Her mind could scarcely wrap around the fact that someone had tried to take him in the first place. Panic flooded her at the memory. “Who would plan something like this?”

      “The sheriff will help find the answer to that question,” Dallas said, his voice a study in composure, whereas she was falling apart.

      “None of this seems real,” she said, bile rising, burning her throat. “I think I might be sick.”

      “Take a few deep breaths.” His voice was like calm, soothing water pouring over her.

      She did as he suggested.

      “Better?” he asked.

      “Yes.” She apologized again.

      “Don’t be sorry for wanting to protect your child,” Dallas said. And there was an underlying note in his tone she couldn’t easily identify. Was he a father?

      “You have every right to be upset,” he said.

      “It’s just that I moved here for a safe environment.” And now it felt as if everything in her life was unraveling. Again.

      “Who are you going to call to open the kitchen?” Dallas asked.

      Oh, right. She’d gotten distracted once more. Her mind was spinning in a thousand directions. “Allen Lentz. He’s my second in command and my right hand.”

      Her phone weighed almost nothing and yet shook as she held it. She paused. “You don’t think...?”

      “Get him on speaker.” There was a low rumble to Dallas O’Brien’s voice now, a deep baritone that sent a different kind of shiver racing down her spine—one that was unwelcome and inappropriate given the circumstances.

      Her rescuer’s name seemed so familiar and she couldn’t figure out why. Wait a minute. Didn’t his family own the Cattlemen Crime Club? She’d received an invitation to a Halloween Bash in a few weeks, which was a charity fund-raiser, and realized that she’d seen his family name on the invite.

      In fact, her kitchen was one of the beneficiaries of his family’s generosity. She hadn’t met any of the O’Briens yet. She’d read that they’d lost their parents in an accident a few weeks ago.

      So far, she’d dealt with office staff, even though she’d been told that the O’Briens personally visited every one of the charities they supported.

      She hadn’t expected Dallas O’Brien to be this intense, down-to-earth or staggeringly handsome. Not that she could think of a good reason why not. Maybe since he’d grown up with money she’d expected someone entitled or spoiled.

      And yet now wasn’t the time to think about how off her perception had been or that her pulse kicked up a few notches when he was close. She chalked her adrenaline rush up to the morning’s events and closed the door on that topic.

      Lack of sleep was beginning to distort her brain. No one had prepared her for the fact that she’d worry so much or rest so little once the baby arrived. No way would she admit defeat to her parents, either. They’d been clear about how much disdain they had for her decision to have a baby alone. Her mother had been mortified when she found out Kate was getting a divorce, so adopting a baby by herself was right up there on the list of ways she’d let her mother down.

      Kate had expected her mom to come around once she met Jackson, but was still waiting for that day to happen.

      This battle was hers to fight alone.

      And none of that mattered when she held her little guy in her arms. No matter how tired she might be or how distanced she was from her family, she wouldn’t trade the world for the baby of her heart.

      “Hey, what’s going on?” Allen asked, sounding surprisingly alert for five fifty in the morning. The phone must’ve startled him.

      “I need your help. Can you open the kitchen for me?” she asked, trying to think up a reasonable excuse to sell him. Then she went with the tried-and-true. “Jackson kept me up all night again.”

      “Oh, poor baby. And I’m talking about you,” Allen said with a laugh. He yawned, and she heard the sound clearly through the phone. “His days and nights still confused?”

      “Yes, and I have the bags under my eyes to prove it,” she said, hating that she had to lie to cover what had really happened. Allen had been nothing but a good employee and friend, and she hated deception.


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