Tailspin. Lori Foster
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Buck watched her loving the homely little critter, and knew that if anyone could make it happen, he’d put his money on Sadie. “You know what? I believe you.”
He turned and started toward her door, but after a few steps, he realized Sadie wasn’t following. He looked over his shoulder. She was staring at his butt. It was nice to be appreciated, but hey, the cold was starting to settle into his bones.
“Your fault,” Buck accused, knowing his seat was wet, that the material was again clinging. “I’ve only had these on ten minutes, and now I’ll have to change again.”
Sadie stared at the boxers, an undisguised look of curiosity on her face.
“I sleep naked. I just put the boxers on to let Butch out.”
“Oh.” She blinked several times.
Knowing she didn’t, but in the mood to tease, Buck asked in his most innocent tone, “Don’t you?”
She did have a problem concentrating. “Sleep in the nude.”
She took a step back. “No!”
“Why not?” When she floundered for an explanation, Buck asked, “Get cold at night?”
She jumped on that. “Yes. I do.”
He turned his back on her again, saying, “You need someone to sleep with. Sharing body heat is the best way to stay toasty.” He heard her gasp, but luckily, she couldn’t see his grin. Yep, things were progressing nicely this morning. “C’mon Sadie. Get a move on before I catch pneumonia.”
“Right.” Sounding breathless, Sadie scrambled to catch up. Her gown billowed out behind her, and at the last second, she passed him to reach the door first. With her bottom lip held in her teeth, she stood back so he could go in.
Ready and willing to take every advantage, Buck made a point of brushing against her as he entered. He heard her indrawn breath, felt the stillness that settled over her, and then she moved away.
She flapped a hand toward the tiny kitchenette. “Make yourself comfortable. I’ll go dress and be right back.”
Buck hated for her to do that. She looked softer and more approachable in her nightgown. If she changed, he just knew she’d pile on the layers and do up all the buttons and start behaving like a spinster again.
But if he suggested she not change, then what? She’d probably throw him outside in his near-naked state.
Sadie was almost out of the room, Tish secure in her arms, when Buck said, “Grab me a big towel or something, too, will ya? I want to get out of these wet drawers.”
She stumbled to a halt, her shoulders rigid, her spine straight. Without turning to face him, she put the little dog down, nodded and fled the room.
Buck stood there smiling, pleased and pondering Sadie’s behavior. She was so easy to read, but also confusing in her different reactions.
Considering how many times he’d caught her at it, she liked looking at him, no two ways about that. But she blushed when she did it.
She hadn’t hesitated to barge into his apartment and then order him out to get her dog. Yet, she’d been reluctant to let him into her place, and she seemed stunned silly whenever he got too close to her.
He’d never seen her date. And he’d be willing to bet she’d never seen a guy in his underwear.
Was she one of those women who only had sex in the dark? Not that he minded the dark on occasion, but generally, he liked to look at a woman as much as touch her. But if she preferred the dark, he’d make do.
There was only one problem. Dumb as it seemed, he kept wondering if she’d had sex at all. In so many ways, Sadie acted just like…a virgin.
But that didn’t seem likely. Women these days were experimenting before they finished high school, and definitely by college. Sadie had to be—what?—midtwenties, probably twenty-four or twenty-five. The odds of her being that innocent were pretty damn slim.
But once Buck thought it, he couldn’t get the idea out of his head. It teased him, sending a variety of possible scenarios flitting through his male brain, making him wonder about things he probably shouldn’t wonder about.
Like just how much experience she might have. Kisses, surely. Everyone kissed. Even prim, spinsterish women.
But had she ever gotten a really good kiss, the killer kind that nearly pushed you over the edge and made common sense not too common?
Had a guy ever touched her breasts? Kissed her nipples? His jaw tightened just thinking about it.
Her breasts were modest, but then, she was a petite woman, so anything larger would have looked overblown on her frame. And seeing her nipples tight against that pale gown had really got to him. Before she’d hidden herself from him, he’d seen them clearly. They were small and tight…and he wanted to taste them.
Would he be the first?
That thought jolted him. Hell, she didn’t even like him. He’d had to coerce her into letting him in her apartment.
And, of course, they had nothing in common. Buck wasn’t even a dog person! But then, that hadn’t stopped Riley from leaving Butch in his care, so did it really matter that Sadie had a lot of dogs coming and going?
He wasn’t a spinster person, either, preferring women who were more like him, outgoing and full of laughter, willing to play. But from the day he’d met her, Sadie Harte had intrigued him. Because of her, there were some pretty vivid fantasies zinging around his brain. Watching her blush and listening to her stammer beat drinking coffee alone any day.
Tish trotted past him, drawing Buck’s attention. He bent down to pet her, but she scampered away in obvious fear.
“It’s okay, baby,” he crooned, holding out his hand for her to sniff. But she cowered in the corner, her ears down, her round eyes watchful. She was truly afraid of him, as if she expected the worst. That bothered Buck. A lot. It sort of reminded him of Sadie.
Unwilling to upset her, Buck slowly straightened and took a step away. It occurred to him that the little dog deserved special attention—just as Sadie did.
Butch struggled to be free, so Buck set him down near Tish. She probably outweighed him by two pounds, not that Butch minded. His eyes were huge, his ears raised on alert, and he definitely had courtship on his mind as he began sniffing Tish from one end to the other.
Truly, love was blind.
At least Tish liked and trusted Butch; her tail wagged in greeting. Like most guys, Butch wasted no time testing the water. Only Tish wasn’t having it. She was anxious to play, but amorous attempts got shot down real quick.
“Typical,” Buck grunted, thinking of how Sadie had ordered him out to get her dog, then tried to refuse him coffee.
Seeing that the dogs would get along fine, Buck decided to look around Sadie’s apartment. It was nice,