Chistmas In Manhattan Collection. Alison Roberts

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Chistmas In Manhattan Collection - Alison Roberts Mills & Boon e-Book Collections

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to think the worst... Is he...? Has he...?’

      ‘As far as they can tell, he’s neurologically intact. They’re going to run more tests but he recognises his parents and he’s said the few words he knows. And he’s smiling...’

      Grace was smiling, too. Beaming, in fact. And then she noticed Jack as the elevator doors opened and he stepped out with a small bike under each arm.

      ‘Morning, Jack.’

      ‘Morning, Miss Forbes.’ His face broke into a wide grin. ‘Yo’ sure look happy today.’

      ‘I am...’ There was a sparkle in her eyes that looked like unshed tears as she met Charles’s gaze again. ‘So happy. Thanks so much for coming to tell me.’

      ‘Can Horse come to the park?’ Max was beside his father’s legs. ‘Can he watch us ride our bikes?’

      The glance from Grace held a query now. Did Charles want their company?

      He smiled. Of course he did.

      ‘Wrap up warm,’ Jack warned. ‘It’s only about five degrees out there. It might snow.’

      ‘Really?’ Grace sounded excited. ‘I can’t wait for it to snow. And I’m really, really hoping for a white Christmas this year.’

      ‘Could happen.’ Jack nodded. ‘They’re predicting some big storms for December and that’s not far off. It’ll be Christmas before we know it.’

      Charles groaned. ‘Let’s get Thanksgiving out of the way before we start talking Christmas. We’ve only just finished Halloween!’

      Except Halloween felt like a long way in the past now, didn’t it? Long enough for this friendship to feel like it was becoming something much more solid.


      ‘Give me two minutes,’ Grace said. ‘I need to find my hat and scarf. Horse? Come and get your harness on.’

      The boys had trainer wheels on their small bikes and needed constant reminding not to get too far ahead of the adults. Pedestrians on the busy pavement had to jump out of the way as the boys powered towards the park but most of them smiled at the two identical little faces with their proud smiles. Charles kept a firm hand on each set of handlebars as they crossed the main road at the lights but once they were through the gates of Central Park, he let them go as fast as they wanted.

      ‘Phew...I think we’re safe now. I’m pretty sure the tourist carriages don’t use this path.’

      ‘Do they do sleigh rides here when it snows?’

      ‘I don’t know. I’ve seen carriages that look like sleighs but I think they have wheels rather than runners. Why?’

      Grace’s breath came out in a huff of white as she sighed. ‘It’s always been my dream for Christmas. A sleigh ride in a snowy park. At night, when there’s sparkly lights everywhere and there are bells on the horses and you have to be all wrapped up in soft blankets.’

      Charles smiled but he felt a squeeze of something poignant catch his heart. The picture she was painting was ultimately romantic but did she see herself alone in that sleigh?

      He couldn’t ask. They might have reached new ground with their friendship, especially after that oddly intimate case of working to save little Toby, but asking such a personal question seemed premature. Risky.

      Besides, Grace was still talking.

      ‘Christmas in Australia was so weird. Too hot to do anything but head for the nearest beach or pool but lots of people still want to do the whole roast turkey thing. Or dress up in Santa suits.’ She rubbed at her nose, which was already red from the cold. ‘It feels much more like a proper Christmas when it snows.’

      The boys were turning their bikes in a circle ahead of them, which seemed to be a complicated procedure. And then they were pedalling furiously back towards them.

      ‘Look at us, Gace! Look how fast we can go.’

      Grace leapt out of Cameron’s way, pulling Houston to safety as Cameron tried, and failed, to slow down. The bike tilted sideways and then toppled.

      ‘Whoops...’ Charles scooped up his son. ‘Okay, buddy?’

      Cameron’s face crumpled but then he sniffed hard and nodded.

      ‘Is it time for a hotdog?’

      ‘Soon.’ He was climbing back onto his bike. ‘I have to ride some more first.’

      ‘He’s determined,’ Grace said, watching him pedal after his brother. ‘Like his daddy.’

      ‘Oh? You think I’m determined?’

      ‘Absolutely. You don’t give up easily, even if you have a challenge that would defeat a lot of people.’

      ‘You mean Toby? You were just as determined as I was to save him.’

      ‘Mmm. But I’d seen that look in your eyes before, remember? I’m not sure if I would have had the confidence to try that hard when I had absolutely no experience, like you did back when we were students.’ She shook her head. ‘I still don’t have that much experience of arrest from hypothermia. That old woman that we worked on is the only other case I’ve ever had. Bit of a coincidence, isn’t it?’

      ‘Meant to be,’ Charles suggested lightly. ‘We’re a good team.’

      ‘It’s easier to be determined when you’re part of a team,’ Grace said quietly. ‘I think you’ve coped amazingly with challenges you’ve had to face alone. Your boys are a credit to you.’

      He might not know her story yet but he knew that Grace had been through her own share of tough challenges.

      He spoke quietly as well. ‘I have a feeling you’ve done that, too.’

      The glance they shared acknowledged the truth. And their connection. A mutual appreciation of another person’s strength of character, perhaps?

      And Charles was quite sure that Grace was almost ready to tell him what he wanted to know. That all it would take was the right question. But he had no idea what that question might be and this was hardly the best place to start a conversation that needed care. He could feel the cold seeping through his shoes and gloves and he would need to take the boys home soon.

      ‘Come and visit later, if you’re not busy,’ he found himself suggesting. ‘The boys got a train set from my parents for their birthday and they’d love to show it to you.’

      The twins were on the return leg of one of the loops that took them away from their father and then back again.

      ‘What do you think, Max?’ he called out. ‘Is it a good idea for Grace to come and see your new train?’

      Later, Charles knew he would feel a little guilty about enlisting his sons’ backup like this but right then, he just wanted to know that he was going to get to spend some more time with Grace.


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