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Schematic illustration of Alternating circuits.
S: The apparent power S = E × I, given in units of volt‐amperes or VA.
P: The active power P = E × I × cos φ, where φ is the angle between the voltage and the current. P is given in units of watts.
Q: The reactive power Q = E × I × sin φ, given in units of volt‐amperes‐reactive or VAR.

      The active power P of a circuit indicates a real energy flow. This is power that may be dissipated on a resistance as heat, or may be transformed into mechanical energy. However, the use of the word “power” in the definition of S and Q has been an unfortunate choice that has resulted in confounding most individuals without an electrical engineering background for many years. The fact is that apparent power and reactive power do not represent any measure of real energy. They do represent the reactive characteristic of a given load or circuit, and the resulting angle (power factor) between the current and voltage. This angle between voltage and current significantly affects the operation of an electric machine.

Schematic illustration of the power triangle in a reactive circuit. Schematic illustration of a simple system in one-line form. Schematic illustration for case 1. The load is purely resistive in this example, and the system is operating at the unity power factor. Schematic illustration of Case 2. The load is resistive and inductive in this example, and the system is operating in the lagging power factor range.

      Although the “real” power consumed is the same, the addition of the reactive component in Case 2 has caused an increase in current drawn from the generator, an increase in line losses, a higher volt drop across the line, and, therefore, a higher voltage required from the generator source.

       TABLE 1.3-1 A comparison of Case 1 and Case 2

Load 100 kW 100 kW and 50 kVAR
Power consumed by the load (kW) 100 100
Current (A) 57.8 64.6
Line losses (kW) 33.4 41.6
Voltage drop along line (V) 817 913
Required delivery voltage at generating end (V) 1680 1892

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