Totally Tempting. Mary Lynn Baxter

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Totally Tempting - Mary Lynn Baxter Mills & Boon By Request

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him, but she’d no doubt get over that once they arrived at the condo and she set up a routine of sorts.

      Once they landed, she and Dean methodically checked around them for their belongings before getting off the plane. Anyone seeing them would think they were a couple who’d been married for years. She had no idea why the thought made her nervous.

      Once in the terminal, Jodie noticed that many of the people on departing flights wore leis. She smiled, looking forward to getting one for herself. Dean found an available taxi and he and the driver put their bags in the trunk of the cab.

      Dean settled into the seat next to her. “So what do you think?”

      “I’m amazed. The scented air is refreshing.”

      “Beats the heck out of car exhausts and diesel fuel.”

      She glanced at Dean while he gazed out the window and asked questions of the driver. He already looked more relaxed than she’d ever seen him. That was good. She had hopes that the rest would do him good.

      The scenery was breathtaking, with towering mountains on one side and the ocean on the other. They followed the coast for several miles until the taxi slowed and turned onto a lane that led to security gates.

      Dean gave his name and the gates swung open.

      Once inside the gated area, the lane wound through tropical foliage that looked green and lush. When they reached the building, she felt that they’d burst into sunshine with a panoramic view of the sea and the sand.

      She sighed with pleasure.

      Dean helped her out of the taxi, and while he went to get their bags and pay the driver, Jodie looked up at the building. Balconies jutted out, all facing the water. There would be a fantastic view from each one. The scent of lavish blooms wafted all around her, and she took several deep breaths for the pleasure of soaking up the aromas.


      Jodie turned and saw Dean waiting by the door, their bags in hand. “Sorry,” she said. “I’m awestruck.” She walked over to the door, opened it for him and then followed him across a large lobby to the elevators.

      She pushed the button and the doors silently opened. Once inside, she asked, “Which floor?”

      “The top one.” She nodded and pushed the fourth-floor button.

      When the doors opened, Jodie discovered there was only one set of double doors on the floor. Dean put their bags down, reached into his pocket for a key and opened one of the doors.

      He stepped back for the bags and nodded. “After you, Ms. Cameron.”

      She hurried inside only to come to an abrupt stop, causing him to drop the bags just inside the door. “Oh, Dean, I’ve never seen anything like this. It looks like the set of a Hollywood movie about the rich and famous.”

      He closed the door and followed her into the room. “Pretty impressive, I’ll admit. Would you like a tour?”

      The condo encircled the elevator shaft, with windows looking out in all directions. She saw the well-stocked kitchen, the formal dining room with a mahogany table that could easily seat twelve people and three spacious bedrooms, each with its own bathroom and balcony. She thought the word for them in Hawaii was lanai but wasn’t certain.

      “Pick whichever bedroom you like,” Dean said after their tour.

      “Which one would you like?” she asked, feeling overwhelmed with choices.

      “Doesn’t matter.”

      “Mmm.” She paused in the doorway of one. The room seemed the size of a basketball court. The view drew her to the window. “This will be fine,” she murmured, opening the door to the outside.

      She could hear the sound of the waves rolling onto the beach, the rhythm soothing to her ear. When she turned around, Dean was no longer there. He’d placed her bag on the bed.

      Jodie wandered into the bathroom, which was larger than her living room in Chicago. She smiled. She could quickly become used to living like this. All she could think was, Wow.

      Suddenly feeling energized despite the long trip, she quickly unpacked, changed into a pair of cotton slacks and a sleeveless blouse and went back to the main room.

      Dean was at the bar, pouring himself a drink. “Want one?” he asked as she walked in.

      “Water will be fine. I’m not much of a drinker. I thought I’d go down and wander on the beach for a while.”

      “Aren’t you hungry? I thought we could go eat first.”

      She thought about it. “Yes, as a matter of fact, I am. I suppose there will be plenty of daylight after we finish eating.”

      The restaurant was next to the complex. One side was open with tables and chairs inside and out. Jodie noticed there were only a few people at the tables. She glanced at her watch. “I suppose it’s a little early to be eating according to local time.”

      “Doesn’t matter. They’re used to customers coming in at all hours. They’re open twenty-four hours a day.”

      Once seated, Jodie picked up her menu and started reading the items listed. She yawned and hastily covered her mouth.

      Dean watched her for a moment in silence before speaking. “You’re going to want to go to sleep early tonight despite your nap on the plane, but if you can manage to stay awake, you’ll adjust to the time change quicker.”

      “The steady sounds of the surf are so soothing. I hope I don’t fall asleep with my nose in the salad.”

      Dean picked up his water glass and held it out. “Here’s to our working vacation together.”

      Jodie picked up her glass and lightly tapped it against his. “I appreciate the invitation.” She yawned again. “The way I’m feeling now, I could sleep the entire week away.”

      Once their food arrived, there was no more conversation. Jodie didn’t want to chatter; that wasn’t her style. Since they’d already commented on the beauty surrounding them, she could think of nothing to say to him.

      By the time they finished eating, the sun was low in the west. Dean walked beside her in silence, his hands in his pockets, as she made her way to the sandy beach.

      As the sky darkened, they watched the lights appear along the shoreline before turning back toward the condo. Walking in the sand would be an adjustment, but if she walked like this every day, she’d be in great shape when she returned home.

      She smiled at the thought.

      “What do you find so amusing?” he asked, stopping as she did to empty the sand from her shoes. He followed her example.

      “I was thinking what a workout walking in the sand is. If I’m not in shape now, I will be by the time we leave.”


      A man of few words. Not that she cared. Tomorrow she would be up with the sun and she intended to enjoy every

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