Maitland Maternity: Triplets, Quads and Quints. Kasey Michaels
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‘It’s just so hard to carry in groceries right now, Grace,” Bri protested.
“Alice will do whatever grocery shopping is necessary. She’ll save the receipt and you can reimburse her.” Grace turned to Hunter. “I’m so glad you called me, Hunter. Bri will be feeling much better with the proper care.”
Though Bri glared at him again, Hunter felt like celebrating. He’d succeeded, thanks to Grace. “Eat your pie, Bri,” was his only comment, however.
“Aren’t you worried about the calories I’m consuming? I’m surprised you don’t have a calculator out counting each one!” she exclaimed.
“If anything, you’re too thin. I want a little baby fat on the girls when they’re born,” he assured her.
“You should see my Bri when she’s not pregnant,” Grace said. “She’s a beautiful woman!”
Hunter smiled at Bri. “Yes, I’m sure she is.” He could remember her in that storeroom, wrapped around his body, her scent filling his nostrils, her warmth heating up his own.
“Are you married?” Grace asked, looking from him to Bri and back again.
“Grace!” Bri protested.
“No, I’m not. Want to do some matchmaking? I’m not against it,” he said, his smile widening, knowing it would infuriate Bri.
“Well, it’s a thought. But I suppose we should wait until after the girls are born. You’re not one of those men who only like boy babies, are you?”
“Not at all. Three identical little girls, looking like their mama, couldn’t make a more beautiful picture.”
“Exactly!” Grace replied, almost clapping her hands in approval. “I’ll bring some baby pictures of Bri and her brothers the next time I come.”
“I’ll look forward to it,” he assured her, seeing the babies in his mind’s eye. Maybe they’d have blue eyes like his. But Bri’s hazel eyes were so beautiful.
Grace interrupted his thoughts. “The main thing is to get them here safely.”
“You’re so right,” he agreed. “That’s my number-one concern, too.”
“I’m still here,” Bri reminded them. “You’ve rearranged my life. The least you can do is talk to me as though I’m a real person.”
“Being pregnant makes her a little testy. She normally has a wonderful personality,” Grace assured him.
“I feel like an old maid someone is trying to auction off. Please, Grace, I’m fine. I don’t need a husband.”
April Sullivan stopped by their table, holding her full tray. “You looking for a husband, Bri?” she asked, obviously having overheard Bri’s last words.
“No! But some of my family seem to think I can’t manage alone,” Bri told her friend, disgust in her voice. “Have you met Grace? She and her husband took care of my brothers and I when we were babies. She’s going to be volunteering in the nursery as soon as we get babies,” she added.
“Then I hope you’re ready soon. We’ve got twins that I think will arrive within the week.”
“Excellent!” Grace said, beaming. “I love babies.”
“Well, you must be good if you took care of Bri and her brothers,” April said with a smile.
“We’d ask you to join us,” Hunter said, “but I think we’re finished. I know I have to get back so I can review the files. What’s the name of the patient soon to deliver?”
April gave him the woman’s name. He pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket and scribbled down the last name. “Ready, ladies?”
“You go ahead. Grace and I want to visit with April for a while, if you don’t mind.”
“Not at all,” he agreed. He stood and held out the chair for April to sit down. “I enjoyed the company, ladies. And, Grace, thanks for your help.” He bent over and kissed the older woman’s cheek. Then he did the same to Bri. “Didn’t want to leave you out, honey. See you later.”
“NOT IF I see you first,” Bri muttered, horrified that he’d kissed her cheek in front of half the hospital. When she dared look at April, she found her friend staring. “That meant nothing,” she hurriedly said.
“He is such a sweet boy, isn’t he, Bri?” Grace said, still smiling.
Bri couldn’t think of what to say.
“Everyone likes him,” April offered. “I’ve only heard praise since he got here.” But she still kept her gaze on Bri, as if she expected Bri to make a major announcement at any moment.
“April, don’t pay any attention to anything he does. He’s intent on teasing me.”
“But he just met you,” April pointed out, a puzzled look on her face.
Bri felt she had to come up with something, some reason for his familiarity, or everyone was going to be convinced she and Dr. Callaghan had something going. Which was utterly ridiculous. “Uh, I met him once at a conference.”
“Really? Did you keep in touch?”
“Not exactly. We have mutual acquaintances. It’s nothing.” Definitely nothing. She hoped if she downplayed it, no one would try to figure out which conference. She’d gone to three different ones before the wing opened.
“Oh, I guess that explains it. But you might keep him in mind for, you know, later on, after the girls are born.”
“Exactly what I say,” Grace agreed enthusiastically.
“I can’t believe the two of you. Look at me! Do I look like I’d be thinking anything about romance? I’m like a beached whale at this point. And I don’t feel friendly toward the sex that got me this way!”
April grinned. “That will pass. I know you love your girls already.”
“Yes, and I’m concentrating on them and no one else right now.”
A FEW HOURS later, when Briana opened her condo’s front door and smelled lemon-fresh polish combined with the fragrant odor of a homemade dinner, her thoughts weren’t on her baby girls. She was thinking about Hunter and his trickery.
She was still angry with him, but the thought of a great meal and a clean place was nice.
“Alice?” she called.
The lady Grace had introduced her to several months ago came out of the kitchen. “Ms. McCallum. You’re home. I hope you’re hungry.”
“I’m starved, and something smells delicious. I hope coming so soon didn’t cause you any problems?”
“No, ma’am.