Australia: Gorgeous Grooms. Trish Morey

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Australia: Gorgeous Grooms - Trish Morey Mills & Boon M&B

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with lingering passion. The softly parted mouth swollen from his kisses, the tousled hair framing her face.

      His hands clasped her waist, and he used each thumb to trace a light pattern over her stomach … and felt her quiver beneath his touch.

      This is the aftermath? Alesha mused as she felt him swell inside her. A spiral of sensation curled deep within and rose through her body … sensuous, consuming, witching.

      His eyes held hers, and she was unable to look away as he began to move, taking her with him as she held on and joined him in a ride that held her spellbound with intense pulsating pleasure.

      It was almost more than she could bear, and he drew her trembling body close and pressed his lips to her temple.

      He murmured words she didn’t quite catch as he nestled her head into the curve of his shoulder, and she lay there, too emotionally spent to move.

      She must have slept, for she became aware of a warm body close to her own and the drift of fingers trailing a light path over the slender curve of her waist.

      Her eyes flew open, and for one agonizing second her body tensed … then she recognized the bed, the room, the man who held her.

      She lay perfectly still as memory of the night filled her mind, and she swallowed the sudden lump that rose in her throat.

      ‘Look at me,’ Loukas commanded gently, and when she did he captured her chin, giving her little option but to hold his dark gaze.

      Her mouth quivered, and he brushed the pad of his thumb over its sensitive fullness.

      ‘What do you want from me?’

      ‘Whatever you choose to give.’

      It wasn’t the answer she expected. ‘Last night—’

      ‘Was beautiful,’ he completed, and saw the soft pink colour her cheeks.

      It had been all about her … her pleasure, her orgasm. What would he say if she told him it was her first?

      A sudden thought swept her eyes wide. Ohmigod … he couldn’t know, surely? She’d been blind with ecstasy, totally out of herself. Had she cried? Please, dear heaven, she didn’t scream?

      Was this where they conducted a post-coital report?

      Should she thank him?

       For what?

      A miraculous melting of her frozen emotions?

      Like one sexual encounter would do it?

      Staying here quiescent was madness. He’d take it as an invitation for more, and, besides, daylight filtered through the shutters.

      His hand slid to her stomach … her bare stomach. A touch that made her aware she wore nothing beneath the bedcovers, and she shifted as he traced her ribcage, only to pause as he encountered a small hard lump on one rib, followed by another.

      Alesha uttered a distressed sound as Loukas discovered the scar lesion beneath her breast, the legacy of a vicious bite.

      ‘Don’t.’ Except she was too late to prevent Loukas from peeling back the bedcovers, and any move she made to escape from the bed was easily stalled.

      ‘Are these it?’ Loukas demanded in a dangerously soft voice. ‘Or are there more?’

      More. Cracked ribs, long healed.

      Her eyes met his, hardening to obsidian shards. Anger rose from the deep well in which she’d buried it. She drew in a shuddering breath. ‘Let me go.’

      And let her escape to curl into a foetal ball alone? ‘No.’

      Only her father knew she’d summoned a lawyer from a hospital bed and filed for divorce. And paid Seth to get out of her life so she could rebuild her own.

      ‘You want me to admit I was a blind fool and should have listened to my parents’ caution?’ She was like a runaway train, unable to stop. ‘That I should have realized much sooner that it was the Karsouli wealth he wanted … not me, and that the entire engagement and lead-up to the marriage had simply been an act?’

      Loukas wrapped his arms around her slender form and drew her in against him, sheltering her even as anger against the man who’d hurt her consumed him. To think of her as the victim of one man’s uncontrollable rage almost undid him.

      A shiver shook her slender frame as she felt his muscles tense. ‘Please.’ She couldn’t remain where she was, naked and vulnerable.

      ‘Stay,’ he said gently.

      What of her own emotions? He’d awakened something inside her she hadn’t known existed. Feelings that tugged her heartstrings and made her think of the impossible.

      And that would never do.

      She’d given her heart once, only to have that love blow up in her face. There was no way she’d risk gifting her heart again.

      Yet it felt good to be held curved in against him. His warmth surrounded her, the beat of his heart solid and even against her back. His arms offered a protective haven, and on an early Sunday morning there was no need to rise, shine and prepare for a day in the city.

      Alesha spent the morning at her apartment, checked with Reception for any mail, made a few phone calls, one of which enlisted the continued services of her cleaning lady … another to Lacey suggesting they spend the afternoon at Darling Harbour.

      The day was cool, the skies grey with the threat of showers, and she chose to don designer jeans, a tee shirt over which she pulled on a thigh-length knitted jacket, and she fixed a belt low on her hips. Knee-length boots completed the outfit.

      By chance she found a convenient parking space not too far distant from where she’d arranged to meet Lacey, and after exchanging an affectionate hug they made for a nearby café and ordered lattes.

      ‘So,’ Lacey began. ‘Tell.’

      Alesha lifted an eyebrow. ‘As in?’

      ‘This is Lacey, best friend, confidante … remember? I have your happiness at heart.’ The look she offered held thoughtful concern as she queried quietly, ‘Are you?’

      Prevarication wouldn’t work. Lacey would see through it in a second. ‘Happy? It’s early days.’

      ‘Yes, I guess it is. So … moving right along?’

      The benefit of friendship was being in tune, and they were, instinctively aware when to pause or pursue a subject.

      ‘Let’s focus on you.’ Alesha took an appreciative sip of her latte.

      ‘Too boring.’

      ‘Elucidate. Life, John, work?’

      ‘He wants the ring, house in the burbs, kids.’

      ‘And you don’t?’


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