Australia: Gorgeous Grooms. Trish Morey

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Australia: Gorgeous Grooms - Trish Morey Mills & Boon M&B

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day had diminished, together with the loosening of tense shoulder and neck muscles. Although there was a need to escape the confines of the shower stall … and the man who stood far too close for her peace of mind.

      A wet naked man who with just a look could cause her body to go into sensual meltdown.

      Did he know?

      She hoped not. After Seth she’d vowed never to allow another man to get beneath her skin … ever.

      Yet Loukas was steadily invading her senses, there… a strong magnetic force who managed to arouse feelings she hadn’t known she possessed.

      For one wild moment she wondered what it would be like to let go … to feel sufficiently secure to initiate sex and soar together in mutual delight. To gift him every sensual pleasure and know they were twin souls meant only for each other.

      How emotionally freeing that must be.

      Loukas glimpsed the faint wistfulness apparent, the fleeting emotions … and wondered if she knew how well he read her expressive features.

      There was an urge to lift her high in his arms and take her, here, now. He could, easily. Except he wanted more than her mere compliance.

      A quick coupling in the shower, invigorating as it would be for him, wouldn’t be her idea of fun … yet. He was treading delicate ground, with the need to earn her trust … completely and without reservation. Something that required time, patience and care.

      ‘I should go.’ Did her voice sound as awkward as she felt?

      His mouth formed a faint smile. ‘You could stay and return the favour.’

      Run the soap over his body? Reach for him?

      ‘It’s easy,’ Loukas encouraged gently as he placed the soap in her hand and covered it with his own.

      Her eyes flared as he brought the soap to his chest and began easing it in a slow circular pattern extending to his throat, the tops of his arms and down to his waist.

      Easy? How could this kind of intimacy be easy when she’d never indulged in it before?

      Especially when the man was Loukas … who steadily with every day and night that passed seemed to extend the boundaries in their marriage.

      Worse, she found herself increasingly in a state of ambivalence … alternating longing for his tenderness, the promise of something more, yet nervously reluctant to accept it.

      The nerves in her stomach tightened into a painful ball as memory provided vivid recall of Seth’s unfeeling cruelty, both verbal and physical.

      Don’t … the word screamed silently inside her head. Don’t bring your ex into the equation. There’s no comparison between Seth and Loukas.

      Focus on the now. You can do this.

      Slowly, in gradual increments, the stroking of soap combined with the hiss of hot water cascading from the dual shower heads began to have a soothing effect, and there was a sense of pleasure verging on eroticism evident in washing a man’s body.

      Not any man. Loukas, she admitted with a degree of surprise.

      Alesha avoided meeting his gaze as sensation flared deep within and began to pulse through her veins as fascination combined with reluctant admiration for his superb musculature, defined and sculpted by physical fitness. The slender waist, the lean hips … dear God, the size of him in a state of semi-arousal.

      Surely he wouldn’t take the soap there … except he did, much to her embarrassment, although to be fair he kept it clinical and he released his hand from her own as he turned to present his back.

      Not that it made much difference, and for a brief few seconds she was strongly tempted to throw down the soap and escape.

      Instead, she began smoothing the soap across the expanse of his shoulders, noting the flex of powerful muscle tone as she swept long strokes down to his waist and back to his shoulders until she’d covered every inch.

      He possessed a tightly shaped butt … cute, she accorded, then she stilled in shock at the thought she might actually be deriving a degree of enjoyment in washing him.

      When she was done he turned to face her, and colour flooded her cheeks as she saw he was fully aroused.

      Ohmigod … Chill, she bade silently as she endeavoured to keep her breathing steady. It’s just a normal male reaction.

      Didn’t his ministrations with the soap have a similar effect on you?

      Had that been the object of the exercise?

      She needed to get out of here now.

      One wrong move …

      ‘I’m sure you can manage the rest.’

      With that, she stepped around him and pushed open the glass door, filched a folded towel from one of many stacked on a nearby rack and wrapped it round her slender form before collecting another to deal with her hair.

      Alesha was dressed when he emerged, and she spared his impressive frame a quick glance. A white towel hitched at his hips accentuated his olive-toned skin, and her pulse quickened as he discarded it and pulled on briefs.

      ‘I’ll go check on dinner.’

      They enjoyed a pleasant meal, sipped wine, and indulged in easy conversation. Loukas was a skilled raconteur, and she began to relax … until he mentioned the need to return to Athens for a short period of time.

      ‘Business,’ he relayed.

      ‘How long will you be away?’

      ‘We,’ Loukas corrected, and saw her lips part in disbelief.

      ‘You want me to go with you?’

      ‘It’s an opportunity to reconnect with the family.’

      Alesha had met his parents and his younger sister several years ago when she’d accompanied her parents to Greece. Then she’d been a carefree young woman of twenty, in love with life, establishing her career with Karsouli and studying for an honours degree in business management.

      A lot had happened in the intervening years. Now she was Loukas’ wife, an equal partner in Karsouli, and all too aware Loukas’ parents knew the facts surrounding their son’s marriage.

      How could she refuse … and on what grounds?

      ‘We’ll take an evening flight out tomorrow evening.’

      So soon?

      Athens. At this time of year the temperatures would be similar, with autumn in one country and spring in another.

      There was a part of her that looked forward to visiting the city again. The ancient and the new, the sense of history.

      Playing the newly-wed wife beneath the keen eyes of Loukas’ family was something else.


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