Tailspin. Lori Foster
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Just what he didn’t need this morning. Letting his gaze settle on hers, he growled, “Because now it’s locked. And in case you didn’t notice, I’m in my boxers.”
She cleared her throat. “I, uh, noticed.”
She had? Of course she had, he told himself. They’re bright yellow and have monkeys all over them. His eyes narrowed more. “All right, brainiac, so how am I supposed to—”
Sadie started backpedaling. “Here she comes!”
Buck jerked around, prepared for the worst, but thank God, Tish had left the cicada behind. “That’s a good girl, Tish. Come here, baby.” He knelt down, held out his arms, and the dog…dodged around him.
Buck tried to grab her, lost his balance and landed butt-first in the wet grass. Dew instantly soaked through his boxers.
Sadie dropped Butch into his lap and took up the pursuit. After more wild scrambling and a few near spills of her own, she caught Tish. Wild-eyed with alarm, the pudgy little dog wiggled, getting the front of Sadie’s gown wet before settling against her and tucking her head into Sadie’s underarm.
“There you go, Tish,” she crooned softly. “It’s okay now. I’ve got you. I’d never hurt you.”
Cradling the fat little dog securely, Sadie came back to Buck. She kissed the dog’s ear, which thankfully had fur on it. “Thank you, Buck.” She kissed the dog again, and her voice went soft and sweet. “She’s more trouble than three Great Danes, but I already love her.”
Watching Sadie, Buck felt a funny melting sensation in his chest. Sadie the spinster really did seem to adore the animals she took in. How hard it must be to get attached to a pet, and then let it go to someone else.
Yet that’s what she did. Because even though she cared, she couldn’t possibly keep them all. She rehabilitated animals, found them good homes and then said goodbye.
What an incredible woman.
Behind him, the cicada began screeching and took flight. Buck ducked, Sadie squealed. Luckily, for all concerned, it flew in the opposite direction before they had time to get too excited.
“No problem.” Unwilling to wait around to see if the bug returned, Buck shoved to his feet, reached back to pluck the clinging wet material of his boxers off his ass, and nodded. “Now how am I going to get back into my place?”
A blush stained Sadie’s cheeks, making her pink nose less noticeable. Her shoulders slumped and she bit her lower lip.
It was a nice, full lip, Buck realized. He watched her teeth worry it and his heartbeat sped up. She was such an intriguing mix of contradictions. Rigid and formal in some ways, but overtly sensual in others.
He shook his head and concentrated on her eyes. They were a soft brown, almost the color of milk chocolate, framed by darker lashes, and at the moment, filled with guilt.
“I, uh, suppose you could come into my place and call the manager.”
“At six in the morning?” He tucked Butch under one arm and shifted. Everyone in the complex knew better than to bother Henry before a respectable hour. “Respectable” to Henry was around noon, but Buck wasn’t going to sit around in his boxers that long.
Sadie continued to chew on that soft, full bottom lip, agonizing in indecision until Buck took pity on her. “How about you pour me a coffee, maybe even throw some breakfast together, and at eight I’ll call him?”
Her eyes rounded. “Coffee?”
“Yeah. It’s a morning drink. Hot, loaded with caffeine. I didn’t get a single cup yet, and right about now, I need it.”
“I know what it is.” She struggled again, then gave up and cradled the dog a little lower in her arms. “I have some made already.”
“Great.” The damp front of her gown clung to her breasts. “I’m freezing my ass off. My nipples are so hard, I could cut glass.”
Her mouth fell open, and she looked at his chest.
Buck, feeling provoked by that hot, nearly tactile stare, pointed out gently, “Yours too, for that matter.”
Her stunned gaze clashed with his, held for two heartbeats, then she whipped around, giving him her back.
Buck watched the gown settle around her trim hips and the plump curves of her small behind.
Ignoring his comment on her stiffened nipples—which really had tantalized him—she stammered, “Y-you want to stay at my apartment for two hours?”
Distracted, he murmured, “Yeah, why?” And then, realizing how unenthusiastic she sounded, he added, “Is that a problem?”
She shrugged.
“Turn around, Sadie. I don’t like talking to the back of your head.” And he liked seeing her expressive eyes as she spoke, the way she watched him, how easily she blushed.
She turned, but kept the dog held high. “I don’t think it’s a good idea, that’s all.”
So, Buck thought, he was good enough to save her bald, bug-eating dog, but not good enough to feed? Did she find him so distasteful that she couldn’t tolerate his company for two measly hours?
He shifted again, ready to grumble at her, then saw her eyes dip past his navel. She sighed softly before remembering herself and returned her gaze to his face. This time she didn’t blush, but she did look defiant, as if daring him to mention her gaffe.
Given how she kept checking him out, maybe she didn’t find him distasteful at all. Buck grinned. “You think I should just sit on my back porch twiddling my thumbs till Henry wakes up? In this wet underwear?” When she still looked undecided, he added, “With a Chihuahua on my lap?”
The mention of the dog did it.
“Oh.” She frowned, shrugged her thin shoulders and tucked her silky hair behind her ear. “I, uh, I guess not.” And she glanced at his lap again. “That wouldn’t be fair to Butch.”
If she didn’t quit that, the monkeys on his shorts were gonna start dancing. Having a female, even a spinster-type female, stare at a guy’s crotch usually got the action started. Seeing as he had no way of hiding it, he just knew her blush would brighten up a few notches.
With perfect timing to break the awkward moment, Butch barked, then stared at Tish while making that low humming sound again. Buck scratched the dog’s ear, knowing just how he felt.
“There, you see? Butch isn’t as…hardy as Tish. He’s freezing and he wants to visit. I think he’s even a little enamoured with Tish.”
Sadie’s chin went up. “Obviously he doesn’t think she’s ugly.”
Oops. Had that remark he’d made about Tish insulted Sadie somehow? He hadn’t lied. She was bald and fat. Anyone could see that. Still, given how Sadie doted on the dog, he should probably apologize if he ever hoped to make headway with her. “I didn’t mean—”