Totally Tempting. Mary Lynn Baxter

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Totally Tempting - Mary Lynn Baxter Mills & Boon By Request

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sat down next to Lynette. “Jodie. Honey. Let’s get real, okay? A man doesn’t invite his good-looking secretary to go away with him to a tropical isle without some strictly male motive. He’s going to do his best to get you into his bed. Count on it.”

      “Chuck!” Lynette kept her voice soft but emphatic. Jodie wondered how she did that. “Not every man has sex on the brain like you do.”

      He gave her an intimate smile. “Oh, yes, they do. Some just hide it better than others.”

      Jodie said, “You’re probably right, Chuck, but Dean is a definite exception. I’ve worked for him too many years not to know that he doesn’t notice me as a woman. I’m an efficient machine to him and that’s fine with me.”

      “If you say so. When do you leave?”

      “Sunday morning.”

      “Have you ever been to Hawaii?”


      “Then go and enjoy yourself. I would guess he’s picking up the tab for your accommodations.”

      “Actually he acquired a condo there a few years ago. It was part of a business deal he made. He went over to check it out and that’s the last time he was there. There are three bedrooms and three baths. I think the company he bought it from used the condo for the executives to, quote, get away, unquote, for some relaxation.”

      “So he’ll have you right where he wants you for a leisurely seduction,” Chuck replied, twisting his imaginary mustache with a grin.

      “Nothing wrong with your imagination, that’s for sure,” Jodie replied, laughing. “If you’d ever met him, you’d see how far off base you are.”

      “Why? Is he some kind of monster?”

      “Let’s just say he takes some getting used to. Once his business is completed he’ll probably forget that I’m there.”

      Lynette said, “Now that’s carrying the platonic bit too far, sis. There’s bound to be a middle ground between what you’ve imagined and what my crazy husband came up with.”

      “So you two think I should go ahead and plan to go?”

      They answered in unison. “Yes.”

      “But what about the talk around the office?” Jodie asked. “Won’t that give everyone the wrong idea?”

      “So what?” Chuck answered. “It will give them something to gossip about. Probably improve morale. The office employees will start a betting pool as to when you’ll announce your engagement.”

      “You’re a big help,” Lynette said, shaking her head at her spouse. “The idea here is to give her reasons to go, not make up stuff.”

      “Well, since it looks as though I’m going, I’ll need to go shopping for beachwear tomorrow.”

      “Great idea. Buy some things that are colorful and tropical. No business suits.” She eyed her for a moment. “You’ve said you never have time to get your hair cut. Why don’t you get it trimmed tomorrow, as well?”

      Jodie nodded. “I could do that.”

      “And get plenty of sunscreen. You know how easily we burn, thanks to our Scandinavian ancestors.”

      Jodie looked at her arms and ruefully shook her head. “I hope to come back with at least a little more color. I’ll slather myself with the stuff and see what happens.”

      Lynette lifted Emily to her shoulder and rubbed her back until she gave a very unladylike belch, causing the three of them to laugh. “I need to put her down,” Lynette said. “I’ll be right back.”

      “I need to go, you guys. It’s been a long week,” Jodie said, rising. “And it looks like I’ll be spending tomorrow shopping.”

      “Poor baby,” Lynette consoled with a grin. “That’s your favorite hobby in the entire world, and we both know it.”

      “True. And buying summer things in the dead of winter will be just the thing I need to get into the spirit of the trip.”

      Later that night while Jodie prepared for bed, she thought about the comments she’d heard tonight from Lynette and Chuck. She scrubbed her teeth and removed her makeup before looking in the mirror.

      “Are you going to be brave and treat this as a chance in a lifetime to see Hawaii with all expenses paid?”

      Here image stared back at her with sparkling eyes.

      After a long pause, she sighed and said, “You’re no help. You want to see Hawaii. Will the trade-off be worth it? Hawaii with all its pleasures weighed against a week with a man who’s a workaholic? Knowing Dean, he’ll have us working the whole time we’re there.

      Then again, we’re bound to find some time to enjoy the sun and sand.

      She smiled as she crawled into bed.


      Dean stood in front of the mirror shaving early Sunday morning and wondered what he was doing. Had he lost his mind?

      What had possessed him to invite his secretary to go with him to Hawaii? She was a great secretary. In fact, she was a great human being, but he didn’t need to spend a week with her to be reminded of the fact.

      Of course, if he planned to meet with Furukawa, he could use her presence there to help him make a presentation and to help formulate a contract. She was very conscientious and did her work without a complaint.

      But to take her to Hawaii with him?

      Had his midlife crisis arrived sooner than expected? Why else would he have considered taking her? He knew nothing about her outside of the office. Well, he knew she was single, but that was about it. Did she have family close by? Would they warn her about going with him?

      He could get in trouble for harassment.

      Well. Maybe that was a little extreme. She’d had the option to say no. When he’d called her at home last night she’d sounded agreeable enough. He certainly hadn’t coerced her. At least, not much.

      He finished dressing and picked up the bag he’d packed. He’d had trouble knowing what to pack besides his business clothes. The only other time he’d been there, his business suits had been expected, but then he hadn’t been on vacation. He’d spent the three days in meetings, ironing out the conditions of the merger with the parties involved.

      He’d tossed in a few shirts and khaki pants this morning and even remembered to stick in a pair of tennis shoes, which was a laugh. He hadn’t played tennis in years, but it was the idea that counted.

      Maybe he was a little too focused on business. Working hard had become a habit, and he wasn’t certain that he could break it.

      Or that he wanted to.

      He’d really let Rachel’s comments get to him, which was ridiculous. What did he care what she thought

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