The Forgotten Child. D. E. White
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Cathryn’s house, part of a block of grimy terrace houses, was strewn with the chaos of five children, and Holly, as usual, felt instantly at home. The rooms smelt of polish, perfume and babies, and there were piles of clean washing on the table, contrasting with the piles of dirty washing on the kitchen floor. Make-up covered the tiny worktop, and Cathryn’s uniform was hung up to dry over the sink.
Relaxing, she sank down with a sandwich and a glass on the crumb-encrusted sofa, narrowly avoiding a dozen plastic Lego bricks.
‘Right, babes, what the fuck is going on?’ Cathryn sat opposite her, baby monitor wedged between two cushions, wine bottle on the table between them. Her long platinum-blonde hair was tied up in a knot, her pretty face was bare of make-up, and she wore her usual ripped skinny jeans and cropped pink velour hoodie top, which showed off her flat, improbably tanned stomach.
Holly took a deep breath. ‘The police came over to mine after I dropped Milo at school this morning. They said they got the DNA results back from the lab, and the boy in hospital is related to me. Cath, they reckon he’s Jayden’s kid.’
Cath stared with her mouth open, baby blue eyes wide and shocked. ‘But Jay’s dead, so how …’ She stopped talking, leant over, and sloshed white wine into both their glasses. ‘The fucking bastard. Do you really think he’s just been living somewhere else all this time?’
‘I don’t know. They don’t know either. Going by the age of the boy they reckon he’s Larissa’s kid, unless Jayden had someone else on the go. Suppose Jayden is alive, I don’t understand why that dealer would have lied and said he helped get rid of the body?’
‘Dunno, but if I find out he’s still alive …’ Cath took a long, shuddering breath, ‘Why would he not contact us? Me and the kids, Lydia, your dad and you? Even just to say he was on the run or whatever? I’ve had to tell Sean and Ronnie that their dad’s dead and now what do I do?’
‘Nothing,’ Holly told her quickly. ‘We can’t do anything because we don’t know if he is alive.’
‘You said before that the police went on about Niko and Devril?’ Cath was frowning. She lifted her glass to her mouth but put it down again without drinking, and sloshed wine all over her fingers. ‘I can’t believe this.’
‘Yeah, me either. Do you think there’s something going on? Niko’s out, Devril is hanging around again, and then Jayden shows up with his kid?’
‘I really don’t know, but if they’re planning some kind of business takeover they can forget it. The Nicholls have everything sewn up round here, and nobody asks any questions. Rohan, you know he’s one of Joey’s sons, and he is fit, well he came over a few months ago asking about Niko. I think they were checking him out, because it was before he got released.’
‘Why would they do that?’
‘To see if he was worth talking to? I dunno. I told you, Niko had always said he had some money stashed. When we were together he used to go on about it and how we could move house and all that. Am I a mug or what?’
‘You’re not, even if I really can’t see how you could have sex with Niko, let alone have a kid with him,’ Holly told her. ‘Not that I can talk, but your taste in men is terrible!’
Cath flicked her a V-sign, and continued, ‘And the Mancinis are doing a lot of the driving and a lot of the dealing now, so they’re well happy being part of the Nicholls’ operation. Mason’s about to croak, your dad won’t give a shit who’s doing what … I dunno. My family just do their thing no matter who’s in charge, whether it’s legal or not, as long as they get paid.’ She thought for a moment. ‘Except my mum, but she’s got the chippie, hasn’t she? Anyway, Dev would never hurt you, Holly, whatever’s going on. Did you know he’s a journo now though? Freelance and does a bit for all the red tops. Lots of dramz and uncovering juicy stories.’
‘No! Since when? I knew he was a writer but I never thought of journalist.’ A journalist – Devril had chosen a profession that they had all hated ever since Larissa’s death. It was almost as bad as joining the police. Holly bit her lip, swallowing hard. Her experience of journalists, from Jay’s trial to the present interest surrounding Jay’s son, wasn’t good. They were tricky bastards, and they wrote whatever they wanted, no matter what you said. ‘You never said!’
‘You never asked. Actually it was only the day before you had the car accident that I found out, so there hasn’t exactly been a good moment to tell you. I heard a bit of gossip, and I’m a nosy cow, aren’t I? Hell, you know what this place is like, but I googled him and for once the old bags are right. The word is he’s come back to get a story on Niko’s release, but I’m sure that’s a load of crap. Niko’s hardly the most interesting crim, is he? But Jayden, fuck me, my mind is totally blown …’ Cath shook her head, blue eyes suspiciously bright as she chattered away. ‘We need to change the subject for a bit, so I can get my head around this. Talk to me, Holly. How’s Tom behaving? Any more bitchy texts? I bet he’s absolutely loving all this drama. It proves he was right all along about your dodgy past.’
Holly was still thinking about Devril’s career change. It wasn’t mentioned on his social media pages. She had supposed he must be a copywriter or something. It had never crossed her mind he would be a reporter. Had he been following her? What story could he hope to get out of her? ‘Tom’s still an arsehole. He also thinks the accident proves I’m an unfit mother and he accused me of sleeping around. Actually, since I asked him about the texts they’ve stopped coming. He told me I was going crazy and I must have sent them to myself.’
Cath rolled her eyes, seizing her sandwich and taking a huge bite, as Holly continued, ‘He popped round with another massive gift for Milo, and pissed off back to his fancy lecture tour. Total bastard. What about Liam?’ Cath’s most recent ex had left her with another child and more heartbreak.
Her friend swallowed hard and ran a long bubble-gum-pink nail across her lips before she answered. ‘Total bastard. Hasn’t paid any child support for the last three months now, and he’s shacked up with some other girl in Panfield. It’s like history repeating itself. They can all fuck off, the whole lot of them!’ Suddenly she was crying and laughing at the same time, tears streaming down her cheeks, and spluttering crumbs and spit. ‘Oh fuck, Holly, what are we going to do? I’m not sure I can handle this. Jay’s been dead for a long time now, and I’m not sure I want to deal with all that stuff again. And what are you going to do about his kid? I really, really want to feel like I’ve moved on, but we never can, can we, if this is true?’
Holly moved across to sit next to her best friend and wrapped her arms around her skinny body. ‘I know, I don’t think I can take any more either, not with the divorce and everything. Hey, did you get a new necklace? That’s cute.’
Cath rested her head on her friend’s shoulder, her voice muffled as she spoke into Holly’s navy jumper. ‘Got it on sale. We should be glad if Jay’s not dead. If only he could see us now, he’d be gutted we’re not dancing on the table and opening another bottle of Prosecco.’
‘Depends why he’s back. Depends why they’re all back, doesn’t it really?’ Holly murmured, half to herself. They clung together for a moment, before the baby monitor flickered and emitted a high-pitched wail.
When the babies were settled comfortably on Holly and Cath’s laps with their